Temzilla wrote:
You CAN NOT dodge udyr bear stance stun.
Other on hit effect yes, but Ninja Tabi was designed as a counter to AD champions, and not On-Hit effect champions.
MR is the counter to those champions, as well as all of the traditional on-hit champs having very bad escapes.
As a counter to AD champions, Ninja Tabi were improved, because before, it was complete RNG wether you lived or died, and now you have a much more reliable read on wether you can survive an engagement or not.
There is a reason why I outlined "snare and bonus damage" in brackets...
Lots of items bought by AD champions or AD champions themselves have on-hit effects.

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
Lanedeer will love this item... wriggles, Tri force, randuins, wits end, this item, and tabi's is some crazy damage and tanking. and the passive gives som much ad when you think about teamfights, it makes lifesteal a lot better since the lower you get the more you gain O.o
As far as I remember Udyr is the only exception to this, since his stun is no on-hit but simply a spell aimed at his autoattack target.
Every other on-hit except for skill shots like Mystic Shot will be dodged.
Speaking of Tabis, IMO clear nerf since you'll loose 2% and the ability to negate on-hit effects.
Regarding overall dmg, math states that in a short game you'd have more OR less than the 12% dodge as AA dmg reduction, but on the long run you'll have ~12%. (IMO only a slight nerf comparing new and old but adding on-hits it clearly IS one)
Regarding RNG, it's good or bad, you can evade a weak or strong attack that way while being hit by the other so it's totally BS saying that this highly matters.
This argument only counts for those guys who rely on ddg for that one autohit which evading decides over life and death.
That there are also enough hits which have to bring you down this far, that seems only fictional in their heads.
Every other on-hit except for skill shots like Mystic Shot will be dodged.
Speaking of Tabis, IMO clear nerf since you'll loose 2% and the ability to negate on-hit effects.
Regarding overall dmg, math states that in a short game you'd have more OR less than the 12% dodge as AA dmg reduction, but on the long run you'll have ~12%. (IMO only a slight nerf comparing new and old but adding on-hits it clearly IS one)
Regarding RNG, it's good or bad, you can evade a weak or strong attack that way while being hit by the other so it's totally BS saying that this highly matters.
This argument only counts for those guys who rely on ddg for that one autohit which evading decides over life and death.
That there are also enough hits which have to bring you down this far, that seems only fictional in their heads.
Vaan99 wrote:
I love items like this, components stats are higher than final item stats, way to go riot, make people avoid another item.
If you'll notice,

FreeBeats wrote:
I'm pretty excited about this item. I think it will be great on ad bruisers who are already building hp.
No, the passive decreases in effectiveness as you gain HP. The more HP you have, the more damage you have to take in order to gain a single point of AD from it. It's really only going to be very effective on the same champions that the Hexdrinker was, champions that scale better with AD than AS and who need some extra MR; most bruisers prefer building

Oh, and guys, if we're going to argue about dodge vs. DR again, could we revive the old Tabi buff or nerf thread in Theorycrafting so that we can keep this one on topic?
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.
My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
Don't keep the misconception that this synergizes with Warmog's Armor, because that's not necessarily true. Being at 10/1000 health will give you just as much AD as being at 50/5000 health, and you're not going to survive very long either way unless you're Tryndamere or a really lucky Olaf against a really dumb team.
Hexdrinker is the only AD/MR item in the game and it was really lack-luster come end game.
Aegis of the Legion
Lugignaf wrote:
Hexdrinker is the only AD/MR item in the game and it was really lack-luster come end game.

This item was a massive buff to the tanky DPS archtype.
I -almost- forgive them for the removal of dodge.
I don't, but I almost do.
I -almost- forgive them for the removal of dodge.
I don't, but I almost do.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
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Someone clearly hasn't done the maths (this game isn't all about 1vs1, you know?). Nor taking into account that when you dodged you would evade all the negative on-hit effects (be it a snare or bonus damage) that would come along with it.
Despite the fact I prefer the present version as it is overall more consistent and neglects "chance" over "skill". Maybe instead of labeling people as an idiot over the internet (be it a joke or not) just accept that people may not share the same opinion as you - I know, shocking right?!
You CAN NOT dodge udyr bear stance stun.
Other on hit effect yes, but Ninja Tabi was designed as a counter to AD champions, and not On-Hit effect champions.
MR is the counter to those champions, as well as all of the traditional on-hit champs having very bad escapes.
As a counter to AD champions, Ninja Tabi were improved, because before, it was complete RNG wether you lived or died, and now you have a much more reliable read on wether you can survive an engagement or not.