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The Ranked Misadventures of TheSilverDust

Creator: TheSilverDust June 12, 2015 10:16pm
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2016 10:42pm | Report
Oopsie, I copy-paste too much. Fixed it.
Sig made by me!
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2016 11:21pm | Report

[S6] GAME 29


Masteries (Keystone):

12-18-0 ( Thunderlord's Decree )



Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Ability Sequence:

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Major Items Sequence:

Farsight Alteration -> Frost Queen's Claim -> Boots of Swiftness -> Rod of Ages -> Blasting Wand ( Rabadon's Deathcap)

Pick Number Overall:


Why Pick *insert champion here*?:

I am a support main, but I really want to play mid.

During the Game:

I should've dodge it. Lee Sin went AFK for picking support. I was ahead to Heimerdinger in terms of CS, but not on kill participation. We lost miserably.

What should I improve/commend:

I-I don't know... I'm really lost in that game.

I need help. ;-; I cannot really climb on my division. Will my misadventures happen every time I play?
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig! (Tekken!)
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2016 5:21pm | Report
Seeing you play a lot of support (and a lot of Lulu) you might want to try Greater Mark of Armor. As an utility mage, the magic penetration is not that useful, and the armor marks allow for 9 hp or scaling hp seals. For tanky supports it is my go to mark, too, since any offensive stats would most likely be of little use.

If you don't believe me compare them to the primary Greater Seal of Armor and you'll see they give nearly the same amount of armor, even if they are secondary.
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2016 6:21pm | Report
Back when Greater Seal of Armor got nerfed, it was pretty quickly figured out that Greater Seal of Health is superior in every way. I don't know about Greater Mark of Armor. Personally, I just run Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration on supports like Lulu, because their damage, especially early, is ridiculous. 8 armor late or early game doesn't do that much, whereas there is a noticeable damage drop without hybrid pen marks. To each their own, I guess.

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theyouiporit's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2016 6:35pm | Report
I need help.;-; I cannot really climb on my division. Will my disadventures happen every time I play?

I've got some advise:
Git gud.
Spoiler: Click to view

Anyways, that's my own experience. Hope it was useful to you.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the awesome signature!
Don't forget to Rep+ if my comment was useful!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2016 7:05pm | Report
It's definitely easier to just play a carry role (mid for example) in lower elos (no offence meant or anything), but if you want to stick with support then I suggest playing someone like Brand who can pretty much carry bot lane and mid game all on his own. He's easy to play and at least worth checking out.

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2016 11:14pm | Report
Back when Greater Seal of Armor got nerfed, it was pretty quickly figured out that Greater Seal of Health is superior in every way. I don't know about Greater Mark of Armor.
Back when Greater Seal of Armor got nerfed, Riot forgot to nerf the armor quints, marks and glyphs accordingly, so we now have 4.3 armor quints and 0.91 armor marks. If you ever want to take defensive quints, you'll probably want to make sure they're armor ones.

Personally, I just run Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration on supports like Lulu, because their damage, especially early, is ridiculous. 8 armor late or early game doesn't do that much, whereas there is a noticeable damage drop without hybrid pen marks. To each their own, I guess.
Maybe Lulu isn't the best champion for armor marks. I do use them on Janna and everyone of my tanky supports (although Nautilus could use hybrid pen now that you mention it). IDK how meta they are, but they give a nice boost on early survivability by sacrificing sometimes marginal damage.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 19, 2016 4:48am | Report
Back when Greater Seal of Armor got nerfed, it was pretty quickly figured out that Greater Seal of Health is superior in every way.

They're only superior if you get armor elsewhere in your runes. So if you're getting armor from your marks or quints (at least 2 armor quints), then you can take flat HP seals. Otherwise you'll overall likely be squishier if you just take HP seals over armor seals, but it depends on each individual case of how much magic damage you take compared to physical damage.

