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Is 3000 characters the only way to making a...

Creator: fungling November 30, 2020 3:35am
fungling's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 30, 2020 3:35am | Report
I've made an updated build for Season 11 inspired off a Season 10 guide (inting sion lol). I don't want to write a long guide as I feel like all I could accomplish is stealing from the original guide in most aspects. However, I don't feel like there is a reason for my build to be classified as less important as other guides, and it's not less in-depth as I linked to the original guide too.
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 30, 2020 2:22pm | Report
3k characters is the only way for your guide to be considered a full guide.

Plagiarism is not allowed, write it using your own words.
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 4, 2020 4:02am | Report
Hey @ fungling!

Writing 3.000 characters is pretty quick. Keep in mind that BBCode (adding lists, colours, tables, etc.) is also counted towards the 3.000 characters for a full guide.

Most players are looking for a build to follow and a guide to join it, to better learn how to play their desired champion, and that's the reason they have priority over simple builds.

Let me know if you need any help and best of luck with your guide!

Interesting Note: This comment already has 500+ characters, pretty fast!
fungling's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 5, 2020 12:11am | Report
Hades4u wrote:
Hey @ fungling!
Writing 3.000 characters is pretty quick. Keep in mind that BBCode (adding lists, colours, tables, etc.) is also counted towards the 3.000 characters for a full guide.
Most players are looking for a build to follow and a guide to join it, to better learn how to play their desired champion, and that's the reason they have priority over simple builds.
Let me know if you need any help and best of luck with your guide!
Interesting Note: This comment already has 500+ characters, pretty fast!

@ Hades4u Hey in the guide I made it says in the revision part that I have 5000+ characters when I only wrote 2500 or so underneath the build. What does that mean? And when I have enough characters, how can my build become a guide? Tyvm.
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 5, 2020 2:44am | Report
fungling wrote:
Hey in the guide I made it says in the revision part that I have 5000+ characters when I only wrote 2500 or so underneath the build. What does that mean? And when I have enough characters, how can my build become a guide? Tyvm.

I looked at your guide and your earliest revision shows 2500 characters. Even if you know yourself that you've only written 2500 characters underneath your build, then you only need 500 more characters to reach the 3000 requirement and your guide will become a guide and not a build. @ fungling
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
Tauricus2017's Forum Avatar
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Apr 26th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 5, 2020 4:18am | Report
fungling wrote:
Hey in the guide I made it says in the revision part that I have 5000+ characters when I only wrote 2500 or so underneath the build. What does that mean? And when I have enough characters, how can my build become a guide? Tyvm.

Personally I'd recommend you not to worry very much about it. Build or guide, it doesn't really matter. If you don't enjoy writing bunch of text into your guide, then I'd very much recommend you to not do it. There are people out there who appreciate shorter builds, that explain only the very important stuff about the champion concept, while there are also people who have enough time to go through every little detail about said champion. Keep in mind that the most important aspect of making a guide/build is to have fun and nothing else has bigger priority then that.

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