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Support AMA + tier list & some basic tips

Creator: Vynertje July 12, 2014 11:28am
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Any interest in a general support guide?
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 11:28am | Report
Having a tough time as a support? Struggle no longer! I'm here to answer all your questions regarding support as a role. I'm also adding some random support related tips / other stuff to this post. I don't know if there is any interest but figured I'd try anyway!

Please keep in mind that a lot of this is my personal opinion on things, some people might have different opinions from mine but these are just a few pointers! :)

Support tier list (4.11)

Tier 1: Nami, Braum, Thresh, Morgana

Nami: Very versatile pick and has massive amounts of peel, damage and other utility.

Braum: Somewhat weak laning phase but is a monster late game and ****s up a lot of other top tier supports

Thresh: His skill set is just too good to not be a tier-1 pick

Morgana: ****s up a lot of tier-1 and 2 picks, can effectively counter a whole teamcomp with a single spell shield.

Tier 2: Karma, Leona, Lulu, Zyra, Sona

Karma: massive damage / poke in lane but has a somewhat weak late game and doesn't spike at 6 like other supports do. Is a monster in certain matchups / teamcomps but needs to build damage to remain effective later on in the game.

Leona: Has a very weak pre-6 and gets somewhat countered by mikael's rush / mobility. If she gets a decent matchup she's essentially a 1-shot machine

Lulu: Really matchup reliant pick, is super squishy and has low range, but has great utility past 6 and great poke if the enemy is low ranged. Major downside is her having no heals in lane in comparison to lets say Nami.

Sona: Another matchup reliant pick. Very squishy but can deal tons of damage. She gets ****ed hard by the jungler or by any form of hard engage that can lock her down. Also very mana hungry and becomes a one-trick pony late game. Flash reliant, distortion boots are mandatory.

Zyra: Great vs some support picks like Thresh but is incredibly risky. Waay too squishy to be a high tier pick, but if you're good at her you can wreck botlane easily as long as you don't get caught and blown up.

Tier 3: Janna, Alistar, Blitzcrank

Janna: Has 0 lane pressure at all compared to other supports unless paired with e.g. Caitlyn. Late game she can prevent anyone from killing the ADC but then again she isn't the only one who can do that which usually doesn't make up for her laning phase.

Alistar: absolutely terrible laning phase but can have massive impact in the right teamcomp (like the famous cow delivery system).

Blitzcrank: one trick pony with terrible laning phase

Tier 4: Taric, Zilean, Annie

Taric: Is mediocre at everything, excels at nothing.

Zilean: One trick pony with next to no laning presence.

Annie: Is actually still decent in lane due to high range / level 1 stun but loses pretty much every matchup when you know how to abuse her weaknesses. Her late game isn't that strong anymore as well and 100% relies on a good flash+tibbers.

Improve your warding, improve as a player.

Recommended / universal mastery trees

Tanky & short ranged supports

Long ranged / peeling supports

Recommended / universal rune setups

Ranged supports

Melee, tanky supports

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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 11:44am | Report
Q1: Where's morgana?
Q2: I'm in a mental block right now in plat I/plat II; How did you get past this block and get into diamond? What did you change about your playstyle that made you improve just that extra little bit?
Q3: My ADC duo partner often wants me to play Morgana, and level 2 cheese my lane opponents with him. While it works well occasionally, i have recently been having difficulty landing bindings on my opposing ADC b/c of a weird minion wave, an opposing support blocking me, or good positioning by opposing ADC. If i don't see a window of opportunity to snare an ADC, what should i do? I've been getting a lot of **** from my duo partner b/c he pressures me into going into these all in situations when i know its unlikely i'll land a binding, and when we lose the trade, he blames me for not snowballing the lane.
Kinda a complicated situation, but i was wondering what your thought process would be in that circumstance

If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:01pm | Report
Morgana is missing indeed :)
I'm also curious where you'd place Gragas, as even in LCS he's played as support.
Going back in time, we've also seen Zyra, Fiddlesticks and Elise played as supports, but I'm not sure if you should include them.

Thanks for the rune/mastery pages setup, very helpful :)

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:09pm | Report
Hey, vynertje, you 'mire?

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:21pm | Report
Zyra and Morgana were missing, mybad.


I'm in a mental block right now in plat I/plat II; How did you get past this block and get into diamond? What did you change about your playstyle that made you improve just that extra little bit?

You need to play well consistently and transition a won lane into objectives.

I got diamond by making sure I only played when I was confident in my own play and state of mind. e.g. not being tired, upset, hungry or something like that, and never playing when it was hard to focus (like when being in a super hot room without AC). Always grab something to drink for during the game and also make sure to take a break between every game to reflect on your mistakes.

