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Anonymous Voting

Creator: Canoas April 21, 2011 7:50am
39 posts - page 3 of 4
AnIh's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 1:45am | Report
You dont understand the goal is not to have the highest ratio , downvote are NECESARRY to improve the guide , how can this guy think about changing his summoner spell if i dont downvote ? see now his guide he included chalice and other summoners spells because i downvoted it , it help community if you dont think so your really stupid .
vote are needed , downvote are needed if a think a guide with item build / skill build / runes that everybody use should not be downvoted because the important parts are bad then you are really stupid .
if there is a rating then it should be used , what you say is just to remove the downvote possibility because making a guide make it good enought so you must have only votes from sheep who think its a good guide because he use the items everybody use already .
Ezrea1's Forum Avatar
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Dec 3rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 1:57am | Report
That's not nearly as big of an issue as people who trash guides without reading the entire thing or understanding how it works. The way you play malphite is different. this guy explained it very thoroughly saying that usually you lane with some one who has it. and you provide them with mana. plus not having chalice lets you pull out bigger items earlier so you're actually tanky. just because the person has a different build or item route doesn't mean it's bad. It just has to work. and that is dependent upon whether or not he explained it right. obviously the guide works. Now we come back to look at your guide. same guide, irelia for example. you don't nearly explain as well as the top guides how everything works, especially since you build it differently? reading it makes me think, wtf would anyone take more points in hiten if you can't even use it early? if you're really out there to help people get better at the game, you would write your guide in their perspective explaining how everything works. You also wouldn't just walk up to their guide and say something completely ******ed in a non-constructive way and throw a downvote. you would actually explain it along with a -1. nothing good ever comes from just straight up bashing on people's work.

wRAth is b0$$ 4 making this sig
Ezrea1's Forum Avatar
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Dec 3rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 1:58am | Report
Most people who want a high ratio isn't about having a large e *****. it's about having our guides noticed more so we can help more people.

wRAth is completely awesome and is full of sunshine!!~
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 3:16am | Report
Ezrea1 wrote:

Most people who want a high ratio isn't about having a large e *****. it's about having our guides noticed more so we can help more people.

Yea, I think so too.
But most builds in the guides are bad >.>
"I walked up to her big butt and asked her *** butt what." - Lil Wayne, lyrical genius

"I can't decide where I stand on abortion, on one hand it is killing children, on the other it gives women a choice." - ???
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Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 3:21am | Report
AnIh wrote:

and for jebus , sure you dont care you have a blue name so you get plenty of ppl who have no clue at all voting for your guide only because your name is blue .

Maybe, but unlike 90% of the people on this site his builds are actually good.
"We've had a few gloomy years with bad console ports, and what do we get in the light at the end of the console-tunnel? A tablet OS ported to PC." - Atlas Tasume, on Windows 8
Ezrea1's Forum Avatar
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Dec 3rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 3:28am | Report

1) but it's not really about following a build verbatim right? it's more of taking it as a reference and finding your own style for the champions. at least for me and my friends it is. Like whenever they ask me about a champ, I provide a general theme and some core items and they go off experimenting. Plus I think the actual guide body, where they write down how the champion is successfully played that's important right?

2) yus. his name deserves to be blue. his builds work well and he really does a good job explaining how things work and why he does them that way.

wRAth is b0$$ 4 making this sig
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 7:35am | Report
If you just downvote, even if you explain your reason, you're not going to help anyone.
In my opinion you should only downvote after explaining the problem and giving them the chance to change. Then, either they improve their guide, explain why they think you're wrong or you'll downvote because they refuse to polish their guide.
This is just my opinion, but I really think this is what should be done.
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 9:24am | Report
I don't vote down when I'm forced to comment unless I know the person can take criticism.
That stops me from voting in a lot of cases. There are far too many idiots to even try to be constructive to random people on the site.
I really wish we could have the option to vote and comment anonymously.
The moment a religious person unknowingly calls his own ways stupid: "And lol. I highly doubt you have magic powers. If you proved it I would believe you, but since you 'refuse to', I choose not to."
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2011 2:41pm | Report
So, has anyone given some thought on this?
I would honestly like feedback from people who downvote.
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2011 2:22am | Report
Which part are you looking for feedback on?

The two systems are there for different reasons, really. The comment system is there for people that WANT to help each other out, to do so. The reputation system is there to try and encourage people to do that.

The voting system is there to rank content for the readers. As was said above, we need the negative votes to help determine which content the general public most wants to see. If someone only ever down votes, and never comments, that's fine. They're not targeting anyone, they're expressing their honest opinion through votes, they're improving the accuracy of our ranks.

Too many down votes would have an overall effect of everyone's scores going down, but the actual ranks would still be accurate.

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