So this was an odd game (Yasuo jungler, a Yorick :o, Maokai sup, etc) and while we eventually won, it took over an hour: http://www.replay.gg/search/na/Sirhappee#2255335792
Early game went well for me, but later their team became really tanky and I found it hard to do much as Ahri (in hindsight this might have been a rare game where a Liandry's would have been worth it, just for the health % damage, though it's a weird item for Ahri). I'll be happy to hear about laning errors as well, but my main interest is in how I could have done better in late game.
So this was an odd game (Yasuo jungler, a Yorick :o, Maokai sup, etc) and while we eventually won, it took over an hour: http://www.replay.gg/search/na/Sirhappee#2255335792
Early game went well for me, but later their team became really tanky and I found it hard to do much as Ahri (in hindsight this might have been a rare game where a Liandry's would have been worth it, just for the health % damage, though it's a weird item for Ahri). I'll be happy to hear about laning errors as well, but my main interest is in how I could have done better in late game.
Hi there,
I've just finished your review. Here's what I've come up with.
I want to mention, before I start, that I advise you to watch the replay yourself as well. With my notes by your side, you can see for yourself how you could improve and it makes sure you make the most out of it. Now that's out of the way, let's start.
Overall, you didn't play bad at all. Even though I couldn't read what was going on in chat, and correct me if I'm wrong on this, I caught a few glimpses of possible flaming / negativity, especially from Yasuo. If that's indeed the case, then I must say you handeled yourself really well.
Early Game:
4:45 -> Lux has been wasting her mana for the past couple of minutes. This is the perfect time to look for some trades. To prevent yourself from using all your mana to prevent your lane from shoving, it can be a wise choice to let the wave bounce off of your turret. This relies however on a very good ability to farm. Just keep it in the back of your mind for one of your following games.
10:40 -> Good rotation, good map awarenes. By the way, nobody saw that ult ;P
11:15 -> Buying a second Doran's Ring here, or earlier on for that matter, can really help with controlling your mana usage, esoecially since this back contained no (consistant) mana-regen.
14:15 -> At this point, when you look at your map, you can see that the enemy bot-lane has shoved and that your jungler is bot. This can allow for a good rotation. Shove the wave in and gank that lane (you did so, just pointing it out, shows you have good map-awarenes)
19:30 -> Again, good rotation
20:40 -> If you look at your map again, you can see that your team is trying to take dragon. You've decided to shove the mid-lane which, in essence, is not necesarily a bad thing. However, taking another glance, you can see that both the enemy jungler and bot-laners are missing. This screams that there's going to be a skirmish, so go to drake and help them. As you can see, you were too late for the fight and lost it.
22:10 -> freeze the screen here. You're with lulu top versus a 1/2 health Trundle who is shoved under his turret, which in its turn has about 1/10 health. Next to that, you have vision of the rest of the enemy team. This could have meant an incredibly safe turret kill (since trundle would not have been able to hold off both of you and reinforcements would have arrived late) and possibly even a kill. These kind of smart plays are what snowballs your game.
25:35 -> You and your team should stay grouped. The enemies have a lot of catch potential and can easily catch you off-guard.
26:30 -> I have not yet seen you use ignite. Personally, I always forget to use it, which is why I switch to teleport/exhaust/barrier most of the times. If you find yourself forgetting it as well, you should consider doing the same.
27:05 -> Stay coordinated with your team. Don't boss them around, but point them towards the right direction. This was a perfect moment to snag the next dragon, which at a later point goes over to the enemy team.
31:00 -> Stay close to your tanks to make sure you don't get outpoked so hard and (as can be seen at 33:10) don't get too close to the enemies without back-up.
37:45 -> Don't forget to upgrade your trinket (same goes for the rest of your team). It is more valuable than some people think.
38:50 -> The Baron is worth more than a single inhibitor turret, so this was a bad choice. With baron, you would've been able to siege it easily.
44:14 -> With the elder dragon and Baron combined you would have gotten such a tremendous amount of power that you could've easily finished the game whem played out right. Risking this for an inhib is very greedy. It worked out in the end, but could have very well cost you the game.
47:35 -> Get your team to group up. One of you may split, of course, but running 2-0-3 is not a safe formation.
