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The Fool's Adventures In Scrubdom

Creator: Foolamancer August 28, 2013 8:29am
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 4, 2013 8:06pm | Report

The first game that wasn't a grind or a complete stomp. Well played by both teams.

Bans were Blitzcrank, Kassadin, Hecarim, Vayne, Shen, and Lee Sin.

Ultimately, this game was all about the fact that Teemo just stops Tryndamere dead in his tracks. We started out the game fairly well; Lissadra was getting kicked around by Zed in the middle lane, and Tryndamere was pushing hard so I couldn't really gank for him up top, but I camped bottom heavily and got Miss Fortune to 5/0/1 by the fifteen minute mark. I myself was 1/1/5, having died during one gank due to Amumu having showed up unexpectedly (though we killed him as well).

They took an early dragon and tower lead, but we clawed it back. The problem, though, was that Tryndamere wanted to splitpush, but he couldn't do it against Teemo. He was starting to die a lot, and both Teemo and Zed were getting pretty fed off of their lane opponents. Miss Fortune and I carried teamfights hard, because Cataclysm + Bullet Time is OP, but since they could splitpush on demand and we had no real answer, they had a distinct advantage.

We still managed to keep the game very even up until the very end. We got the first Baron, but the second one was rough, with both teams dancing around for a long time, looking for an opening. I finally found an engage, but we lost the ensuing fight because Lissandra accidentally ulted Nami (and after Tidal Wave had already been dropped to boot). A silly mistake on her part, but it happens. We got aced as a result, though, and lost.


- I could probably have found a better engage at the end there. Even though it was Lissandra's missed ultimate that sealed the deal, the engage itself was very shaky, and if I had found a better opening, we might have won.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2013 9:41am | Report

Bans were Zac, Evelynn, Thresh, Amumu, Blitzcrank, and Shen.

The game started out rather slow. Since we were purple side, I went up to gank Renekton immediately after taking red buff, but I think I walked into minion vision range by accident while moving into the lane bushes, because he played very safe as soon as I arrived. Meanwhile, Hecarim got First Blood in the bottom lane, so we were a bit behind, but Corki answered by killing Sona.

Kassadin started the game with two wards, and Hecarim was hovering around mid lane playing bodyguard duty, so I couldn't really make anything happen there. The first real successful gank of the game for me came when I headed down to the bottom lane. Miss Fortune and Sona had Leona and Corki pinned to our tower, so I just E-Q'd over the wall and handed Corki a double. Hecarim attempted to come in and countergank, but was more than a little late to the party, so that was a free kill for me, and when Kassadin showed up immediately afterwards, I snatched another. We grabbed a free dragon in the bargain.

That was basically it for their team. I just roamed the map murdering people and counterganked both Hecarim and their constantly-roaming Kassadin over and over for free kills. They surrendered at twenty minutes.


- My only death this game happened just as they surrendered. I was holding the middle tower against the entire enemy team, stepped a little too far forward, and got chain-CC'd by every ultimate they had. It was still really dumb of them, since Katarina just got a free quadra immediately after due to them burning absolutely everything, but I didn't need to die there.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2013 11:03am | Report

Bans were Amumu, Thresh, Hecarim, Blitzcrank, Malphite, and Shen.

The enemy jungler chose Shaco. He chose a champion which is a walking insult to the other jungler's intelligence. So I made his loved ones suffer.

Seriously, though, Shaco just did nothing this game. We were blue side, and I was going to start at my red buff anyway. I told Jax to guard blue and the rest of the team to help me at red. Lo and behold, Shaco does exactly what I was expecting him to do, and waltzes in for a one-man invade attempt to stack up his Jack In The Boxes in my wraith bush. We catch him, he burns Ignite on me for no reason, and runs off since Lux missed her Light Binding. I happily resume taking my red buff, then simply E-Q combo past the wraith bush, since, for some reason, he thought I was dumb enough to just walk back in there after I knew he was waiting.

He didn't even slow me down. I just grabbed my blue, went top, handed Jax First Blood against Renekton, and then spent the rest of the game wandering around murdering everyone. We took dragons, towers, kills, Shaco's buffs, everything. They simply didn't have a jungler, while I was murdering the **** out of everyone on their team constantly.


