LoL Replay sucks. It crashes whenever I try to search games, meaning I have to individually look through every single game I've played until I find one that might be the one I'm looking for, and it bugs in-game if I try to use any of the options to alter the speed, to get to a certain part quicker, meaning I have to watch an entire game if I want to record something at the end. Also it makes your client not open, which sucks.
Vapora Dark wrote:
LoL Replay sucks. It crashes whenever I try to search games, meaning I have to individually look through every single game I've played until I find one that might be the one I'm looking for, and it bugs in-game if I try to use any of the options to alter the speed, to get to a certain part quicker, meaning I have to watch an entire game if I want to record something at the end. Also it makes your client not open, which sucks.
Works fine with me.
Maybe it hates you?
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I'm just going to wait the in client one then. My lol recorder makes my game bug sometimes and I can't upload games for some reasons.
This is probably a good idea.