50:55 -> Don't get too greedy. A victory is a victory, going further was not necesary.
52:50 -> NEVER face-check a brush in the late-game.
That is all for the direct feedback. All in all you played well, especially the laning-phase, but as the rift started to get more chaotic you seemed to lose your focus. Keep trying to exploit weaknesses or create them for your team to explooit. Think smart and avoid taking unnecesary risks. If you're able to improve on active- instead of reactive-mapawarenes, a better usage of your summoner spells and a better eye for smart plays, you should be able to play-out a lot more games.
I want to mention one last thing, which is the build. I'm going to involve you into a written down thought-proces. The language and tone I use may seem childish (though it is not meant that way), please bear with me here.
The enemies consisted of trundle, lee sin, lux, miss fortune and maokai. What are they well known for? AD-reduction and brawling, Insec and early-game, burst, magic damage and burst, tankines. How am I going to counter-act this? Trundle will try to fight me, so I need to be able to self-peel or have my support with me (decision: build Rylai's crystal scepter, play safe without summoner spells and ult up, group up). Lee Sin will try to get other lanes ahead early and focus on initiation (decision: play safe in the very early game and stick behind your tanks in a teamfight to avoid an Insec). Lux has a lot of burt and AOE (decision: possibly build MR, avoid getting caught close, have a meat-shield with you). Miss-Fortune will deal burst damage as well (decidion, same as with lux). Maokai will try to play for late-game and disrupt the back line (decision: Save your CC, try to shut him down early, get some peel, get enough damage/penetration).
This leads me to the following: BUild= Sorcerer's shoes (penetration & movement speed) + Rylai's crystal scepter (peel, health vs burstines, ap for enough damage) + Abyssal Scepter (MR* & AP) + Morrelonomicon (damage, mana regen) + Void Staff (penetration & damage) + Luden's echo (Damage) + Zhonya's Hourglass (self-peel & damage). Playstyle = grouping up, staying with my support, trying to get other lanes ahead (especially bot), play safe until mid-game, don't take risks.
This is a very detailed and childish way of describing a thought-proces which takes a maximum of 5 seconds. However, always do this. It allows you to exploit weakneses and turn the tides. Because what the enemy team lacked, was peel, which is something that got exploted perfectly by Yorich and Yasuo. If the enemies (for example) don't have a lot of wave-clear, build yourself like a poke-monster and start sieging. This is what I meant with making smart plays. Now as for the Abyssal scepter (with the *). The reason I would have taken this, is because the enemies had mroe magic damage than you would think. Lux is full magic-damage, Mf deals a lot of magic damage, Maokai as well (as does his Sunfire Cape) and Lee Sin with his 'e'. This would have made Abyssal a great choice.
I hope I've helped you out. If you have any questions considering my review, or want another one, feel free to let me know.
- Penita13
I've just finished your review. Here's what I've come up with.
I want to mention, before I start, that I advise you to watch the replay yourself as well. With my notes by your side, you can see for yourself how you could improve and it makes sure you make the most out of it. Now that's out of the way, let's start.
Overall, you didn't play bad at all. Even though I couldn't read what was going on in chat, and correct me if I'm wrong on this, I caught a few glimpses of possible flaming / negativity, especially from Yasuo. If that's indeed the case, then I must say you handeled yourself really well.
Early Game:
4:45 -> Lux has been wasting her mana for the past couple of minutes. This is the perfect time to look for some trades. To prevent yourself from using all your mana to prevent your lane from shoving, it can be a wise choice to let the wave bounce off of your turret. This relies however on a very good ability to farm. Just keep it in the back of your mind for one of your following games.
10:40 -> Good rotation, good map awarenes. By the way, nobody saw that ult ;P
11:15 -> Buying a second Doran's Ring here, or earlier on for that matter, can really help with controlling your mana usage, esoecially since this back contained no (consistant) mana-regen.
14:15 -> At this point, when you look at your map, you can see that the enemy bot-lane has shoved and that your jungler is bot. This can allow for a good rotation. Shove the wave in and gank that lane (you did so, just pointing it out, shows you have good map-awarenes)
19:30 -> Again, good rotation
20:40 -> If you look at your map again, you can see that your team is trying to take dragon. You've decided to shove the mid-lane which, in essence, is not necesarily a bad thing. However, taking another glance, you can see that both the enemy jungler and bot-laners are missing. This screams that there's going to be a skirmish, so go to drake and help them. As you can see, you were too late for the fight and lost it.
