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Summoner's rift: your choice?

Creator: Chirika November 29, 2013 2:26am
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Whether to give the players a choice to choose a theme for their matches?
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2013 12:28am | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

That's not exactly the issue though?

Yes, people will enjoy it. There will always be people who enjoy things that look cool. Literally anyone could make textures, animations, etc. for the SR map. It's the fact that it takes time and money, albeit a small amount of the secondary, and it does not improve the experience of the playerbase at all. It looks nice, as others have said, but the nice look is taxing on lower end computers and the novelty could quickly wear off of those that have weaker computers, and even though that have better computers.

If we also look at your "vote for theme" model, it makes it a little more complex since people with bad computers would almost always vote for the "less impressive" maps simply so they could play on the same level as people that could easily enjoy the very impressive maps. But now they're being forced to play at a disadvantage simply because they couldn't run the map well. Or, make it extremely low quality to run it and lose out on the majesty of the map. It's just lose/lose overall.

We have ended there where we started. And again you talk about “old computer”. When gamer plays on old computer he has already had disadvantage from the start because he chose to play in bad computer. Of course he prefer do not burden his computer with some sort of graphical effect. Why should other gamers (like me for example) who has good computers suffer from bad graphic (for example) because other people just cannot afford good settings; the answer – that’s why developers offer to change settings for your computer if it cannot handle game properly. Yes, of course, you will have bad graphic but sorry it is your problem.

I think they should be available for custom games, but that's about it. Like others have said, people playing on older computers will lag hard on seasonal maps. Also, "voting for maps" makes it seem like the map is important, and it's not.

I am not quite experienced with it; vote is only one thing I can invent right now, of course some people can invent something else. About lags, I have written already.
<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 2, 2013 11:05am | Report
Chirika wrote:

We have ended there where we started. And again you talk about “old computer”. When gamer plays on old computer he has already had disadvantage from the start because he chose to play in bad computer. Of course he prefer do not burden his computer with some sort of graphical effect. Why should other gamers (like me for example) who has good computers suffer from bad graphic (for example) because other people just cannot afford good settings; the answer – that’s why developers offer to change settings for your computer if it cannot handle game properly. Yes, of course, you will have bad graphic but sorry it is your problem.

When a good chunk of the playerbase has performance issues from something that Riot did to the game, it becomes Riot's problem. This isn't a question of "maybe bad thing will happen to some people and they won't like it." This is a real problem that occurred last time they had the seasonal maps. People with low-end computers are consumers too, and arguably no less valuable to Riot.

This also isn't about Riot not giving us something for free. Every new champion added to the game can be used by any player for zero dollars, so this isn't a monetary thing. Riot has just decided that the seasonal maps are not as rewarding to the playerbase compared to the amount of effort they entail, especially when you consider what could have been done in the meantime (like a new champion skin, which is more profitable for Riot and generally more popular among the community).

Also, as someone pointed out, there are plenty of unofficial SR skins available if you absolutely need to have a seasonal skin. I have a feeling that most of the community doesn't really care about it.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
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