To close a circle of 2 years... I find it rather unfun that nobody plays Singed atm. He was first nearly only played by Dyrus, then the OMFG STUPID HELL proxy started and now nobody plays him again. Is he really that bad? He is still tanky as ****, farms like a goddlike moron and literally ***** on everyone. Of course, his first levels are bad, but is the one of Mundo any better?
I miss the cc-reduction, at least the tear buff gives hope.
I miss the cc-reduction, at least the tear buff gives hope.
NicknameMy-No one plays Singed, because almost if not every popular top laner crushes him in lane. Singed has so many lane counters it's not even funny and promises of him doing stuff late game can only go so far+ everyone and their mom has gap closers, so it makes his job in teamfights even harder.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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how can ww be the best at something?