22:10 -> freeze the screen here. You're with lulu top versus a 1/2 health Trundle who is shoved under his turret, which in its turn has about 1/10 health. Next to that, you have vision of the rest of the enemy team. This could have meant an incredibly safe turret kill (since trundle would not have been able to hold off both of you and reinforcements would have arrived late) and possibly even a kill. These kind of smart plays are what snowballs your game.
25:35 -> You and your team should stay grouped. The enemies have a lot of catch potential and can easily catch you off-guard.
26:30 -> I have not yet seen you use ignite. Personally, I always forget to use it, which is why I switch to teleport/exhaust/barrier most of the times. If you find yourself forgetting it as well, you should consider doing the same.
27:05 -> Stay coordinated with your team. Don't boss them around, but point them towards the right direction. This was a perfect moment to snag the next dragon, which at a later point goes over to the enemy team.
31:00 -> Stay close to your tanks to make sure you don't get outpoked so hard and (as can be seen at 33:10) don't get too close to the enemies without back-up.
37:45 -> Don't forget to upgrade your trinket (same goes for the rest of your team). It is more valuable than some people think.
38:50 -> The Baron is worth more than a single inhibitor turret, so this was a bad choice. With baron, you would've been able to siege it easily.
44:14 -> With the elder dragon and Baron combined you would have gotten such a tremendous amount of power that you could've easily finished the game whem played out right. Risking this for an inhib is very greedy. It worked out in the end, but could have very well cost you the game.
47:35 -> Get your team to group up. One of you may split, of course, but running 2-0-3 is not a safe formation.
50:55 -> Don't get too greedy. A victory is a victory, going further was not necesary.
52:50 -> NEVER face-check a brush in the late-game.
That is all for the direct feedback. All in all you played well, especially the laning-phase, but as the rift started to get more chaotic you seemed to lose your focus. Keep trying to exploit weaknesses or create them for your team to explooit. Think smart and avoid taking unnecesary risks. If you're able to improve on active- instead of reactive-mapawarenes, a better usage of your summoner spells and a better eye for smart plays, you should be able to play-out a lot more games.
I want to mention one last thing, which is the build. I'm going to involve you into a written down thought-proces. The language and tone I use may seem childish (though it is not meant that way), please bear with me here.
The enemies consisted of trundle, lee sin, lux, miss fortune and maokai. What are they well known for? AD-reduction and brawling, Insec and early-game, burst, magic damage and burst, tankines. How am I going to counter-act this? Trundle will try to fight me, so I need to be able to self-peel or have my support with me (decision: build Rylai's crystal scepter, play safe without summoner spells and ult up, group up). Lee Sin will try to get other lanes ahead early and focus on initiation (decision: play safe in the very early game and stick behind your tanks in a teamfight to avoid an Insec). Lux has a lot of burt and AOE (decision: possibly build MR, avoid getting caught close, have a meat-shield with you). Miss-Fortune will deal burst damage as well (decidion, same as with lux). Maokai will try to play for late-game and disrupt the back line (decision: Save your CC, try to shut him down early, get some peel, get enough damage/penetration).
This leads me to the following: BUild= Sorcerer's shoes (penetration & movement speed) + Rylai's crystal scepter (peel, health vs burstines, ap for enough damage) + Abyssal Scepter (MR* & AP) + Morrelonomicon (damage, mana regen) + Void Staff (penetration & damage) + Luden's echo (Damage) + Zhonya's Hourglass (self-peel & damage). Playstyle = grouping up, staying with my support, trying to get other lanes ahead (especially bot), play safe until mid-game, don't take risks.
