its most likely going to have a low cooldown, semi spammable skill. also more likely to deal 50%+ of the damage she would of taken back.
although, why make it magic damage? it should be physical as technically a riposte is a counter-attack after parrying.
although, why make it magic damage? it should be physical as technically a riposte is a counter-attack after parrying.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
caucheka wrote:
its french for retort according to wikipedia.
That's the one.
Nighthawk wrote:
Yes, you but it's on a cooldown, unlike Thornmail.
I'm not saying which is better or anything, but they are both similar.
You said she HAD a thornmail on her W though, I thought you got confused, apologies.
Mazuran wrote:
Maybe it'll be a two-part ability (like Lee Sin style), so it'll be a proper Parry-Riposte?
And if it blocks *all* damage, they should make the timing on it so that if you miss, you die.
That would make it more like RL fencing imo.
Wish it was a two parter but since it's just called Riposte (stupid since the main use of the ability is the parry) and NOT Parry-Riposte or whatever, I'd assume it was like a Thornmail sort of effect. I'd assume it will be a similar sort of style to Jax's Counterstrike, she's ready for an attack for a period of time but if she doesn't get one she can't parry it (or dodge, in Jax's case), and anything after it is the same. Of course, I'd imagine a smaller timing since it is one attack. Hopefully the return number is big and the parry period is small.

caucheka wrote:
although, why make it magic damage? it should be physical as technically a riposte is a counter-attack after parrying.
Honest opinion?
She sounds a lot like Riven if she deals all phys :p
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