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The front page and positive traffic

Creator: Trophycase June 17, 2011 1:28pm
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Trophycase's Forum Avatar
Mar 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 1:28pm | Report
I would love to know the opinions on the inflated amounts of upvotes/downvotes brought upon by being on the front page.

There are plenty of guides I have seen up there that deserve to be much higher (the Scrax's Janna guide/Tristana Guide/etc. that obviously have a lot of strong content and effort put into them), and others that seem to be rated a bit higher than they should such as the "How to become a better player" (this may be useful to some people, however it has about 2 paragraphs of content that include things one should learn at summoner level 10). The amount of sheep/troll votes brought upon seems ridiculous.

In my own experience with both of my guides (yes this is semi-rage), they reached the front page without a single downvote only to be instantly downvoted the second it reached the front page, without explanation every time. A majority of the time it is from people that want to displace/troll your guide, while on occasion it may be for legitimate reasons. For example, my Swain guide reached 15/15 votes (comment to vote was not enabled so the "inflated because people are scared" argument cannot be used) only to receive 2 downvotes within half an hour of reaching the front page. Now that just seems a bit odd.

To be honest, having this happen to both of my guides is really discouraging, and what was once so exciting to me (writing guides) I really don't feel like doing anymore. The time and effort I put into, what seemed to me to be, an extremely strong and in-depth guide goes out the window with a single person who feels like being an ******* or wants to see their guide on the front page.

I try to be pretty constructive with most of the guides I run into, and not seeing people return the favor is a bit sad.

Just looking at the strong guides on the front page right now and the sheer amount of undeserved downvotes is a bit scary. (Shaco/Tristana/Cho'Gath/Janna/Brand)

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Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 1:36pm | Report
Note that it gives a lot of positive publicity as well.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 1:40pm | Report
In my last guide it never got a chance to make it to the front page. 4 downvote's with no explanation, and 4 upvotes with a thoughtout explanation. IDK. I don't have any time to make the guides I really want to atm.

Trophycase's Forum Avatar
Mar 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 1:50pm | Report

Note that it gives a lot of positive publicity as well.

Oh it gives a ton of publicity. I am just pointing out that it does not bring the positive publicity that it should in some cases.

Instead of it feeling like "YES! I made it on the front page of the site." it is more like "well, here comes the troll downvotes."

There is no doubt that it can also bring positive publicity as well though. Using Duff-Time's Offtanks guide as an example, it received at least 500 votes in the course of a month, which is just staggering. Allowing him to reach a pretty stable ~90% rating. The guide itself had great content and I learned a bit from reading it, but I thought the presentation was a bit lacking, so I think 90% is a pretty suitable rating. When the amount of votes reaches that high of a number, it will eventually gravitate towards its true rating. And when there are such a large number of votes, troll downvotes have a lot less of an impact.

But to have a perfect rating, reach the front page, get instant downvotes, and have your rating completely shattered by one or two downvotes (we are talking like 10-15% here) it is really discouraging.

Now how is it supposed to get traffic with its slightly-above-average rating making it difficult to get any traffic whatsoever?
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Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 4:04pm | Report
Scrax's guide is about Support Janna and lots of people think that AP>Support, so it'll get troll votes.
Still, the guide has 62/69, which is a pretty good score.
Trophycase's Forum Avatar
Mar 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 8:20pm | Report
Canoas wrote:

Scrax's guide is about Support Janna and lots of people think that AP>Support, so it'll get troll votes.
Still, the guide has 62/69, which is a pretty good score.

I can even use that guide as an example. While people may think that AP>Support, there is not a single comment from one downvoter saying that they prefer it that way. Essentially, the troll downvotes from the disabled comment to vote bring zero constructive criticism. I didn't see a single comment saying why a person downvoted.
I can't say that not being on the front page would prevent these troll downvotes, but I think that it brings exposure to people that have little to no idea what they are talking about on the champion, or just want to see the author pissed off for receiving a downvote.
Adonikam wrote:
People need to realize that the other Janna builds on this site are possibly the worst in existence. For example;
Rabadons, DFG, Void staff. o.0
Teleport/Clarity. That's just terrible
The only other Janna guide worth mentioning on this site is Canoas's.