This is a very detailed and childish way of describing a thought-proces which takes a maximum of 5 seconds. However, always do this. It allows you to exploit weakneses and turn the tides. Because what the enemy team lacked, was peel, which is something that got exploted perfectly by Yorich and Yasuo. If the enemies (for example) don't have a lot of wave-clear, build yourself like a poke-monster and start sieging. This is what I meant with making smart plays. Now as for the Abyssal scepter (with the *). The reason I would have taken this, is because the enemies had mroe magic damage than you would think. Lux is full magic-damage, Mf deals a lot of magic damage, Maokai as well (as does his Sunfire Cape) and Lee Sin with his 'e'. This would have made Abyssal a great choice.
I hope I've helped you out. If you have any questions considering my review, or want another one, feel free to let me know.
- Penita13
Thanks a bunch for the comments, they were really helpful! One question: you say not to forget to upgrade trinket, but this was actually completely intentional. I often choose to keep yellow over blue, both because it's nice to have wards that the enemy team is unlikely to destroy and because sometimes I want to throw down two wards in a row (mainly if I expect a teamfight at some location and I want to ward around it). Is my reasoning wrong or were you just making sure I wasn't forgetting?
I feel bad about taking up more of your time, but if you want to review another game, then I'd be interested in this one too: http://www.replay.gg/search/na/Sirhappee#2255972301
I had an amazing start but we threw later and I would be interested in what I could have done better.
I feel bad about taking up more of your time, but if you want to review another game, then I'd be interested in this one too: http://www.replay.gg/search/na/Sirhappee#2255972301
I had an amazing start but we threw later and I would be interested in what I could have done better.
If it was intentional, then it doesn't quite matter. Upgrading your trinket depends on personal preference and what the rest of your team is doing. I say this, because not jut you but the entirety of your team hadn't upgraded their trinkets at the 40-minute mark. If they do so for the same reason, then you're wasting some valuable vision. The blue trinket helps tremendously, as it stays in its place until destroyed. Next to that, clearing vision around baron / dragon can help pick those up as well. That's why I mentioned it. I do realise though that I can't know how the rest of your team intended to use their trinkets and thus can't judge them for it. However, such a matter requires, again, communication, which allows me to emphasize that aspect once again.
It's currently holiday where I live, so I got all the time I could wish. I actually like having something to do other than sleeping until 2 pm ;)
I'll try to get it done by the end of the day.
It's currently holiday where I live, so I got all the time I could wish. I actually like having something to do other than sleeping until 2 pm ;)
I'll try to get it done by the end of the day.
Here's the second review
Early Game:
3:30 -> Anivia can't farm under turret very well due to a slow AA-animation. Shoving her under turret early on can be a really good strategy.
4:30 -> Try to poke Anivia when she wants to last-hit. Throw out a q or an AA when you see her going for the cs. Doing so will allow you to possibly kill her and get fed.
7:15 -> Nice pick-up. Good manipulation of Anivia's cooldowns. However, if you would've harassed her early on, you wouldn't have had to use flash. It are these kind of advantages that are extremely important.
16:35 -> Nice catch!
17:30 -> At this point, when the mid-game starts, you should look at how your team is doing. To summarise, you deal all the damage. You have a 1-5 ashe, a Teemo who's building tank and a 3-7, underfarmed Aatrox. This means that you're going to have to carry this game. Group up as early as you can. try to get your team-gold up by focusing towers and other objectives. As long as they're able to protect you and you're able to deal your damage, you can still win this. It just requires goos communication and micro-management of movement and recourses.
19:15 -> Very dangerous move. Just walk around the obstacle if you've got to get that close to the enemies.
20:15 -> This is a perfect example of what happens when you group up. Good teamfight!
21:10 -> And this is a perfect example of what happens when you don't group. Your team was simply not able to kill the enemies because they didn't have enough damage.
23:15 -> Here you can see the last 2 points combined. Your team is losing the fight, but as soon as you join, the tides turn.
27:45 -> You have +2.5K gold. If you have such a large amount of gold, simply tell your team to play safe and go buy. An extra completed item or needlesly large rod can quite easily make the difference between whether you win or lose the fight.
29:40 -> You have absolutely no back-up, no vision of the enemies and are overextended. You shouldn't have been there ; it's an unnecessary death.
30:40 -> At this point, Anivia is the main threat on the enemy team, with Miss Fortune a bit underneath. Try to focus them with as much of your abilities as you can, as they deal all the damage.
