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DuffTime wrote:
No that items is garbage.
And besides, Wit's end is ****ing amazing on Irelia so why not go with the item that doesn't suck? :P
Dufftime.. Never be too one-sided about a champion. Irelia has semi-good AD-scalings. Look at Hexdrinker now back at Wriggle's Lantern Now backt at Hexdrinker.. See, stats are actually quite good if we compare it to one of the most cost-effective items in the game.
This is not something i do everygame.. but i think it's viable against squishy enemies.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Yet Wit's End scales her AS and the damage proc also applies on Q. It's just plain better, superior.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
So if u say that irelia scales poorly with ad, that means she scales poorly with lifesteal, amirite? Thus making wriggles a pretty darn ****py choice on her. Amirite?
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Thats not what Im saying at all. Im saying Wits End is a better item overall than hexdrinker, however when a champion needs AD but not AS, such as an AD caster, Hexdrinker is the superior choice.
As an auto attack based champion, irelia is better off with a wits end than a hexdrinker.
As an auto attack based champion, irelia is better off with a wits end than a hexdrinker.
Dude, are you blind or do you just want to deny what ppl trying to tell you?
Wit's End overall good choice.
Wit's End overall better than Hexdrinker.
Irelia scales too well with ATTACK SPEED.
-> Wit's End.
If you don't wanna go for Wit's End, your choice, but instead of forcefully getting MR and AD at the same time on sth. that's hardly mediocre and would be sold later anyway you can still get yourself maybe a Pickaxe/Sword for another recipe and go after a real MR item before completing the one with AD.
Or get yourself a Negatron and leave it for later, still way better than Hexdrinker.
Wit's End overall good choice.
Wit's End overall better than Hexdrinker.
Irelia scales too well with ATTACK SPEED.
-> Wit's End.
If you don't wanna go for Wit's End, your choice, but instead of forcefully getting MR and AD at the same time on sth. that's hardly mediocre and would be sold later anyway you can still get yourself maybe a Pickaxe/Sword for another recipe and go after a real MR item before completing the one with AD.
Or get yourself a Negatron and leave it for later, still way better than Hexdrinker.
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And besides, Wit's end is ****ing amazing on Irelia so why not go with the item that doesn't suck? :P