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Official QQ Thread

Creator: jhoijhoi June 6, 2011 7:25am
17992 posts - page 1561 of 1800
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 7:23am | Report
Once again, these kind of outbursts could be avoided by just leaving the guy alone. It's like poking a balloon with needles until it bursts. Not trying to defend him here though as he went way too far this time.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 7:54am | Report
Joxuu wrote:
Once again, these kind of outbursts could be avoided by just leaving the guy alone. It's like poking a balloon with needles until it bursts. Not trying to defend him here though as he went way too far this time.

But there's also a level of responsibility on his side as well. I am in no denial that at times he was definitely provoked by some remarks that went a bit too far, but that was mainly caused by things he did. We didn't borderline harass him because we were *******s, it was because he was saying things that were either wrong, stupid or provoking, and his reception to our comments regarding what he said was what caused the long sequences of aggressive conversation.

I feel that for every right a person has to say something they want to, they have an equal responsibility to listen to what others have to say i.e a right to be heard. Nikolai wasn't doing this at all, as he was demonstrating immense stubbornness and ignorance towards what others had to say about the points he brought up, but not only did he not read them, he had the audacity to rebut them despite not reading them. Alongside a false sense of entitlement and superiority, this caused so many comments to be targeted towards him. Additionally, there being such a large disparity between people that agreed and disagreed with him could be attributed to the fact that his opinions were often stupid. If an opinion is FACTUALLY INCORRECT, it is a stupid opinion. Thinking rationally, if he were to be affected mentally by being targeted for disagreement, neglect would also fuel that. It's not that any opinion he presented would be suppressed, they were simply suppressed because they weren't constructive, logical or well articulated. I mean, take myself for example (which I am only using because that's the person I know best). I provide a lot of opinions that many disagree with because they are stupid at times, but I also present opinions that people do agree with. I have no shadow of doubt in my mind that if the points he brought up were good or constructive, that we would be supportive of it. EDIT: If you aren't sold on me because I have better grammar, then take someone else, such as, off the top of my head, Jack Rubino. Sure, his typing and grammar aren't the most accurate at times, but he is still well respected and liked by people because the quality of his posts are good. SirNikolai can do the same thing.

Furthermore, what he failed to understand, and what you are implying is justifying him saying so much ****, is that a right to free speech doesn't mean a right to be free from consequence. If he says something, we have every right to reply to it with our own opinion, and should he do say something that is offensive and/or stupid, then we have every right to be offended, state that we are offended, granted it is within reason and rationale, and should he continue saying things which upsets people, then he needs to understand that he must suffer any further repercussions that may be directly or indirectly enforced by the people that hear what he has to say.

All in all, whether you believe that he was being unfairly targeted or that he was an idiot whose absence makes this site a better place, no one can deny this incident was out of line, and the ban is very much warranted.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 8:02am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:
Please don't let morons make you feel bad. I can't even articulate what I'm trying to say. Just know that there are people here who support you, and will defend you, if you ever need it.
If people start feeling bad because of what morons are saying then everyone would've ragequitted the internet by now :^)

Now I am very curious what he said, though. If anyone is willing to share, you know where my PM button is <3

@Joxuu; I agree that if you can prevent a balloon from bursting, you should. However, once the balloon got burst, it is just a useless piece of plastic so might as well get rid of it. In a very diplomatic moderator/admin way of course :3
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo

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FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 8:35am | Report
I'm sad I missed some drama uu

However, I did already declare the obit and I find it very awkward to speak to the dead. Thus, neither what I wrote targeted the corpse nor would it have received any direct response.

[edit] I would also like to thank Mobafire for reacting to what was said - whatever it was. I'm not going around the site all "I'm gay and ****" because I feel the need for people to know that, but rather because a) Low visibility (which is natural, in videogames such as this all players are still assumed as male and straight); b) League is played mostly by younger people who may have never thought about how they feel about Homosexuality (or how they feel about being homosexual). I press this matter to show that Mobafire is welcoming and, hopefully, help some of the readers come to terms with themselves or feel like they're not these disgusting freaks that God forsake (or that homosexuals are not these invisible freakish creatures that only exist on tv)
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 8:53am | Report
What the hell happened!? I guess the Sirnikolai *****torm has ended... Is it safe to comment now and be actually read by a person who can think decently enough?
Thanks Vapora Dark for the sig!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 9:54am | Report
THE BLIGHT UPON THIS FORUM HAS BEEN PURGED!... I mean probably. I can only hope.

EDIT: Replying to the message above, no. Nobody on here can think properly. That's why we have the mod/admin overlords to keep you in line and thinking right. >:D
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Latest Legend
Latest Legend's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 10:12am | Report
Sadly, in my head, the story ends with a bitter taste. Stop ****ing around with autism, people. They're also people.

EDIT: Not that your reactions to whatever it was were bad, but it smells oh so pretentious in some cases.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
<Inhouse Addict>
RottedApples's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 10:29am | Report
every time i see the word pretentious. i immediately think of paralyzer.

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 11:42am | Report
Wayne you're my new best friend.

@Latest Legend, that dude wasn't autistic. Either a troll, or just highly delusional. We still have one of those remaining on the site.
I want to be a Blitzball's Forum Avatar
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Apr 1st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 11:47am | Report
Wayne you're my new best friend.

@Latest Legend, that dude wasn't autistic. Either a troll, or just highly delusional. We still have one of those remaining on the site.

Once upon a time there was Idiot and Big Ego Now we only got Big Ego left.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!

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