Have a positive attitude... never bm anyone, and take breaks from ranked if you lose 2 games in a row. I'd say just stay calm and focused. It worked for me alright.
TheWeekndOVOXO wrote:
Dodge if people start fighting over positions/roles in the team setup.
You lose elo if you dodge so not exactly that helpful.
If people start fighting over positions just try and calm the chat down and act as negotiator between said parties to try and resolve the issue while attempting to do whatever is best for the team (in your eyes so hopefully you eat lots of carrots). Saying that your adaptable and willing to do any position also helps by perhaps giving other team-mates the initiative to pass their desired role.

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
Find a few champions that you dominate every game with (if you're that low in elo, this shouldn't be hard).
Find a duo partner at roughly the same skill level who can also dominate with several different roles. Make sure that they really are at your level though, I can't stress this enough. If you're duoing with an inferior player, they're going to bring down your elo. You don't have to play ranked with any and all of your friends. Playing with someone far better than you CAN work, but I feel that duoing with someone of comparable skill is the way to go. If you don't know who to duo with, you can try a few soloqueue matches and add the people who are skilled, coordinated and work with the team. You can probably find some people to duo with within a few matches.
Try to match up your best champions together to get good combos. Mid/top, mid/jungle or jungle/top is usually best, though you might have to duo bot if necessary. Generally having a tanky melee and an AD or AP carry that gets fed and/or farmed is the most reliable way to carry.
Even though duo queue isn't a sure-fire way to get you to 2k, I think it gives you a much better chance of winning provided you both play well. It's much harder to carry an entire team by yourself than it is to do it with a friend.
Find a duo partner at roughly the same skill level who can also dominate with several different roles. Make sure that they really are at your level though, I can't stress this enough. If you're duoing with an inferior player, they're going to bring down your elo. You don't have to play ranked with any and all of your friends. Playing with someone far better than you CAN work, but I feel that duoing with someone of comparable skill is the way to go. If you don't know who to duo with, you can try a few soloqueue matches and add the people who are skilled, coordinated and work with the team. You can probably find some people to duo with within a few matches.
Try to match up your best champions together to get good combos. Mid/top, mid/jungle or jungle/top is usually best, though you might have to duo bot if necessary. Generally having a tanky melee and an AD or AP carry that gets fed and/or farmed is the most reliable way to carry.
Even though duo queue isn't a sure-fire way to get you to 2k, I think it gives you a much better chance of winning provided you both play well. It's much harder to carry an entire team by yourself than it is to do it with a friend.

Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
Stop playing Ranked
Become REALLY good at the game
Go play Lee Sin, Graves and Mordekaiser in ranked
Elo Hell will no longer exist
Become REALLY good at the game
Go play Lee Sin, Graves and Mordekaiser in ranked
Elo Hell will no longer exist
Shameless plug: www.youtube.com/Exampleprime
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
ExamplePrime wrote:
Become REALLY good at the game
Go play Lee Sin, Graves and Mordekaiser in ranked
Elo Hell will no longer exist
Cut out the first part because you don't need to stop playing ranked in order to be good. Hell if anything it should be used as a metric for your skill so you can set goals and improve that way. Graves and Morde are good characters if you're good with them.

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