npnp :D
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
DuffTime wrote:
TRM doesn't play enough top lane champions. His Irelia is garbage.
So his team is forced into bad scenarios. So TBH it is TRM's fault. He's a bad solo top and he plays the lane wrong as well.
TSM played poorly at hannover, as well as getting outpicked, yes.
His irelia is mechanically at a professional level, he isn't confident with irelia, because he doesn't play irelia.
His roster of champions is fairly large, he just doesn't play ANY of them in tourneys.
Like i said...
Bad picks.
Tri lane for life.
I'm not going to argue this. His Irelia sucks **** and he's not on TSM's level.
None of his champions fit his team's needs and he's not learning the champions that he would need to learn to do so.
*Tips hat.
Good day sir.
None of his champions fit his team's needs and he's not learning the champions that he would need to learn to do so.
*Tips hat.
Good day sir.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
DuffTime wrote:
I'm not going to argue this. His Irelia sucks **** and he's not on TSM's level.
Agreed, but only to a certain extent.
He's only bad when he's playing champions he's not used to, like Irelia. He's far better as a ranged AD top lane, or Udyr, or something not considered as 'viable' right now. If he'd play champions he's more comfortable on rather than what the community thinks is 'good', then he'd be playing far better.
If all anybody ever played was stuff that conformed to what everybody else plays, M5 would never be as good as they are, and Shyvana would still be considered poo-tier by most. If he played what he was comfortable on he'd do far better. If I recall he got 6/0/7 as Corki in one match at Hanover.

Yes, and that style is hurting TSM as a team. They don't need or want that, and that's why it's good that he's out.
That's what I've been saying all along :P He's cramping TSM's style, doesn't fit in.
That's what I've been saying all along :P He's cramping TSM's style, doesn't fit in.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
DuffTime wrote:
Yes, and that style is hurting TSM as a team. They don't need or want that, and that's why it's good that he's out.
That's what I've been saying all along :P He's cramping TSM's style, doesn't fit in.
There's no reason why he'd be better on any other team considering TSM like to use tanky junglers.
Also, he has a beastly Udyr and nobody bans him.

His Udyr is pretty good. It gets hard countered by Olaf though.
But yeah personally I think TRM should make his own team or quit playing League competitively.
But yeah personally I think TRM should make his own team or quit playing League competitively.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
DuffTime wrote:
TRM doesn't play enough top lane champions. His Irelia is garbage.
So his team is forced into bad scenarios. So TBH it is TRM's fault. He's a bad solo top and he plays the lane wrong as well.
TSM played poorly at hannover, as well as getting outpicked, yes.
Yeah, I agree with that. He needs to play more top lanes, way more. I am not that crazy for TSM, but one of the American Teams I actually like.
Xenasis wrote:
If all anybody ever played was stuff that conformed to what everybody else plays, M5 would never be as good as they are, and Shyvana would still be considered poo-tier by most. If he played what he was comfortable on he'd do far better. If I recall he got 6/0/7 as Corki in one match at Hanover.
Agreed, M5 rocked every tournament they went to. They came by suprise, did stuff nobody every though of, and won! Shyvana would still be low tier like you said. Now, Nunu is a support many people use. Really though, TRM should have played what he is good at, now try to go with the supposed "top-tier"
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Did any one of you watch Hanover TSM games or what? TRM was by far not the problem, in fact he was usually the one either winning or drawing his lane - never was his lane in the worse state. TSM problems aren't that of TRM but simply lack of team communication and direction.