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Ezreal Buff?

Creator: cDgWombo August 28, 2011 11:07pm
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cDgWombo's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2011 11:07pm | Report
Is it just me, but I just bought ezreal, and his a good char, but idk if its just the builds I look at or something else, but I feel like ezreal is just so weak =/ I played a few games and its like argh! his damage is nothing sometimes! Am I the only one who feels he needs a buff???
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Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2011 1:19am | Report
He is definitely not the strongest carry, but he is still good. He has more maneuverability than most carries and a nice snipe / aoe ult.

He is very item depending (if you're playing him AD, not sure about AP). When I first started playing him I found that I was actually depending on his skills too much for damage, and wasn't sitting there and auto-attacking enough. Yes you should use your Q on CD during fights, but you need to be auto-attacking all the time between Q's.

What kind've build do you use? Are you good at last hitting?
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
cDgWombo's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2011 8:38am | Report
Well I try to play as AD because I was told that was his strongest, but I mean even his auto is soooo weak =/, I don't have any runes might i add, I don't know if his one of the few hero's who relay heavily on them to actually deal damage but im saving up for it. I'm pretty good at last hitting, I tend to last hit alot so it isn't really my issue it's the dying because I can't kill someone on my lane problem =/ and it's not even that i'm bad because when i play as my other heros I play very good, I got ezreal understanding his VERY hard to play as, but I feel like his to weak ? and the build I use is****reek-frezzaholics-ad-builds-for-pro-and-new-ezreals-92349

If you can find a better one i'd be glad to give it a shot!
Thank you for your help
Vaellen's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2011 9:18am | Report
Read Booshido's guide. This is what Ezreal is made for. Being aggressive, pwning early to pwn later.

I play him with this build:

1. Start Meki Pendant and go for Manamune.

2. Berserker's Greaves

3. Trinity Force

4. Bloodthirster

5. Banshee's Veil

6. Guardian Angel / Quicksilver Sash / etc. it's your choice and depends on what you currently need ingame. Most of the times it's another defensive item but you can go for more damage as well.

I sometimes get a B.F. Sword before Trinity Force and sometimes after Tear of the Goddess even. If you have that big chunk of gold, invest it in the B.F Sword for Bloodthirster and you can finish it later.

You can get a Negatron Cloak / Chainmail to counter a mid opponent who is rocking you but that hasn't happened to me in a while.

My skill priority is R>Q>E>W. I max W last or put a point in it at level 4 if they've got all kinds of Master Yis, Vaynes and Trynds trying to hit as fast as The Flash, or if my team has 'em auto attackers.

I get Arpen quints and marks, flat armor seals and flat magic resist glyphs for early game dominance.

Masteries are 21/0/9. Summoner Spells are Exhaust and Ignite.

You need to dominate early game and Ezreal is the best at it. Just poke them a little and then Arcane Shift right in front of them and unload on them.

If you don't kill them, they're going to go back, letting you freefarm and damage the mid turret for a while. If they don't run, well... an Arcane Shift, some autos and a Mystic Shot normally finishes the job.
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Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2011 2:23pm | Report
When I started playing I used Booshido's guide as well. It is a very good build. I would definitely say don't rush Trinity Force on him because that's just too much early game where you will have no damage. I would say get The Bloodthirster first in general. This will help your Q's do more damage and give you some sustain.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Vaellen's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2011 4:55pm | Report
Mowen wrote:

When I started playing I used Booshido's guide as well. It is a very good build. I would definitely say don't rush Trinity Force on him because that's just too much early game where you will have no damage. I would say get The Bloodthirster first in general. This will help your Q's do more damage and give you some sustain.

Never said you have to rush it. I even said that sometimes I get a B.F. Sword before it's even complete.
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jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2011 1:04am | Report
Perhaps your problem is that you're trying to play him like an auto-attack ranged carry. He's an AD Caster, so that might take some getting used to.
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