So yeah, can the bads stop DVing this Kthx

I have received a total of 11 downvotes on both of my guides, and haven't received a single comment saying why they did so.

We won't even go into how the guide rating is a bit inflated by the moderators/veterans helping out this Janna guide. So without the help of them, I doubt the guide would have the already artificially low 62/69. So just imagine a normal person trying to write a guide, without the recommendations from greens/blues and their constructive criticism, these downvotes are a lot more crippling.

Either way, it is just really discouraging. There are so many quality guides going unnoticed/lower than they should be because of the flawed system, and granted, there may be people that don't agree for good reasons, but rarely are these reasons stated to help improve the guide quality. Reading the quote from Adonikam, even he is complaining about the poor quality of the Janna guides on the site, yet there seems to be no effort to differentiate the good from the bad.
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Trophycase's Forum Avatar
Mar 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 8:32pm | Report
Canoas, you even had your own experience with this on your support guide. You had to archive it because of the sheer amount of troll votes you were receiving. EVEN WITH THE HELP OF VETERANS/MODERATORS the rating is still at least 5% below what anybody who has any idea how to write guides/play the game would think it should be at. Compare this to the "How to Become a Better Player" guide that has a 90% currently that, to be honest, has little useful information in it. Your guide should be higher than this one, yet it is not the case, and I don't see how a problem is not seen with that.

Then again, it is a matter of opinion.
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<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 8:44pm | Report
Yea, the top 10 list attracts trolls, it is a known concept.

but, especially with the new c2v only for the first 20 votes, a guide score of around 80% is desirable. 90% is one of the highest guide scores out there, highest atm being 94%.

only way to remove this would be not having a top 10 of the month list anymore, which has been discussed I think because of the drastic effects it brings.

also keep in mind, being a vet/mod/known well on the site DOES help guide popularity. People look at the recent guides often, and a lot of times if it is just from some random average Joe, many people will surpass them...but if they see a colored name or a name of someone they recognize all around the forums, they will check it out regardless of if you told them about it or not.

You need to show your guide to a lot of people too. Hop on the MOBAFire vent, maybe ask some people to vote.

And if it is good, all the upvotes from the people you showed it to will give you a nice boost, so some trolls won't hurt it as much.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Trophycase's Forum Avatar
Mar 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 9:01pm | Report

Yea, the top 10 list attracts trolls, it is a known concept.

but, especially with the new c2v only for the first 20 votes, a guide score of around 80% is desirable. 90% is one of the highest guide scores out there, highest atm being 94%.

only way to remove this would be not having a top 10 of the month list anymore, which has been discussed I think because of the drastic effects it brings.

also keep in mind, being a vet/mod/known well on the site DOES help guide popularity. People look at the recent guides often, and a lot of times if it is just from some random average Joe, many people will surpass them...but if they see a colored name or a name of someone they recognize all around the forums, they will check it out regardless of if you told them about it or not.

You need to show your guide to a lot of people too. Hop on the MOBAFire vent, maybe ask some people to vote.

And if it is good, all the upvotes from the people you showed it to will give you a nice boost, so some trolls won't hurt it as much.

Yeah, while this is true, 80% is just not satisfying for me.

And yeah, mods/vets will raise up ratings, and there are still guides that deserve to be higher even with the help of these mods/vets.

I try to show my guide to friends, however there are just not that many that play LoL or use the site.

On the topic of vent, I am having issues connecting to the server for some reason. I have tried reinstalling a few times. However it just won't seem to work properly

EDIT: Just kidding about the vent thing, I was using the link to the old vent on your profile but then I just looked on the forums and found the working one.
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<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2011 10:00pm | Report
o **** I should change that ;D

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
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