35:00 -> Here you can see that Anivia is the main problematic one here.
26:00 -> Like I mentioned in my previous review, don't face check a brush. Goes for the rest of your team as well.
41:00 -> You've (again) got so much gold, simply go back and spend it.
44:00 -> There was not much you could've done about that one. Do try to stay as far from the wall as you can. especially when you don't know whether the enemies have vision of the area or not.
46:00 -> You got surprised and ended up being too close to the enemies. You got killed, and since you did all the damage on your team, the game was lost.
All in all this was a game in which you need to know how to carry a game. Get other lanes ahead, group up and make sure not to give the enemies your shutdown-gold. Learning this will come with a lot or practice and will require you to get a good sense of analysis. Next to that, focus on gaining advantages in the laning-phase and exploiting them. Combined with the previous review I did, this seams to be the main point. Creating advantages and using them correctly. If you're able to improve on that, you'll win a lot more of your games.
I hope I helped you out.
- Penita13
Early Game:
3:30 -> Anivia can't farm under turret very well due to a slow AA-animation. Shoving her under turret early on can be a really good strategy.
4:30 -> Try to poke Anivia when she wants to last-hit. Throw out a q or an AA when you see her going for the cs. Doing so will allow you to possibly kill her and get fed.
7:15 -> Nice pick-up. Good manipulation of Anivia's cooldowns. However, if you would've harassed her early on, you wouldn't have had to use flash. It are these kind of advantages that are extremely important.
16:35 -> Nice catch!
17:30 -> At this point, when the mid-game starts, you should look at how your team is doing. To summarise, you deal all the damage. You have a 1-5 ashe, a Teemo who's building tank and a 3-7, underfarmed Aatrox. This means that you're going to have to carry this game. Group up as early as you can. try to get your team-gold up by focusing towers and other objectives. As long as they're able to protect you and you're able to deal your damage, you can still win this. It just requires goos communication and micro-management of movement and recourses.
19:15 -> Very dangerous move. Just walk around the obstacle if you've got to get that close to the enemies.
20:15 -> This is a perfect example of what happens when you group up. Good teamfight!
21:10 -> And this is a perfect example of what happens when you don't group. Your team was simply not able to kill the enemies because they didn't have enough damage.
23:15 -> Here you can see the last 2 points combined. Your team is losing the fight, but as soon as you join, the tides turn.
27:45 -> You have +2.5K gold. If you have such a large amount of gold, simply tell your team to play safe and go buy. An extra completed item or needlesly large rod can quite easily make the difference between whether you win or lose the fight.
29:40 -> You have absolutely no back-up, no vision of the enemies and are overextended. You shouldn't have been there ; it's an unnecessary death.
30:40 -> At this point, Anivia is the main threat on the enemy team, with Miss Fortune a bit underneath. Try to focus them with as much of your abilities as you can, as they deal all the damage.
35:00 -> Here you can see that Anivia is the main problematic one here.
26:00 -> Like I mentioned in my previous review, don't face check a brush. Goes for the rest of your team as well.
41:00 -> You've (again) got so much gold, simply go back and spend it.
44:00 -> There was not much you could've done about that one. Do try to stay as far from the wall as you can. especially when you don't know whether the enemies have vision of the area or not.
46:00 -> You got surprised and ended up being too close to the enemies. You got killed, and since you did all the damage on your team, the game was lost.
All in all this was a game in which you need to know how to carry a game. Get other lanes ahead, group up and make sure not to give the enemies your shutdown-gold. Learning this will come with a lot or practice and will require you to get a good sense of analysis. Next to that, focus on gaining advantages in the laning-phase and exploiting them. Combined with the previous review I did, this seams to be the main point. Creating advantages and using them correctly. If you're able to improve on that, you'll win a lot more of your games.
I hope I helped you out.
- Penita13
Hi, I have recently started playing Teemo, just to see how I do with him, but started actually considering learning how to play better with him. Here's the last game I made with him, although I won, I feel like I did way too many mistakes that could be fixed and/or lead to a better game.
Hi there,
It took a bit longer as I have been spending the past couple of days with my parents. So sorry for that. Here it is anyways.