On Lulu support you can either go x9 armor marks, x9 HP seals, x9 AP glyphs, x3 AP quints, or you can go x9 magic/hybrid pen, x9 HP seals, x9 AP glyphs, x2 armor quints, x1 AP quint.

It's hard to argue which page is better in practice as their strengths lie in different areas; the former gives slightly more utility in better shields and ults because it has more AP, while the former gives slightly more damage in lane. So just try both and use whichever you prefer.
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 19, 2016 11:27am | Report
Ekki wrote:
Back when Greater Seal of Armor got nerfed, Riot forgot to nerf the armor quints, marks and glyphs accordingly, so we now have 4.3 armor quints and 0.91 armor marks. If you ever want to take defensive quints, you'll probably want to make sure they're armor ones.

Agreed on that part. I do run armor marks and quints on about half of my supports - I just tend to prefer a little more offense on people like Lulu and Nami.

Ekki wrote:
Maybe Lulu isn't the best champion for armor marks. I do use them on Janna and everyone of my tanky supports (although Nautilus could use hybrid pen now that you mention it). IDK how meta they are, but they give a nice boost on early survivability by sacrificing sometimes marginal damage.

I've been out of the game for a while now, I have no idea what's meta. I have no idea what pros run, just saying that for higher damage supports like Lulu, Nami, and Annie, hybrid pen marks seem to work fine for me. I tend to just run straight AP pages (9x hybrid pen marks, 9x scaling health seals, 9x flat magic resist glyphs, 3x flat AP quints). Probably not the best page if you are learning a champion, but it works for me.

They're only superior if you get armor elsewhere in your runes. So if you're getting armor from your marks or quints (at least 2 armor quints), then you can take flat HP seals. Otherwise you'll overall likely be squishier if you just take HP seals over armor seals, but it depends on each individual case of how much magic damage you take compared to physical damage.

On Lulu support you can either go x9 armor marks, x9 HP seals, x9 AP glyphs, x3 AP quints, or you can go x9 magic/hybrid pen, x9 HP seals, x9 AP glyphs, x2 armor quints, x1 AP quint.

It's hard to argue which page is better in practice as their strengths lie in different areas; the former gives slightly more utility in better shields and ults because it has more AP, while the former gives slightly more damage in lane. So just try both and use whichever you prefer.

I'll defer to your knowledge on this - like I've said, been out of the game a while, and the highest I ever reached when maining support was Plat 1, and that was way back in Season 3. Things were different then.

If I helped you, click that +rep!
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2016 4:33pm | Report

[S6] GAME 30


Masteries (Keystone):

18-12-0 ( Deathfire Touch )



Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Ability Sequence:

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Major Items Sequence:

Athene's Unholy Grail -> Zhonya's Hourglass -> Farsight Alteration -> Sorcerer's Shoes -> Rabadon's Deathcap

Pick Number Overall:


Why Pick *insert champion here*?:

I want to do wombo combos. And I haven't played Orianna for a while.

During the Game:

LOL This game is cancer.

Darius doesn't ward his lane, that's why he fed Lee Sin so hard. Varus is always caught off guard, which explains his high number of deaths. Thankfuly, Shaco's fed AF. But the fact that we are clearly losing there makes us lose our confidence to comeback.

But the fact that Yasuo and Jinx isn't helping their team at all makes a small opening for us to win the game. We destroyed two inhibitors but couldn't take their Nexus turrets. And while they're taking Baron Nashor, Darius, Sejuani, Shaco, and I attempted to steal it. THey successfully took it, and killed Sejuani in the process. But Shaco and Varus rushed to their base and wrecked the Nexus while Darius and I are distracting the whole enemy team (Killed Yasuo in the process).

This. Game. Is. Cancer.

What should I improve/commend:

+I rarely used my ult, but when used, it's sick.
+Muted Darius.
+Saved many ***es with my shield and speed field.

-Wrong masteries.
-Haven't made the Command: Shockwave- Glacial Prison wombo combo.
Sig made by me!

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