- Honestly, I could probably have stolen both of Shaco's buffs at the beginning, because I knew he was making the stupidest opening play in the history of ever. Even after killing Renekton, I still probably had time to steal the red, but I didn't. I'm not sure it's an actual mistake, but it's something to consider.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2013 12:37pm | Report


Bans were Amumu, Thresh, Hecarim, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, and Malphite.

Our first pick was Graves, and was duo'd with Alistar. As you can see, Alistar really should not be playing ranked. Not only did he rush Warmog's Armor as support Alistar, he never bought a single ward* (no one but me did, actually) and very obviously didn't actually know how to play Alistar. He couldn't grasp the idea of Headbutt/ Pulverize. There were multiple times when he Headbutted the enemy Jax away by lunging forward into the entire enemy team, then not using Pulverize, killing himself.

As if that wasn't enough, they outright demanded to be given the top lane and for Shen to go bot against one of the hardest-zoning and best-pushing AD carries. So Shen was pretty much screwed from the start.

Jax and I both spent most of the game trying to help out our 1v2 lanes. The difference between us was that their duolane was competent and could push, while ours was entirely incompetent and could not. So we had two losing lanes, one lane that was strictly even, and no jungler. That's basically it.

If that wasn't enough to clinch it, though, Graves didn't seem to grasp the concepts of: a) not wandering off alone into the fog of war, b) letting Shen do the splitpushing since he has Stand United and we sort of need the AD carry to hold towers, and c) not flaming the hell out of the Shen he screwed over. We just got dove because the enemy team knew our AD carry wasn't there and our support was a non-factor.


- Honestly, I should have just put my foot down about the "shen go bot" thing.

*: The one in his inventory is the only one, and I just now noticed it. He must have bought it after we all died during the final teamfight.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2013 1:23pm | Report

Bans were Kassadin, Fizz, Thresh, Amumu, Blitzcrank, and Shen.

A fairly simple game. Twisted Fate was apparently flaming his team for the entire game, since he ended up going bot with Ashe when he wanted to go mid. I forced Garen's Flash up top, Ezreal got First Blood down bot, and Lissandra and Brand just butted heads all game.

There wasn't much I could do in mid, since Lissandra had even started the game with two wards and never left base without another two (and since she was keeping the lane shoved to Brand's tower pretty much constantly, she could back without fear of losing too much CS, and thus always had wards up). Bot lane was pretty much handling itself. But I was easily able to get Irelia snowballing hard with three successful ganks to her lane, plus one failed countergank by Vi that only succeeded in handing Irelia another kill. That was when I died, though; Garen hit level 6 mid-fight and ulted me unexpectedly.

With Irelia snowballing hard, I headed down to bot, since Twisted Fate had stopped buying wards and Vi had apparently decided that she was going to focus on camping that lane. I counterganked her a few times, Irelia came down to countergank a few more times since she got her tower so early, and we just took free dragons all day.

They surrendered after Twisted Fate ragequit.


- That skirmish where I died could probably have been executed better.
- I wasted a lot of time early on trying to find an opening to gank Lissandra. She's a difficult champion to gank at the best of times. When she continued to play extremely safely the entire time, I should have just given up and moved on to a lane that I might have had some chance of success with.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2013 5:07pm | Report

Bans were Shen, Thresh, Amumu, Caitlyn, Fizz, and Blitzcrank.

I had a bad feeling about this game from the get-go. I know Skarner is a hyper-snowballing jungler, and he's one that I've considered playing a lot. I knew that, if he got an early lead, things would be tough.

He got an early lead. Surprise.

As you can probably guess by the death totals, Renekton and I were the only members of the team who consistently played safe ( Renekton mostly because all he did this game was splitpush). Orianna never bought any wards and started with a Doran's Ring (which she apparently sold at some point), so, unsurprisingly, Skarner just ate her over and over. Meanwhile, Ezreal and Nami needed no help to beat my bot lane.

I had several very good ganks on every lane and several counterganks against Skarner that kept this game from being a complete stomp. But, in the end, they had a 9/2 Lux while we had a 3/7 Orianna and Skarner simply snowballs harder than Jarvan IV.

We could probably still have won this game, but Renekton decided to dive into the enemy team while Orianna wasn't there to donate Command: Shockwave to the cause. We got aced and they won immediately afterward.


