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counter blitzcrank in lane?

Creator: blaisem August 18, 2011 12:56pm
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blaisem's Forum Avatar
Aug 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 12:56pm | Report
Hello everyone. Blitzcrank is currently free so I see him a lot in games. I've noticed one thing, especially when I play a tank without a strong poke (if you aren't maokai), that blitz really dominates. If I can't do damage outside of his robo grab range, then I am forced to just sit there rather than risk getting within range of the grab. Case in point, last game was rammus (me) and ashe in bottom against blitz and kogmaw. Kogmaw pushed me away from minions, while blitz spent a lot of time in the bushes, making them unassaultable due to a potential robograb. Each time he landed a robograb, it was certain death for either of us, sometimes even with flash. I thought I could dcurl and tank some, so I tried to intercept robograb for Ashe since she left herself open quite a bit, but my life was gone really fast and I found I couldnt get away anymore after having given up half my life bar. It was better to try running immediately after being grabbed. Ashe poked a little at the start but was quickly oom while they potioned back up. Then we were zoned out or dead if we tried to regain control. We wanted Ashe mid but she never talked in chat box, so our heimer got stuck with mid. Our lane got raped, Ashe and I were both feeding like champs. It was really bad. I've never lost lane so thoroughly like that before. What do I do in situations like this? Blitz has been giving me real trouble in lane. How do I counter?

This is the second time I have seen blitz really dominate a lane. Other time: I was Maokai with lux, and I personally never had a problem because sapling toss has great range and I had clarity, so I was able to stay out of range of robo grab and still grab some minions and poke reasonably well. They focused Lux, of course, who didn't have quite as much range and died once or twice. We were against blitz and Caitlyn. We saved turret with most its health, but we gave more deaths than kills and never hit their turret. I think we gave 2 or 3 more deaths, which isn't great, but a timely gank later won us back lost ground. Still, I felt like we were losing the whole time and we mostly stayed under turret. We couldn't push, although we nearly killed Caitlyn once or twice. It was as close to a standoff as I have seen against a good blitz, and that was only due to us having great pokes. Am I screwed without that, aka as Rammus, or anyone without strong poking, against a Blitz who knows what it's doing?

Robograb is so deadly, it pulls you away from your partner, half behind enemy minions, then the knock up, and the other opponent bursting all over you. Even if you dodge most robograbs, if a few still land, your life is almost certainly over. It makes it risky to even attempt attacking them, no matter how squishy the enemy partner is, because he can preempt any assault with a good robograb and set you at a huge disadvantage in lane with little life left, if you even survive. Plus the squishier his partner, likely the more dps that partner has aka gg for you. Blitz just grabs you away from focusing on partner and then they both pummel the **** out of you. Then he gets overdrive, which is like half a get out of jail free card in case things go badly for him.
blaisem's Forum Avatar
Aug 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 12:56pm | Report
Sorry for the long post. I just got owned and feeling a little upset at how badly it went for me. I'd like to know how I can prevent that from ever happening again!
eXonRelay's Forum Avatar
May 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 1:20pm | Report
There's couple of things you can try:

1) Start with boots+3 pots. Boots help you dodge grabs easier and pots increases your sustain in lane.
2) Buy wards to gain vision over those bushes. That really helps zoning the opponent.
3) If you know you'll face blitz a lot, play a champion that can poke a lot (ie. Cho). When you have warded the bot bushes you can effectively zone him out.
4) If you're having a bad game, call for a switch. You should be able to go solo top with most of tanky champions.
5) Blitz likes to hide in those bushes, which means he is slightly overextended most of the time. Call for ganks to punish him playing aggressively.
6) Position yourself correctly. use your own minions to shield yourself.

Edit: I'm just curious but why you insisted that ashe should be going mid? Also in lots of your examples you're just having worse lane composition. Caitlyn is superb laner with strong poke and long range, and with blitz she can basically freefarm.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 3:01pm | Report
Wards in the bushes can prevent the "Bush-crank" problem.
Standing behind your minions can prevent you from being grabbed.
Constantly moving around can prevent him from grabbing you.
Exhaust/Flash are your friends against Blitz.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

blaisem's Forum Avatar
Aug 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 7:00pm | Report
Edit: I'm just curious but why you insisted that ashe should be going mid? Also in lots of your examples you're just having worse lane composition. Caitlyn is superb laner with strong poke and long range, and with blitz she can basically freefarm.

I thought Heimerdinger would have gone better in our lane than Ashe because his turrets would let him farm without us having to be on the minions, so we could keep more distance from Blitz and get a little more mobility on the lane by pushing towards the middle where there is more room, so it is harder for rocket grab to hit. Heim also asked to switch from mid because he was mid against Caitlyn who outranged his turrets.

