caucheka wrote:
shes a fencer, i would expect her to deal all phys damage.
Many things in this game don't make all that much sense magic/physical wise. Mostly it's to balance things out.
Throwing a flag at someone as Jarvan = Magical
Throwing a knife at someone as Shaco = Magical
Headbutting someone as Alistar = Magical
Rolling at someone really really fast as Rammus = Magical
Though newer champions have thankfully made more sense, I think it is mainly for balance. Imagine if Shaco's W and E were physical. He'd be SO OP. Also makes Alistar more of a threat as magical.
Though I think it WOULD make her seem like Riven, I feel the damage from the riposte may have been too high when physical depending on the numbers. I guess we'll have to see what they are before judging though.
dont snipe me bro
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
......ok I'm not ignoring what the abilities are....I'm telling you they are influenced by a world of warcraft rogue....but I said it doesn't matter because if you haven't played wow you wouldn't know and you'd make statements trying to tell me that this champ is totally a fencer....I know she's based on fencing I know what fencing is. But the way her abailities work especially her ultimate are all taken from a rogue.
I played WoW. I never mained a rogue but as far as i know they are much more combobased and want to get stuff on the traget, gain combo points and then do dmg. They are staelthy and atk from behind. Backstep XD. If there is a champ similar/ influenced then i would say it is Akali. Put Mark on and proc it for dmg and energy.
And her ulti is form DoTa it is the jagganaut his omnislash.
Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing. The search area is 450.
It hits up to 8 times
You can see here how it looks
A fencing champion this sounds very interesting.
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
How to tank guide (Revamped! 10/13)
Interesting and potentially bad unless the dashes are long range.
And if they are, then she sounds annoying xD
And if they are, then she sounds annoying xD
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Same could be said of riven o:
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
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