Something that has also helped me a lot was to not only support your ADC, but to support your whole team. Always grab mobi's on pretty much every support and roam around the map to ward or help any lanes in need - but always make sure to only do this when your ADC is fine alone for at least a minute.

Also, BUY PINK WARDS. You should buy a pink ward on every base and make sure you always have one up! This doesn't only apply to supports but also to mids and junglers.


My ADC duo partner often wants me to play Morgana, and level 2 cheese my lane opponents with him. While it works well occasionally, i have recently been having difficulty landing bindings on my opposing ADC b/c of a weird minion wave, an opposing support blocking me, or good positioning by opposing ADC. If i don't see a window of opportunity to snare an ADC, what should i do? I've been getting a lot of **** from my duo partner b/c he pressures me into going into these all in situations when i know its unlikely i'll land a binding, and when we lose the trade, he blames me for not snowballing the lane.
Kinda a complicated situation, but i was wondering what your thought process would be in that circumstance

Morgana isn't the best support to play pro-actively with because she has no reliable spells and no sustain. However, if you hit level 2 first it doesn't really matter WHO you bind (support or adc), as long as you hit it you'll usually be a lot stronger regardless. Sometimes you can also hold onto your binding and just zone the enemy.

Either way if you can't hit your binding at all, you should not be going aggressively because at that point morgana is just useless in trades - that's just the way morgana works.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:23pm | Report
What is this for, solo queue or competitive?

If it's solo queue I would rate Morgana much higher than Nami. Morg has a lot more pick potential and her black shield is so busted. Nami does a lot really well and has a better laning pahse, but I think morg just works better in solo queue

I probably wouldn't consider Sona tier 2, probably strong tier 3.

I don't think Alistar is that bad in lane if you're good at him. He can zone really effectively and sets up ganks really well with a Flash+ pulv which makes him pretty dangerous. But he can be abused

Janna has absolutely no laning phase, I consider her the worst support. I think she's worse than Zilean, Taric, and Annie.

I personally rate Zyra and Leona higher than you

that's about it, maybe you could respond to those particular remarks or whatever
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:23pm | Report

Hey, vynertje, you 'mire?

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12wpg as support

Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:23pm | Report
Pretty sure it counts Morg as a mage... >:I

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
PoisonIvy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 26th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:28pm | Report
1. Thoughts on Vel'Koz?
2. Janna's win rates were incredibly high during season 3, but she had a huge fall since season 4 changes. Do you think it's related to the nerfs she received or to the rise of other supports?

Signature by Emikadon
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2014 12:36pm | Report
Mooninites wrote:

What is this for, solo queue or competitive?

If it's solo queue I would rate Morgana much higher than Nami. Morg has a lot more pick potential and her black shield is so busted. Nami does a lot really well and has a better laning pahse, but I think morg just works better in solo queue

Both - high elo solo queue but also ranked team.

Both are great, really. However, I feel like Nami is a lot more pro-active during laning phase which means she's a lot more versatile. Her late game peeling is also slightly better IMO. In terms of 2v2 nami would always beat a morgana as well.

I'm a bit biased towards Nami, but I just feel like she's more versatile.


I probably wouldn't consider Sona tier 2, probably strong tier 3.

I don't think Alistar is that bad in lane if you're good at him. He can zone really effectively and sets up ganks really well with a Flash+ pulv which makes him pretty dangerous. But he can be abused

Sona: in the right matchup she's definitely a strong pick. She has major weaknesses (mobility and defensive base stats) but if you work around those she's surely a fairly strong pick.

Alistar: There´s no way he can win a trade vs most top-tier supports because of him being melee and having VERY high mana costs. He's very vulnerable to getting poked down. His only way of winning a fight in botlane is flash+pulv on a target without flash. If the enemy carry has mobility you're essentially ****ed.


Janna has absolutely no laning phase, I consider her the worst support. I think she's worse than Zilean, Taric, and Annie.

Her laning phase is bad but if coupled with the right ADC you can still do pretty well. Cait + Janna for example can be pretty devastating, especially vs the likes of Leona. Her late game is MONSTROUS as well, could be the strongest peeling support late game.


I personally rate Zyra and Leona higher than you

Leona has only 1 decent matchup against all the tier-1 supports. She is supposed to flat out lose all the others. Again, her pre-6 is flat out terrible and she offers nothing for her ADC before that point.

I can somewhat understand your point about zyra but I feel like her weaknesses are too major to place her much higher (perhaps 1/2 spots in tier-2 but that's all)
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