I definitely should have gone boots, and wards in the bushes seem like a good idea. Thanks for that advice. Also, if I have just been up against a better lane duo then that is good to know, but I do have to say that in the past three free hero rotations, even against better lane duos, I never felt so pushed around. I figured in this case there was something tactical I was doing wrong.

From now on, when I see Blitz on the enemy team, I'll be sure to go boots and hpots, and watch out for his Q. I've never seen a Q that is so powerful. I've been keeping minions between him and me, but he was using bushes to get around that. Next time I'll try to get a ward in there and hope my partner can poke. How would you advise me as Rammus, then? I have a fun time playing Rammus besides this last round against Blitz. I usually dcurl and go up for last hits, letting them waste some mana on poking me, especially if my partner is squishy. I like to get an hp regen item w/ h pots for this reason, when I can. Besides this strategy, I don't know how else to poke as Rammus, to be honest, and against a blitzcrank where I need boots anyways and won't have solid hp regen, I am not sure how else to play. If my partner can initiate on enemy champs in lane phase, I powerball and taunt, of course, but if opponents dont come past minions they are tough to get. Sometimes I circle around after a blue pill to gank with pball. Any ideas how to not get behind on gold as Rammus in general? If I were to lane right now again against a Blitz, for example, I would have boots, so no hp regen, and I would still try to take last hits as I could, and ward bush if blitz was pushing bush. I'd go for occasional ganks by circling around, and if they were stupid to go past minions, I would try to powerball and taunt. Any comments on this strategy?

I read a tank shouldn't take last hits when a carry is around, but to be honest I have tried that the last few games and I have had too little money to do my job as a tank. I end up dying a lot more, and then the carry dies anyways, and my team loses. Often if I leave last hits for the carry, the carry still doesn't take them. Maybe in a ranked game it's different, I don't know.

Thanks everyone who is taking time to read this, and even bigger thanks to those who advise :)
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 7:06pm | Report
You should not be taking last hits when the carry is around unless they can't possibly get it.
As Rammus, abuse the bushes and your taunt. Go into the bushes, powerball into Blitz. Taunt him and wail on him. Rinse, repeat. It's not a perfect strategy but, it's feasible. If his barrier comes up, stop hitting him and flee. Re-initiate when the shield powers down. Not before. It takes a minute to charge again once it's gone up and I think it lasts for 10 seconds.
blaisem's Forum Avatar
Aug 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2011 7:46pm | Report
Cool thanks! will try that!
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2011 1:57am | Report
Most of what you can do has already been said, but I have a couple more things to add.

1. If you've ever played Blitz, you'll know that the cooldown on his Q is annoyingly long. If he misses a grab, be as aggressive as possible for the next 15 seconds or so.

2. If you're a tank in bot lane, make sure to get a quick philo stone and HoG. The gold/10 will help you to transition to mid game.

3. If blitz is bot with a carry, he's either going to be very underfarmed or he'll steal a lot of farm from his carry. Either way, one of the two is going to have a weak midgame. Blitz is fairly item dependant, since most players get a Trinity Force it costs a lot of gold. Play passive when you can, and make sure your carry is getting nice and farmed.

4. Blitzcrank won't grab you if you've harrassed him to about 30% hp. If you or your lane mate has a good poke, try to harrass him a lot when possible, ESPECIALLY if you play someone with good sustain. Basically if you can pop his mana shield, you won't have to worry about any more aggressive play from blitz until he recovers or recalls. Easier said than done of course.

5. Like eXon said, call for a gank from your jungler when possible. If you have a strong ganker like Nocturne, Blitz won't be able to CC three of you and you should be able to pick up some kills. When blitz falls behind, he can't play nearly as aggressively.

That said, blitz is one of the most annoying enemies to lane against (for me, anyway). Good luck and I hope this helps a little.
Thanks to Minho for the sig!
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2011 11:01am | Report
I play rammus quite a bit, and have some ideas that could potentially help; although it does depend on who you have in your lane. Say they have Blitzcrank and a caster like Lux for example since she is free too this week. Normally when Blitz pulls you in, his other teammate will be nearby. Except him to pull you in and pop you up, he may save popup for a couple seconds though but not usually. Don't taunt Blitz, in this scenario you would want to Defense Curl and Taunt their caster because when she is taunted she can only use auto attacks, although because she is a ranged attack she doesnt have to be so close, but if she already is when you taunt she will stay close. For this you need good team communication, because in those couple seconds she is taunted you need your lane partnet to be close up and ready to unless all their burst on them while you auto attack as well. Pop your ult Tremors if you have it yet. Focus the squishy, which does more dmg than blitz early game, and take them out as fast as possible. An exhaust really helps this, or an ignite could be all you need to finish them off. But that's if you have to use them to secure kill. In most cases I find, I'll be the focus because of my lower health and they want to get rid of one first then focus the other in 2v1. A lot of people commit to a kill for too long and ignore other factors. Once you kill the squishy, back off a bit from Blitz because you should be low health and he'll be trying to finish you off, but always run towards your turret or your partner, leaving him a farther distance to travel to escape. If it gets too dangerous for you, powerball away or flas, or even powerball flash over minions for that epic escape while your lane partner finishes him off.

