I must read up on these Taric top lanes. Just to say, from 50,000 of the most recent games taken in from the RIOT API, 149 of them had a Taric in them and he has a 53% winrate. He's actually got a better winrate than Jax with a 52% winrate therefore whoever the hell is currently playing Taric, knows what the **** is going on.
In other words, Taric top might actually be legit but without a trends tool on rankup, I can't tell right now.
In other words, Taric top might actually be legit but without a trends tool on rankup, I can't tell right now.
Honestly, the only good thing about
Taric is that he still has a targeted stun, so no effort is required to buttonmash his other AoE skills to burst morons.

The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Honestly, the only good thing about
Taric is that he still has a targeted stun, so no effort is required to buttonmash his other AoE skills to burst morons.

Not really the only thing. He's a decent laner and can shut down a lot of mobility + he's really good vs multiple AD teams or in a meta that tends to delay armour pen (like this one). His weakness has always been that he just doesn't offer much but aura's in teamfights and that its almost impossible to stun important targets without flash, but in a more snowbally meta that is compensated for.
He's on the radar for a rework from what I've heard, I just haven't felt like he was worth playing for a long time.
Not going to say he's super strong all of a sudden, but he's pretty good in certain situations. He can shut down someone like Kalista/Graves/Lucian pretty well in the early game and transition well into late as long as it's versus primarily physical damage.
The targeted stun on
Dazzle is most of what makes him consistent though, isn't it? It really just requires being in range and nothing else, which always seemed like one of the main reasons he used to be such ******** when
Shatter was really strong. It was pretty hard kill him when
Shatter wasn't on CD and you couldn't easily win trades against him either because
Dazzle into
Shatter on your ADC would drop their armor by a decent amount and there was very little counterplay for it since it never really required any skill to pull off.
Shatter is still nice against a lot of AD because armor aura, which you can't get in an item anymore, but it's kinda been nerfed pretty hard at this point.

Opinion on cinderhulk vs warrior enchantment for
Rek'Sai? Item changes and jungle changes prefer enchantment warrior more than cinderhulk so in my opinion warrior is proabably better but what's your opinion?

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Simply Warrior because games end early and early tankyness isn't as important as damage.
Even if you need tankyness afterwards, ad+hp items are still strong, especially the buffed
Frozen Mallet.
If you go
Enchantment: Cinderhulk, you should also get
Grasp of the Undying.
BTW: Get
Heal on support now,
Exhaust on ADC.
Even if you need tankyness afterwards, ad+hp items are still strong, especially the buffed

If you go

BTW: Get

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As for taric, I think hes ok at support. Haven't seen him top but I think its ok as well.