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counter blitzcrank in lane?

Creator: blaisem August 18, 2011 12:56pm
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<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2011 3:18pm | Report
not gonna read all this

but basically

if you are getting grabbed

stand behind minions

and always have your finger on d or f if you have flash, get ready to flash that ***** instantly if you see it coming and there are no creeps to hide behind nearby.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
deathalo44's Forum Avatar
Apr 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2011 9:20pm | Report
The best thing is, get a good skillshot player, ask him to play Ezreal and try to counter all his skillshots. He'll have to ult to finish you off to be fair. This way, you'll improve dodging a LOT. However, both of you must have the time for a long game :P
Amumu Guide :D

Eve guide :D

Hope whatever I say helps! :D

PS : Not all my criticism is good. Most of the time, I just talk like that anyway. So forgive me if you get offended, unless you just can't look from my angle, or at least close enough.
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