- During one gank on the bottom lane, when I was counterganking Skarner, Lux and Orianna showed up to join the party as well. I ended up tower-diving Lux and dying. Vayne got the kill, but I died in the process. That was unnecessary.
- At one point, I facechecked a bush that happened to contain a maddened Skarner, and could have survived if I had Flashed immediately or gone a different direction than the one I chose. I decided to be an idiot and save Flash until the last possible minute, which killed me.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2013 7:52pm | Report
Whee, multiple games!

Holy **** this game went bad in about every possible way. Not much to say other than that I made far too many mistakes to list and that I heavily regret pretty much everything that happened, up to and including choosing Skarner; I saw the opportunity with the immobile enemy team, but it didn't really work out. I outright fed this game, and deserved the loss entirely. I played like a Bronze V scrub rather than a Silver IV scrub.

This one was much better all around. Whenever I end a game with no deaths and more kill involvement than almost anyone else on the team, I know I've been doing my job.

I'm very upset that this didn't end up a perfect game, but I made one mistake during this one that cost me that death. I made about the ****tiest engagement of all time while Annie had a stun Summon: Tibbers at the ready. We were just lucky that we didn't lose an inhibitor off of that.

Other than that, though, flawless game. Took every single dragon as soon as it spawned, got good ganks in on every lane, initiated well every time except that one, and eventually won the game with a perfect five-man Glacial Prison while the enemy was trying desperation Baron. We only lost one lane's towers, and that was after that ****ty engage; they got all our midlane towers, but we stopped them from taking the inhibitor.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 10:33am | Report

Jesus. This is the first time I have ever raged in after-game chat, but ******* did these guys ever earn it.

Bans were Malphite, Singed, Amumu, Blitzcrank, Shen, and Ahri.

This game started out boring as hell for me. Every lane was taking care of itself, except top, which I had to hang around a lot. It wasn't losing, but the enemy Dr. Mundo was constantly sitting in the bush, so I just sat there and scared him off. Neither Mundo nor myself accomplished anything during this part.

We had a huge lead during the early to mid game. Pretty much every kill we got was during the laning phase. We had all three inhibitors down, since they couldn't save any lane and were really bad about grouping, so we were preparing to push for the win. I had basically no kill involvement because, again, every lane was taking care of itself, but I had helped to take several dragons. Then, just as the first real teamfight was going to break out, Graves told Caitlyn to stop feeding.

That ended the game right there. Both Caitlyn and Graves had the emotional maturity of five-year olds. Caitlyn went AFK in base, then started wandering our jungle and farming creep camps while the enemy team rallied, constantly making comments in /all like "I am the reason you will win", "4v5 kill Graves and it's gg", and so on. And Graves just kept antagonizing her.

That was it. We couldn't win. We had a 4v5 against a team with a Nasus and a Dr. Mundo. We took multiple Barons, took their inhibitors over and over, but we couldn't win because Caitlyn decided to be an idiot and throw.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 11:17am | Report

Bans were Kassadin, Vayne, Hecarim, Zed, Shen, and Thresh.

Darius fed, Twisted Fate fed, and Blitzcrank fed. Ashe and I were both doing very well - 2/0/3 and 3/0/3 during the initial stages, respectively - but when top and mid have lost their towers by the ten minute mark, then Blitzcrank dies and loses not only the bot tower but the dragon, there isn't much you can do. They had a better late-game team than we did, and our team just sucked too hard to win the early game.

Blitzcrank started whining about how I was "too passive" and "didn't tank" towards the end. I find that kind of player hilarious - the ones who run headfirst into the enemy team, then complain about "wow no focus". But yeah. No kills past the opening stages, since they had damage and tankiness and we had neither.


- Only one of my deaths could really have been avoided (the other was a last-ditch fight to try and save the nexus). I screwed up an E-Q during one skirmish and ended up too close to Jax.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 12:07pm | Report

R.I.P. perfect game ;-;7

Bans were Blitzcrank, Aatrox, Kassadin, Thresh, Evelynn, and Amumu.

I just stomped everyone. About all there is to it. I scored an easy First Blood when counterganking Elise up top, picked up an early Mobility Boots and The Brutalizer, and became an unstoppable killing machine.


- We gave up a dragon to a Piltover Peacemaker because my Smite was on cooldown. Should have known better.

EDIT: Oh yeah. My one death was literally at the same moment the nexus exploded. They burned everything on me trying to get me to stop hitting it, and the very last Caitlyn autoattack was just barely enough to finish the job. But I had already killed the nexus.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett

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