Luther3000 wrote:
Ninja Tabi got nerfed, not buffed.
Not really nerf its still best counter to ad super cheap good amount armor early on and op passive against auto attackers.
caucheka wrote:
theres just no arguing with idiots. 2% is such a low number that it barely registers a difference.
Someone clearly hasn't done the maths (this game isn't all about 1vs1, you know?). Nor taking into account that when you dodged you would evade all the negative on-hit effects (be it a snare or bonus damage) that would come along with it.
Despite the fact I prefer the present version as it is overall more consistent and neglects "chance" over "skill". Maybe instead of labeling people as an idiot over the internet (be it a joke or not) just accept that people may not share the same opinion as you - I know, shocking right?!
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Jet wrote:
i always thought read was xaioli
they both cry whenever i post