I've said this to everybody so far and you're no exception: I strongly advise you to rewatch your own game with my notes by your side. That way you can see for yourself what went wrong/right at which time and how this could occur. Now that that's settled, let's start.
Early game:
3:50 -> You harassed well, which resulted in you getting a kill. Good utilisation of your kit and nice timing of harass.
5:45 -> Good wave management and manipulation. I don't know whether you did so intentionally but you froze it perfectly.
7:00 -> From here onwards you keep picking up kills. You utilise your kit well and are able to exploit a lot of advantages. I am not going to address them every time though. I just want you to know that, all though my tone from here onwards will be more negative, it's because I'm focusing on the mistakes you made rather than giving compliments. You did, however, do very well.
8:00 -> You seem to like shoving, or at least this game you do. If this is something that occurs frequently, try to have a pink ward up at all times. Your shrooms function as wards as well, but since you don't have them yet, it can get you through the early game. Especially if the enemy jungler has his focus on your lane.
11:00 -> I quite frankly don't know what happened here. I think Lee saw some ghosts or had a little bit too much to drink. At least you were very lucky. You should always respect your enemies, no matter how far you're ahead. Vision is key. As long as you know where the enemy jungler is, you don't have to take him into account.
14:00 -> And that's what happens when you don't respect your opponents. You were still lucky (though it was not as much luck but rather a result of the way you played in the laning-phase) that you had twice the cs on Gangplank and still has 3 more kills. However, if this happened versus a more snowbally character, Riven for example, it could have been your demise. Again, buy a pink and use your shrooms for vision as well.
16:30 -> Use your ulti as much as you can. You want to place as much shrooms down as you can, both for defence and offenc.
19:50 -> Don't forget your map-awarenes! You could've easily known there were more enemies there. These kind of small mistakes can in fact cost you the gme.
24:30 -> Again, good kill.
26:10 -> That was simply unlucky. You got hit by the CC and then it was over. Telling you to dodge better is futile as I can imagine you were trying. I do want to tell you that you have to try and stay aware of your surroundings. You don't always have to walk up for a kill to make a difference. The fact that you were able to draw 2 people top (of which one was the AP-carry), your team could make plays elsewhere. This principle of split-pushing is what Teemo is all about. You can see that you know the champion, but are not that experienced yet. Keep track of the enemies and focus on these kind of smart plays.
28:25 -> You could've taken top tower instead. You knew where everyone was, so there was no risk.
30:25 -> Good shroom usage. It got you a kill you otherwise would never have gotten.
The game ended here, but I still want to show you how you could've played out the game:
You were quite fed and the rest of your team did decently. The best strategy would've been to go in a 1-4-0 formation with you top. That way you would have been able to draw attention from 2+ people or otherwise trample their base. If they focused you, the rest of your team could've simply taken mid. If you would've had troubles due to their waveclear, Baron could be snagged up. All in all it would have been quite easy to play it out.
All in all you did pretty well. You know your champion well, though you lack the experience considering split-pushing and micro-plays (as I like to call them). If you are able to focus on these to aspects and your map-awarenes, I think you will be able to win more of your games.
There's 1 final thing I want to talk about: Shroom usage. I've addressed it multiple times now, but want to make it extra clear as it's really important to do correctly.
First off, use as much shrooms as you can. Make sure you always have 1 shroom left in case you start fighting, but always have it charging towards a new stack. Otherwise you'll lose valuable stacks and a possible kill.
Secondly, shroom placement. In lane, what you want to do is use them the way you need them the most. Has your enemy got no waveclear and are you able to push your lane without them, simply use them as wards or safe-zones nere the terrain. Has the enemy got a lot of engage, use one as a safe-zone and try to bait your enemy into it before engaging yourself. Are you dominating your enemy, use them to zone. They have a lot of possible functions, so do think twice before deciding where and when to place one.
Out of lane you want to place them in choke-points. A common misconception is that bushes are such choke-points. There are a lot of places where enemies expect them and thus avoid walking into them. In that case, simply place them in alternate routes.
I hope I've helped you out. If you think I've made a mistake and/or don't agree on one of my points or simply don't get one, feel free to let me know.
- Penita13
It took a bit longer as I have been spending the past couple of days with my parents. So sorry for that. Here it is anyways.
