I've done AP Taric in dominion. It's fun and I burst a Cass from 100 to 0 in about a second.
It's not viable without a strong jungler though. GMB has made it work though and he's a great presence in teamfights because of the huge team-wide buffs. He's also a decent roamer if he can get the lane pushed. Sorta like a weaker Sion but his ult actually scales off AP.
It's not viable without a strong jungler though. GMB has made it work though and he's a great presence in teamfights because of the huge team-wide buffs. He's also a decent roamer if he can get the lane pushed. Sorta like a weaker Sion but his ult actually scales off AP.
@Temzilla, I considered Koggy, and he is a very strong, and viable, as well as less played AP, but A lot of people DO know about him, they just refuse to see how epic it is, so while it could be him, I'd prolly be kinda let down, as he isn't all THAT secret :o
@Lugignaf, yeah I was thinking that, but TheOddOne is a pretty damned good jungler, so they could probably run it pretty well. Also, real sion doesn't build ap, real sion abuses that OP ulti, and 1v5s :3
@Lugignaf, yeah I was thinking that, but TheOddOne is a pretty damned good jungler, so they could probably run it pretty well. Also, real sion doesn't build ap, real sion abuses that OP ulti, and 1v5s :3
I've seen him run a damn good charizard, as well as other champs, Hell I'm pretty sure I've seen him jungle eve, and he was running ziggs when he came out wasn't he? :o
He does usually go with utility in tourneys, but then again, his lanes usually have a lot of damage, I'm sure they oculd pull it off if they wanted to :P
Is it bad that when I see someone put I.E. I immediately think of Infinity Edge now?
He does usually go with utility in tourneys, but then again, his lanes usually have a lot of damage, I'm sure they oculd pull it off if they wanted to :P
Is it bad that when I see someone put I.E. I immediately think of Infinity Edge now?
Yes. Yes it is. Whenever I'm trying to say Infinity Edge, I'll abbreviate it as "IE" instead of "I.E" just FYI.
Acid Reigns wrote:
@Temzilla, I considered Koggy, and he is a very strong, and viable, as well as less played AP, but A lot of people DO know about him, they just refuse to see how epic it is, so while it could be him, I'd prolly be kinda let down, as he isn't all THAT secret :o
@Lugignaf, yeah I was thinking that, but TheOddOne is a pretty damned good jungler, so they could probably run it pretty well. Also, real sion doesn't build ap, real sion abuses that OP ulti, and 1v5s :3
Yes, but it isn't regi playing a secret ap, it's regi playing HIS secret ap.
He could play Swain and it wouldn't be "expected", cause he doesn't play swain.
Tri lane for life.
If it really is Taric we should investigate ties between him and Nameless.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
You need to log in before commenting.
All his skills scale with ap (pretty decently)
0.6 + bonus if used on self
0.6 as an AoE is pretty good
0.4 - 0.8 good or bad, but really not hard to get it at max range, so basically 0.8 unless you get caught off guard
0.8 in AoE
Also, his passive + his Q gives him great sustain in lane.
The only real downside I can think of is that his W gives/takes Armor, and not Res, and that he has to run into teamfights, but that can be fixed by building kinda tanky (RoA, Rylais, Abyssal)
I haven't gotten a chance to really try it yet, I kinda tried last game, but got that stupid thing where you can't click and ended up not being able to join til everyone was 6+, and then I had to top and not mid, so I just kinda got rolled :/
I really do think this could work well though, and would like to see the results.
Anyone else got any speculations on who it could be? :O