People are so silly...
You're in elo hell, your ad-carry sucks ballz hell... they're probably brazillian, they won't be dodging **** and your flash will only be up once every 3 minutes to eat them grabs, so tanky supports are only mild counters. Pølse has the right medicine against the grab fever though.
Morgana support, she can completely nullify everything a blitz does, if you get some AP you can nullify all his 3 CC's since he can't even break your dark shield. Make the robot cry and have nightmares until he'll learn to never ever firstpick blitz again unless the fallen angel ****-blocker is banned.
Also if you suck ballz as an ad-carry(like me) and love catching grabs till no end, get a banshee's veil 3rd item.. A low-damage ad-carry is better than a grabbed ad-carry. BUT if your reactions suck and you can't blackshield to save your life(or the ad-carries') then at least go for an EPIC melee support, some might even say he's the manliest guy in all of demacia, go for Jarvan: But why? He has a dash, you'll be interruping them blitzie grabs and then entrapping their ad-carry with you and blitzie boy in there, *******it yo we just nullified 2 of blitz's abilities and now it's time for your ad-carry to make some steaming hot loving to their ad and then pick up the double.
And last but also least, zyra can block blitz grabs with plants. But that's more by putting them defensively than immediately blocking it so i'm not that much of a fan of zyra as a blitz counter.
You're in elo hell, your ad-carry sucks ballz hell... they're probably brazillian, they won't be dodging **** and your flash will only be up once every 3 minutes to eat them grabs, so tanky supports are only mild counters. Pølse has the right medicine against the grab fever though.

Also if you suck ballz as an ad-carry(like me) and love catching grabs till no end, get a banshee's veil 3rd item.. A low-damage ad-carry is better than a grabbed ad-carry. BUT if your reactions suck and you can't blackshield to save your life(or the ad-carries') then at least go for an EPIC melee support, some might even say he's the manliest guy in all of demacia, go for Jarvan: But why? He has a dash, you'll be interruping them blitzie grabs and then entrapping their ad-carry with you and blitzie boy in there, *******it yo we just nullified 2 of blitz's abilities and now it's time for your ad-carry to make some steaming hot loving to their ad and then pick up the double.
And last but also least, zyra can block blitz grabs with plants. But that's more by putting them defensively than immediately blocking it so i'm not that much of a fan of zyra as a blitz counter.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
PsiGuard wrote:
It's actually much, MUCH easier to prevent it with Rocket Jump than with most of the above. Tristana has a small ~0.75 second animation time before she can actually Rocket Jump, and if she gets grabbed during that small piece of animation time, she will begin to get pulled, but interrupt the pull not even half-way through when her animation time is over, and she'll jump to wherever she tried to jump to. It isn't dodging the pull, it's more like canceling it.
It's more effective, IMO, than any of the other ones you mentioned, because you can click W 0.1 seconds before the grab hits you and you'll still cancel it and be fine. Whereas with any of the others that you mentioned ( with the exception of Ez ), if you only react 0.1 seconds before the grab hits you, the grab will hit you mid-dash, and you'll get grabbed anyway, with your dash on CD.
Ez's E can also be used for canceling the grab even after it hits him, because likewise it also goes through a small animation before occuring. It's SLIGHTLY more effective than Tristana's because it's a blink rather than a jump, meaning it can't be canceled mid-jump by the grab, so even if he clicks E too early and the grab doesn't hit him during his animation time, it just means he'll blink away without receiving damage from the grab at all.
It's equally easy to not get pulled right onto Blitz with Tristana and Ez, but it's easier to not take any damage at all from the grab with Ez. Other ADC's such as Graves and Vayne need to react faster than the other 2 because their dashes can be canceled by getting grabbed while dashing.
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Jarvan support isn't even comparable to Leona support.
How aren't they comparable? Both provide large amounts of CC, in similar manners, both are highly aggressive and require being ahead to function as well. Both have defensive options, both allow their carries to deal more damage (J4 giving Attack Speed and Leona's passive). Leona is the closest support to J4 Support.
rudyards wrote:
How aren't they comparable? Both provide large amounts of CC, in similar manners, both are highly aggressive and require being ahead to function as well. Both have defensive options, both allow their carries to deal more damage (J4 giving Attack Speed and Leona's passive). Leona is the closest support to J4 Support.
I agree, they both do the same thing.
Leona has a little more damage though and jarvan has more utility and poke which is especially useful against blitzcranku.
I honestly don't mind you're a heretic disbeliever of the jarman but prince of demacia is still better(and much safer) against a blitzcrank.
Getting chased as jarvan/ad-carry: Body-block grab and flag-toss away, remember to slow them or entrap them just before flag-tossing.
Getting chased as leona/ad-carry : Body-block grab and probably die, maybe get away with flash.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Ahruu wrote:
Taric and alistar can do quite well against blitzcranks. Atleast that's what i think
I disagree about Taric. Maybe the one I was playing against was just a noob, but I kept bursting him down left and right after he blew his stun.

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