This is just an idea, but different factors with different champs in your lane will always make things different. The key is to understanding what champions are capable of, and what they aren't. Check what items they bought as soon as you see them in lane, and know the skills they have at their disposal. Basically, there are many many factors that can completely change your strategy, and you need to be aware of everything around you and going on.

Couple other tips for Rammus:
- Taunt them into your turret. Most smart players won't get close to turret early game when Rammus is there, unless they have a bit of range and can attack from afar since your taunt range is short. But sometimes people do overlook this, especially at lower levels. Melee champs like Xin, Olaf, Yi, Gangplank, ect have to be right at the turret to attack, and if they do that, or get too close to your minions to try and last hit near turret, try taunting and running towards turret which will drag them closer. Make sure they hit you at least once first, drag em close, then hit em at least once to make sure you get the kill. Turret will target them and at low levels it's guarunteed kill.

- Powerball Flash over minions. Start powerball in bushes, gain a little speed, then come out and if they run behind minions just get close, flash over minions, and continue rollin on towards them. They won't get away. Works good if they have low health and you can hit em with your knockup, taunt and do the last bit of dmg or pop ult to kill. Or at least taunt them long enough for your team mate to catch up and help finish em off. Powerball flash can be used for many other things too. Powerball flash over walls, or even just for that little extra distance if they're getting too far away or close to turret. It takes a bit of practice, but once you figure it out has many fun uses.

- Chase people down. This works better in mid-late game when you're built tanky as **** and your team is comin up to gank some one or a couple people who over extended. If they begin to retreat, have your team go one way and cut off escape routes while you use the jungle to maneuver yourself to end up infront of them. Powerball through the jungle, take shortcuts and after awhile you'll be able to gauge where you need to go to cut them off. I love doing this, and I always come out right infront of them to surprise. (and idk if it's just me but I think it's funny when I come out of powerball and do my little slide right in front of them) Then you taunt the one you want focused down giving your team enough time to catch up, and if there's two the other might stay to try to help them escape and focus you down, while the rest of your gank shows up to slaughter 'em.

- Your ult, Tremors, can be used while you're in powerball.

- Know your opponents. If they have some strong AD carries who are dominating, build thornmail. I love that item so much :3 Strong AP carries? Build Force of Nature, Banshees Veil or something else like those, whatever you think would fit best to counter the opposing team. Always know when to adjust your build depending on what the other team has or is doing best on their team.

- Remember, building armor on rammus gives him more damage. Shouldn't be your focus at all, but it is a nice passive that allows you to build straight tank while maintaining a bit of damage.

I've done so good in some games with Rammus that it made the other team try and focus me down quick, which is awesome because even if I die, I'm the hardest to kill and it gives my team enough time to do out enough damage and kill them all, while I'm sitting in the midst of this with ult popped, taunting whoever and occasionally powerballing just for a bit of dmg and popup. It's your job as a tank, and it's worth it even if you die. (Try not to though ;) )

I could probably give you some more tips on Rammus but I'm pretty tired of typing and I've typed a lot already.. lol But good luck.
My name is Havok.
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Thanks to jhoijhoi!
UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2011 11:04am | Report
PsiGuard wrote:

Most of what you can do has already been said, but I have a couple more things to add.

1. If you've ever played Blitz, you'll know that the cooldown on his Q is annoyingly long. If he misses a grab, be as aggressive as possible for the next 15 seconds or so.

2. If you're a tank in bot lane, make sure to get a quick philo stone and HoG. The gold/10 will help you to transition to mid game.

3. If blitz is bot with a carry, he's either going to be very underfarmed or he'll steal a lot of farm from his carry. Either way, one of the two is going to have a weak midgame. Blitz is fairly item dependant, since most players get a Trinity Force it costs a lot of gold. Play passive when you can, and make sure your carry is getting nice and farmed.

4. Blitzcrank won't grab you if you've harrassed him to about 30% hp. If you or your lane mate has a good poke, try to harrass him a lot when possible, ESPECIALLY if you play someone with good sustain. Basically if you can pop his mana shield, you won't have to worry about any more aggressive play from blitz until he recovers or recalls. Easier said than done of course.

5. Like eXon said, call for a gank from your jungler when possible. If you have a strong ganker like Nocturne, Blitz won't be able to CC three of you and you should be able to pick up some kills. When blitz falls behind, he can't play nearly as aggressively.

That said, blitz is one of the most annoying enemies to lane against (for me, anyway). Good luck and I hope this helps a little.

Those are all good tips as well ^
My name is Havok.
And yes, your mother loves me.

Check out my Katarina guide!
+rep me because I am awesome.

Thanks to jhoijhoi!
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