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Vapora's Ranked Journey to ... Whatever he...

Creator: Vapora Dark September 13, 2012 8:06pm
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2012 1:18pm | Report
Not enough Black Cleavers.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2012 2:14pm | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

Not enough Black Cleavers.

Well... To be fair, I WAS going to recall and get more in this last game. :(

Verus Vox, my pre-made asked me to pick Jayce for him so he could go top. I said I didn't have Jayce, so he went into a rage-fit and told me to pick my champ myself. I had to first pick Talon because I've decided I'm only going to play Talon and skip any games where I don't get to play him, and their 1st pick picked Cho. I was worried it would be an AP Cho mid and as I found out later on when the game started, it was. Anyway, their 2nd pick pick picked Olaf, so when it was Verus Vox's turn to pick, he picked... Teemo. Someone I COULD have picked for him. :l I had previously said to him that if the Cho was going mid I was going to skip, but towards the end I decided to just play it out, so however it ended up on my Talon stats, it would make my Talon ranked stats seem "fairer", if you know what I mean. Basically, I decided I didn't want to sweeten up my Talon stats by skipping any game I knew I would most probably lose / go negative, so I decided to just play the game. Mundo helped out by ganking 3 times, and the rest of the time I roamed. My tower went down pretty early, but it didn't really matter because I was leaving their AD carry underleveled and underfarmed. We also dragoned after one of our bot lane double kills.

Cho'gath killed me twice in between ganks when I went onto lane to get some farm, because silence, knock up and a 3rd of my max HP as true damage as well as Ignite OP. But I generally did well, and I went legendary at one point. In the end I was pretty happy that I didn't skip the queue. ^^ And it shows that even with the possibility of getting countered by a bruiser mid, Talon isn't unviable.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2012 2:19pm | Report
I don't see how Talon counters Diana. How does she not win trades with her shield...? :/

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2012 2:28pm | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

I don't see how Talon counters Diana. How does she not win trades with her shield...? :/

I was probably throwing around the word counter there actually, I lost to the first Diana I played against. But once I knew her it was just easy as hell. I run full ArPen in runes against her because I don't need much mobility, as she's meelee. Basically, if she turns her shield on, I know she thinks she's going to win any trades against me and will therefore be willing to trade, so I trade with her, take off about half her HP before her shield refreshes, then once her shield refreshes, I walk away to not waste any more damage. This has won me all trades against every Diana I've played against. She basically doesn't actually have enough damage to trade, despite her shield. I usually get like 4 auto-attacks on her when trading, which hurts more than HER 4 auto-attacks because I'm running full ArPen and buying AD. If she tries to trade auto-attacks against me, she loses the trade. If instead of trying to trade auto-attacks she tries to get away from me, Rake's slow allows me to get more auto-attacks on her to make the trade come out even more in my favour. In both scenarios I win.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2012 4:31am | Report
Someone banned Talon, just had to leave champ select. This is officially project Talon btw.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2012 6:32am | Report
This loss was ******ed, it was such an easy win, **** my team.

I had to leave my last 2 champion selects because of 2 people completely ignoring my arrangement with my pre-made and locking into a mid. So even though they're 2nd pick was Mordekaiser I told my pre-made to pick me Talon anyway, because I didn't feel like leaving for a 3rd time, even if I had just counter-picked myself. Our 3rd pick afk'd during his turn to pick, and it auto-locked him into Nasus. We got into the game and he had AP runes. ok. Then it turned out their Riven had refused to not go top, so she'd locked into Riven when they already had a Darius top lane ( who I later discovered was someone from my friend's list ). Ez went solo bot against Draven and Nami went top to support Nasus. When I was lvl 5 I was going to gank top, but I saw Lee Sin had just failed a gank there and had gone back into his jungle on about 40% HP. Hoping that he was going for wraiths I went to the bush at the wraiths and waited for him, and hooray, he came. I killed him, but his red buff ran out like a second before I killed him, then I went back mid for level 6, then ganked bot as Ez, who I was on Skype with, was complaining that Draven's axes were too much for him to handle. He stupidly tried to fight Draven while I was half-way bot, and narrowly managed to escape death with his E. Then as I got there to insta-gib Draven, he got cocky and tried to attack Draven with me, and died to Draven's ignite. I recalled, and got a Brutalizer and a Doran's Blade, then went back mid. I used Rake to take off Mordekaiser's shield, then used cutthroat and Noxian Diplomacy, then stared at my screen like a ****** when I saw it take off half his HP. He recalled so I ganked top and got a kill there on Darius, without the use of my ult, then went back mid just as Mord arrived. Before he could get his shield up I burst him with my ult and ignite and it just insta-gibbed him straight away. So I ganked bot again, and told my pre-made on Skype that I was ganking. And so while I was half-way there, once again he started to fight Draven, and he just auto-attacked Draven until he died, despite me telling him on Skype to just walk away. He said "Nah, it was too late anyway". I honestly have no idea why he was being so ******ed, but I managed to kill Draven, although Ez didn't get an assist. And so the rest of the game just continued being me roaming and killing. When mid-game rolled in and we had a ****ing massive advantage, like, team stats were 18/8 or something, Nasus disconnected. After about 5 minutes he reconnected again and we still had a massive advantage, which I'd been able to maintain by being able to one-shot anyone on their team. So we went mid and Mundo said "Drag?". I said "okay" but he just stood in mid, then disconnected. :l About 5 minutes later he reconnected, and we tried to start some teamfights, but Ez was constantly afk farming bot, complaining that he hadn't been able to farm with Draven on his lane, so even though we'd managed to push to their inhibitor turret about 25 minutes in, that was as far as we were able to reach. We were always at a disadvantage in numbers in teamfights, and eventually they managed to get back into the game. I recalled to get an Oracle's to check if they had wards at baron so we could sneak it in and end it already, but Mundo + Nasus got caught and both died, and they ended up baroning instead. I noticed Lee Sin use that AoE spell of his on the baron just before he killed it though, so I dived in 1v5, killed Mord and just walked away under my ult. But the rest of them had buffs, and we just lost easily.
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2012 6:59am | Report
riveting tale chap

(I actually did read it all, I just wanted to say that :P)
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2012 7:07am | Report
^^ really need to learn to not make massive walls of test.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2012 10:09am | Report
Lol wow, never leaving a ranked queue again. When I considered it because I'd been countered by Cho'gath, I won the lane. Now we just had a troll who refused to let me and my pre-made stick to our plan and locked in Ahri, but I continued as Talon anyway, and we won the game as 2 mid.

Stats screen refused to show itself in the game after that, but:

Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2012 10:31am | Report
LOL enemy team picked Talon, had to leave!

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