Nidalee and Cho are both good farmers, even for people that aren't Hotshot.
I really like Ezreal for last hitting, his animation is fast and you can use his q to last hit if you're out of range of auto attack.
Most range AD's are good at last hitting though, if you don't have a support go mid or top.
Champs like Anivia and Sivir are good at farming and pushing lanes once they can spam their spells. Twisted Fate is also a great farmer / pusher when played AP.
I really like Ezreal for last hitting, his animation is fast and you can use his q to last hit if you're out of range of auto attack.
Most range AD's are good at last hitting though, if you don't have a support go mid or top.
Champs like Anivia and Sivir are good at farming and pushing lanes once they can spam their spells. Twisted Fate is also a great farmer / pusher when played AP.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
At level 6, Corki can demolish an entire wave of mage minions, in like .2 seconds using his Q, then R, all the while staying at a relatively safe distance. His crazy farming abilities persist throughout the entire game, as well.
Also, in my experiences, Corki can dominate his (solo) lane when played right. Especially when you reach level 6, and can harass from VERY far away, while still getting last hits on all the enemy minions.
Also, in my experiences, Corki can dominate his (solo) lane when played right. Especially when you reach level 6, and can harass from VERY far away, while still getting last hits on all the enemy minions.
Cho is a nice one and easy to play, especially if you use your ult to get big.
There are the junglers, their work is killing minions, but I think you're not willing to play as one.
But one champion I love is Morde, but after this nerf, he needs a lot more strategy to play.
There are the junglers, their work is killing minions, but I think you're not willing to play as one.
But one champion I love is Morde, but after this nerf, he needs a lot more strategy to play.
Sorry for the noob question, but are any of these particularly suited to turning the tide of a game the longer it goes? As I said, my problem is that if we fall a little behind, I get discouraged easily. I like how nidalee plays, but she really can't do that much just by herself, she kind aneeds a competent team to succeed.
Well Sivir is always dangerous because of her BD power.
Cho'gath remains pretty dangerous all game because of his ult and his aoe cc.
Malzahar is dangerous in lane and scales well because his pool does % damage.
AD carries always scale well.
Cho'gath remains pretty dangerous all game because of his ult and his aoe cc.
Malzahar is dangerous in lane and scales well because his pool does % damage.
AD carries always scale well.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Nasus is like the definition of a super-farming champ. If you just let Nasus farm all game he just builds tanky with Trinity Force and Siphoning Strike hits for way too much damage.
Everyone else's suggestions were good too, but if you don't want a squishy ranged DPS, Nasus is probably your best option for a farmer. Cho is nice too, but he doesn't rely on farm quite as much to snowball as Nasus does.
Annie, Veigar, Malzahar (sort of), and Karthus also have last-hitting abilities, which is nice for some people who have trouble last-hitting with just autoattacks.
Nasus is like the definition of a super-farming champ. If you just let Nasus farm all game he just builds tanky with Trinity Force and Siphoning Strike hits for way too much damage.
Everyone else's suggestions were good too, but if you don't want a squishy ranged DPS, Nasus is probably your best option for a farmer. Cho is nice too, but he doesn't rely on farm quite as much to snowball as Nasus does.
Annie, Veigar, Malzahar (sort of), and Karthus also have last-hitting abilities, which is nice for some people who have trouble last-hitting with just autoattacks.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
ShenMasterFlash wrote:
Sorry for the noob question, but are any of these particularly suited to turning the tide of a game the longer it goes? As I said, my problem is that if we fall a little behind, I get discouraged easily. I like how nidalee plays, but she really can't do that much just by herself, she kind aneeds a competent team to succeed.
If you want super late game champions(and most of them suit your requirement of super high CS game changer), Jax, Tryndamere, Veigar, Nasus, Gangplank(Critplank), Sion(AD) and pretty much any full-farmed AD carry. Another viable choice is Mordekaiser since he is pretty much a god in the laning phase and can carry your team to the late game since the beginning.
And seriously, kills are nothing, there's many times that my team owns the enemy in kills by a good margin(like 48 vs 28) and yet I lose the match. So, don't worry about the flow of the game because you are losing in kills or you couldn't dominate the lane. With teamwork you can still win.
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The other problem I have been having is that lately I have been playing strong early game champs like Garen. If I don't dominate my lane, I start to get frustrated, knowing that I won't be able to dominate late game either. If other lanes fall behind even a little bit, I really get frustrated and it impacts my gameplay :( i know most of this is just staying positive, but I thought there are maybe some champs in the game that lend themselves to staying in lane, getting high creep score, and then REALLY affecting the game late.
My first impression was to play a ranged AD carry, and I still may do that, but one issue I have is how squishy they are early. I feel like they get denied CS early too because they can't go toe to toe w anyone (and again, in low ELO, supporting babysitters are really nonexistant).
So if anyone could recommend a good champ to play to stay in lane, and just farm farm farm until you can take over the game, and not be discouraged if you fall behind a kill or 2. Are Hotshot's champs like nidalee and cho good for this? Or is it just him as a player?
TL;DR - I am looking for a champ to play that benefits GREATLY from staying in lane, achieving a high CS score, and gets better as the game goes on. Preferably someone not SUPER squishy. (IF it helps the only full rune set I have is ArPen Marks, Armor Yellows, MR/lev Blues, and ARPen quints....although I do have MagPen Marks too.