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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2017 4:17pm | Report

It didn't feel like we were down as much gold as we were because we kept winning team fights until we weren't. Basically come late game we had a lot of trouble keeping Dr. Mundo off of Twitch, whose kiting skills were pretty much non-existent. That and the gold lead finally caught up with us. GG.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2017 5:17pm | Report

I guess Ezreal had to go take a **** because I was left holding down Bot lane by myself for about 5 or more minutes well into laning phase. If Jhin and Morgana had pushed harder I wouldn't have been able to fend them off. Unfortuntely Top and Mid were also struggling so Quinn was busy there, sometimes dying in the process. I think Riven starting inting toward the end as she keep running places and standing still long enough for us to catch her. Then we started focusing Jayce who was their most fed team member and the game started to turn in out favor.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2017 6:17pm | Report

Not my finest Nocturne game. Went a little too ham on a couple of occasions. Fortunately Gangplank was ****ping on Fiora and Lee Sin pretty much by himself. I came up and helped GP kill Fiora again and she went AFK after that. The rest of the team was doing reasonably well so in light of that and the DC the opposing team surrendered.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2017 8:20pm | Report

Okay, made a mistake in the beginning going with a full clear and I need to also pay attention to the lanes better when I am invaded, especially after I've blown my Flash. Honestly I don't even know if I would play Zac against Graves. He does way too much damage before you ever get tanky. Anyway, got invaded at my red buff which I asked Annie or Gangplank to ward just in case. Blew flash. Then decided to take Krugs to get some farm, but Graves hadn't left yet so he hopped over the wall and I got tag teamed by Fiora, otherwise I might have made it to the turret before he killed me. So that was a rough start to the game.

And then Sivir got pissed off that Gangplank didn't quite get his ult on target which allowed their team to get away with IIRC only one death instead of probably ?3? So then she just ran up Top lane every time she spawned until someone killed her. She actually managed to get one of their inhibitors and Nexus turrets when they were doing Dragon. Go her. But pretty much the rest of the game we were trying to win team fights 4v5 without our ADC, who does a boat load of AoE crit damage which probably would have come in handy.

Well, all thing considered not too bad for how many games I've played to have only one rager.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2017 9:46pm | Report

Oy. Had a terrible early game. Lee Sin was in my *****. And every time I turned around a corner I ran into one of them rotating for something and that something became me. Fortunately the team didn't say anything about it and I was able farm my way back into the game, get some items, and start making plays.

In one case I suspected Lee was hanging around Riven because Riven was hanging around on really low health, but I guessed the wrong bush and ended up eating a Lee Q to the face. So I violated my rule of every bush has a Garen with ult up and paid for it.

Our team just kept at it. It is amazing what you can actually do if people don't start griefing at each other when things aren't go well.

Ended up going old school to deal with Cho'Gath come later in the game, which worked out nicely because I had enough lifesteal to go toe to toe with Riven and still enough damage to delete Caitlyn pretty much every time I got onto her.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2017 10:47pm | Report

This went pretty smoothly, despite a scare when Orianna, who was doing well vs Master Yi disconnected for a couple of minutes. We were far enough ahead that we were still making progress without her.

Learned the secret of feeling like you are ahead. Steal the other junglers camps. I know that but I felt like it made a real difference on Malphite vs some other recent games I've played with him. Stealing a couple of raptor camps from Poppy kept me in the money while not actively clearing my side of the jungle as much. Also it puts you closer to your laners than your own camps generally do and it puts you behind the enemy champions which most people don't expect and it lets you keep track of the enemy jungler, which I think is what LS was trying to say in some of his videos. Obviously you need to be as safe as possible about it, but if you can manage it then that seems to be the way to go.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2017 5:47am | Report

AP Varus Mid and AP Teemo ADC/APC and Talon jg. Interesting combination. They kept getting away by the skin of their teeth on so many occasions. Then Illaoi in Top lane. I mostly left her alone except to clear the tower when Lulu died or had to back and the occasional roam to clear out some of her tentacles for Lulu. Teemo shrooms freaking everywhere. Good early dragon control. Bad later Dragon control, which was two infernals to our two earth dragons. We could melt Baron and objectives though.

Really not sure how Talon had 6 CS when he tried to gank Top. He didn't take scuttle, so he should have only had 5.

Made a poor choice to invade their Bot side jungle after I saw Talon Top lane. I didn't estimate for the fact that he can jump over walls to get back into the jungle. That got me killed and drug Lucian and Braum into when they didn't need to be.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2017 7:16am | Report

Their team comp invited an armadillo. Rammus I think falls into the simple category. Main thing is remembering that his Q, Powerball cancels Defensive Ball Curl, so use Q first. Top lane was struggling a tad, other than that we pretty much had this one on lock down.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2017 12:52pm | Report why does the laner that blames the jungler for not-ganking never help the jungler when they are getting invaded?

Also "Hey Bot lane. Hecarim is on your side of the map and you don't have a ward up." 5 seconds later queue Charge of the Light Brigade. Dead Bot lane....

Camille was winning early, but was not responsive to anything else on the map. Zed was roaming at will. Hecarim was invading my Red side jungle with the support of Zed and Jayce. Didn't really matter how much armor I built I was dead a few seconds after the rest of my team. Feels bad to build like a tank and not feel like a tank. Gotta love flat and % armor pen on freaking everyone.

Would've picked Rammus into their comp if I could see before hand, but I was first pick.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2017 7:33pm | Report

This started off nicely. Found Nocturne taking scuttle crab and punched him in the face for it. I figured he backed so I went to take his Krugs since Kled had Kayle pushed into her turret. Found Nocturne at his Krugs and almost killed him then took the remainder of the camp. While walking back Kayle had done a turn around on Kled so I helped him kill her. All good, right...

Ahri got destroyed. Zed roamed and killed everyone before anyone had any armor. Kled did his level best to turn the game around. Lucian wouldn't STFU the entire game. I understand being frustrated, but it doesn't help to have the chat spammed with it. Type less and play more.

Need to pay more attention to Edge of Night shields. Not as obvious as a Morgana shield.

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