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Picking a main champion for ranked

Creator: Wayne3100 November 16, 2013 12:03pm
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What is most important in picking a main champ for ranked?
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2013 7:18am | Report
I think Embracing hits it on the head.

Throat, you may not have a problem playing champions you don't have fun with and playing them just for the sake of the fact that the have strong impact in games, because your motivation to win is stronger than your motivation to have fun.

However, some people might not find it rewarding to do this without playing a champion that isn't fun to them in some way or another.

Being motivated to play is not an unimportant factor in doing well. You're more likely to do well if you WANT to do it as opposed to vice versa.
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2013 9:33am | Report
C4 Lasty wrote:

Though Fizz is no longer OP

Why's that? I don't recall him receiving any nerfs.
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2013 12:35pm | Report
Embracing and sirell summed up my thoughts perfectly. Sorry if I didn't make much sense in my posts, English isn't my first language and I was sleep deprived at the moment. D:
Thanks to GrandmasterD for the sig!
Jeraziah's Forum Avatar
Dec 6th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2013 4:26pm | Report
Find your genre of champions and playstyle, buy the champions that fit within your new set criteria, and you would be just fine.
Dreadface's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2013 11:29am | Report
Heres my main champs for Ranked.

Top: Darius (Currently undefeated with him, great poke with his Q, can ult multiple times if the first ult kills an enemy, aka "Darius dunkkk!")

Jungle: Vi (Can get extremely tanky with good damage as well, very good level 3 ganks)

Mid: Diana (Not alot of people play her, but i find her fun and very good, you can ult twice if your Q is active on your target)

Support: Soraka (May not be god tier, but her heals and ult make bot lane very sustainable, depending on your adc)

Adc: Draven (I dont adc often, but if i do i go with Draven, simply because he was my first adc and have the most xp with him.

These picks are just my prefered picks, if they are countered by my opponent I of course choose a different champion. Hope it inspires you to try some of them :D
Cryst4's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2013 9:59pm | Report
SOAC Bas wrote:

What if you are best at mid and suck at fizz, kazz, and ahri? Can I still play mid :P? I know karma mid is tier 2 and so is Lissandra, but what if I am just better at Malz (I know you hate Malz with a venomous passion throat :P)

Don't know which league etc. you are, but as silver 2 I don't see any problem with that. I prefer mid mainly if I can get it, but I have small to medium champion pool for all positions.

Don't know what are current tier 1 champions at mid, but I still don't own Fizz or Zed and I wouldn't probably play those even if I would own them. 1 game with kassadin at ranked.
I tried to learn assassins some time when they were hot. Probably shouldn't have. Went like 10/30 with akali and talon.

At some point I decided to dumb the idea of "meta" etc. since I'm not LCS player anyways..
Recently went from silver 5 to silver 2 by spamming Anivia regardless of matchup whenever I got mid. At first it was challenging, but quite quickly I got used to playing against Fizzes etc.

For me Anivia is the main champion, it being most fun and probably also the champion I perform best. Building my champion pool I realized that I love to playing utility based champions. Orianna, Anivia, Lux, Twisted Fate etc. while my lack of ability to see when to go in and when not to makes me awful assassin/tank player. I even had long time severe problems learning to play melee champions at all and I still don't enjoy them one bit. Right now I have learned to some extend play for example Jax at top against other melee champions, but whenever there is Teemo or Jayce against me I just choke and go to cry behind our inhibitor tower. Even when I can win the trades etc. I just can't mentally handle laning against ranged champ as melee.
SlashStarEX's Forum Avatar
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Sep 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2013 7:50pm | Report
Cryst4 wrote:

Don't know which league etc. you are, but as silver 2 I don't see any problem with that. I prefer mid mainly if I can get it, but I have small to medium champion pool for all positions.

At some point I decided to dumb the idea of "meta" etc. since I'm not LCS player anyways..
Recently went from silver 5 to silver 2 by spamming Anivia regardless of matchup whenever I got mid. At first it was challenging, but quite quickly I got used to playing against Fizzes etc.

