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Demotion Shield - Any updates?

Creator: Demsoc July 12, 2023 2:53pm
Demsoc's Forum Avatar
Jul 12th, 2023
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2023 2:53pm | Report
Hey, I know Riot is removing promos for ranked but i never read anything about the demotion shield.
Does anyone know if they are removing it from the game or doing any changes?

The demotion shield really ruins the ranked play and the fun with it. Because it screws up your hidden MMR(matchmaking rating), making you unable to progress in ranked. If I win 15 ranked games and then lose 7 games i will have lost all the lp i gained from winning and it's really frustrating.

To win as many games to equalize my mmr i have to intentionally lose games to drop my rank so I can get enough easy wins in a row to set my mmr to default..

I am around Silver-level, had 2 failed gold promos this split. Now I'm fighting my way back up the hill again after trying out a different role but it's really slow since i lose twice as much lp if I lose 1 game compared to winning.

If I'm hovering around silver-level in League, what's the point with demotion shield when I occasionally reach it after a bad streak and then it screws up all my progress for a very long time?
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 13, 2023 4:35am | Report
Hey @ Demsoc,

Considering that they haven't announced any changes towards the demotion shield, it should be safe to assume it remains entirely unchanged, only that the promos are getting removed.

I wouldn't necessarily say that the demotion shield is a bad system. It prevents you from getting demoted to a lower rank if you lose more games, your MMR will be affected and become lower regardless if you stay the same rank, or got demoted because there was no demotion shield. It's better to stay at your rank for a little while than to just completely demote.

If you're hovering around silver-level, yet you're attempting to reach gold, then giving you a demotion shield that prevents you from demoting back to silver once you reach gold 4 is good. This means you'll always be able to get somewhere in gold, without risking the chance to get further down for some time.

It's worth to note that demoting inbetween divisions (e.g. demoting from silver 2 to silver 3, or silver 3 to silver 4) does not have a demotion shield and isn't one.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Demsoc's Forum Avatar
Jul 12th, 2023
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 13, 2023 6:06am | Report
I think you miss the point. If I hover around in silver, chances are that sooner or later you're gonna get a bad streak and hit the demotion shield.

After all the difference between S1 and G4 or S4-B1 is miniscule, yet if you are unlucky your mmr will be cursed and halt your progression for a long time.

The matches are already pretty even so when I then have to literally win atleast 3 times as many games as I lose to make any progress what so ever, it only stops you from making any progress.

Once your deficit of mmr is a matter of fact then it's pretty darn hard to compensate for it, to put it mildly.

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