HiFromBuddha wrote:
I'm not saying don't die to have an au sexuale KDA ratio. I'm saying to not die because dying gives up a lot more than just gold to the enemy. If you're a jungler and you go for a risky gank and end up dying off it, then that's dragon pressure gone. Heck, that's lane pressure gone, because now all the lanes know the jungler is dead, so they know exactly where he is, so then they can afford to play more aggressively and potentially snowball their lanes. That sort of thing. Always do what benefits the team best, and if it is dying, sure, die for your team, but don't die if it's unnecessary.
Also, normal games are for making mistakes and learning. Don't go into a ranked game with the mentality that I should let mistakes happen so I can learn from them, because that's how you lose.
"Oh, well I died 1v5, but at least I learnt that I don't have enough burst to kill a squishy before I get CC'd down."
"*** u rengar ****ing ******ed cancer report gg"
Dying isn't the only mistake you can make though. You make like a million mistakes every game, both mechanical and decision-wise. It's normal and natural, you're going to make mistakes every game. You don't "let mistakes happen", but you also don't go "I'm not going to try and do this because there's a chance I might die".
Every game is for making mistakes and learning, unless you're implying you should stick to normals until you're ready to hit ranked and get rank 1 in Challenger. Trying not to die as much as possible in ranked is going to lead to mistakes too, but it'll be harder to tell that you've made one. A grey screen at least is a pretty big clue.
********, no one out duels Nidalee in the jungle. GG Riot, glitched as ****.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
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