These two sentences I totally endorse except for some minor points that I will tweak

1.Definitely have a champion pool, no I don't mean that you know what the can and can't do, but that you can actually use them to an extent. I honestly can't go in with a champ I've only played twice into ranked and expect to do well in lane, you just HAVE to know them back and forth.

2. Knowing a champ back and forth is great and you can carry yourself into a higher elo, however you should still be VERY wary of HARD counters. Simply staying back and trying to farm under tower while being chunked by a counter to a point where they can dive is not an option. This is definitely where having a good champion pool is needed.

Not saying anything was wrong in their statement, just trying to elaborate on what I feel needs to be pointed out on.
thekatalist's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2013 1:07pm | Report
I personally think the most important thing in a main champion is its versatility.
If you are ahead, your champion should be able to snowball your lead and help carry the game.
If you are in a hard lane, your champion should be able to stay back and farm.
All the champions I main are able to do many things, and do all of them decently!

Good luck in finding a champion!
SkidmarkD's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2013 11:57pm | Report
I thort my main was guud champ.
Then I saws tier lists.
Him not guud champ.
Still plays him.

Played Tier 1 champs.
I'm not nearly as effective with them as I am with my tier 2/3 main.

That being said, I'm gonna start using Karthus mid in ranked from now.
Avoided him cause he wasn't tier 1 material.
Yet I really really love playing him.
Press R to win.
After you poked the snot out of anyone in range that is.
Also, one of the few ranged champs that can completely screw over Yasuo, which is funny as hell.
Cryst4's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 19, 2013 11:36pm | Report

These two sentences I totally endorse except for some minor points that I will tweak

1.Definitely have a champion pool, no I don't mean that you know what the can and can't do, but that you can actually use them to an extent. I honestly can't go in with a champ I've only played twice into ranked and expect to do well in lane, you just HAVE to know them back and forth.

2. Knowing a champ back and forth is great and you can carry yourself into a higher elo, however you should still be VERY wary of HARD counters. Simply staying back and trying to farm under tower while being chunked by a counter to a point where they can dive is not an option. This is definitely where having a good champion pool is needed.

Not saying anything was wrong in their statement, just trying to elaborate on what I feel needs to be pointed out on.

1. Yeah. It's important to have large champion pool. I'm always looking to bring new champion to my pool whenever possible. Lately I have been doing this with Kayle.
I do it same way always. So with Kayle:
-I started out by checking few guides about her and trying to sort out some especially good one and up to date. Once I found one I felt was legit I read it to have basic idea of how that champion works etc.

-Then I made custom game to get some feel for that champion and find out where the weak spots or powerspikes come in and to try some combo's. Obviously there isn't too many in kayle's case, but imagine if I would be learning LeBlanc for example.

-After that I tried to find one or two high level game's where someone is playing Kayle. Ended up with watching one of Vileroze's LCS games with her and some xPeke's SoloQ game with her.

-Then I felt like I was ready to see how it works in normals. Did that, spammed it whenever got chance and after playing like 10 games her in normals I took her in ranked.

I doubt everyone does this much preparation before playing a champion in Ranked, but oh well, that's just me.

2. I actually have tried not to play Anivia recently, but it's so tempting. Problem I have find is when I start to get matched up with Gold's etc. because I have been doing so well with Anivia it's hard to play anything other in mid without getting *** kicked. But yeah, I have to say that sometimes I am that selfish in soloQ that I play champion X against it's counter just for the sake of it. Not every champion, but I feel like I should have good pool of champions I am able to first pick, while not knowing what I get against.
Currently I feel like Anivia is my strongest for that kind of situation. But I'm working on my Twisted Fate and Orianna to get those that good too. Also Kayle is something I plan to get to that level.
But yeah I don't really feel like all champions have really hard counters. After all Mid is usually played more of against opponent team than against directly your lane matchup.
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