I've said this to everybody so far and you're no exception: I strongly advise you to rewatch your own game with my notes by your side. That way you can see for yourself what went wrong/right at which time and how this could occur. Now that that's settled, let's start.
Early game:
3:50 -> You harassed well, which resulted in you getting a kill. Good utilisation of your kit and nice timing of harass.
5:45 -> Good wave management and manipulation. I don't know whether you did so intentionally but you froze it perfectly.
7:00 -> From here onwards you keep picking up kills. You utilise your kit well and are able to exploit a lot of advantages. I am not going to address them every time though. I just want you to know that, all though my tone from here onwards will be more negative, it's because I'm focusing on the mistakes you made rather than giving compliments. You did, however, do very well.
8:00 -> You seem to like shoving, or at least this game you do. If this is something that occurs frequently, try to have a pink ward up at all times. Your shrooms function as wards as well, but since you don't have them yet, it can get you through the early game. Especially if the enemy jungler has his focus on your lane.
11:00 -> I quite frankly don't know what happened here. I think Lee saw some ghosts or had a little bit too much to drink. At least you were very lucky. You should always respect your enemies, no matter how far you're ahead. Vision is key. As long as you know where the enemy jungler is, you don't have to take him into account.
14:00 -> And that's what happens when you don't respect your opponents. You were still lucky (though it was not as much luck but rather a result of the way you played in the laning-phase) that you had twice the cs on Gangplank and still has 3 more kills. However, if this happened versus a more snowbally character, Riven for example, it could have been your demise. Again, buy a pink and use your shrooms for vision as well.
16:30 -> Use your ulti as much as you can. You want to place as much shrooms down as you can, both for defence and offenc.
19:50 -> Don't forget your map-awarenes! You could've easily known there were more enemies there. These kind of small mistakes can in fact cost you the gme.
24:30 -> Again, good kill.
26:10 -> That was simply unlucky. You got hit by the CC and then it was over. Telling you to dodge better is futile as I can imagine you were trying. I do want to tell you that you have to try and stay aware of your surroundings. You don't always have to walk up for a kill to make a difference. The fact that you were able to draw 2 people top (of which one was the AP-carry), your team could make plays elsewhere. This principle of split-pushing is what Teemo is all about. You can see that you know the champion, but are not that experienced yet. Keep track of the enemies and focus on these kind of smart plays.
28:25 -> You could've taken top tower instead. You knew where everyone was, so there was no risk.
30:25 -> Good shroom usage. It got you a kill you otherwise would never have gotten.
The game ended here, but I still want to show you how you could've played out the game:
You were quite fed and the rest of your team did decently. The best strategy would've been to go in a 1-4-0 formation with you top. That way you would have been able to draw attention from 2+ people or otherwise trample their base. If they focused you, the rest of your team could've simply taken mid. If you would've had troubles due to their waveclear, Baron could be snagged up. All in all it would have been quite easy to play it out.
All in all you did pretty well. You know your champion well, though you lack the experience considering split-pushing and micro-plays (as I like to call them). If you are able to focus on these to aspects and your map-awarenes, I think you will be able to win more of your games.
There's 1 final thing I want to talk about: Shroom usage. I've addressed it multiple times now, but want to make it extra clear as it's really important to do correctly.
First off, use as much shrooms as you can. Make sure you always have 1 shroom left in case you start fighting, but always have it charging towards a new stack. Otherwise you'll lose valuable stacks and a possible kill.
Secondly, shroom placement. In lane, what you want to do is use them the way you need them the most. Has your enemy got no waveclear and are you able to push your lane without them, simply use them as wards or safe-zones nere the terrain. Has the enemy got a lot of engage, use one as a safe-zone and try to bait your enemy into it before engaging yourself. Are you dominating your enemy, use them to zone. They have a lot of possible functions, so do think twice before deciding where and when to place one.
Out of lane you want to place them in choke-points. A common misconception is that bushes are such choke-points. There are a lot of places where enemies expect them and thus avoid walking into them. In that case, simply place them in alternate routes.
I hope I've helped you out. If you think I've made a mistake and/or don't agree on one of my points or simply don't get one, feel free to let me know.
- Penita13
Oh, no worries. Thanks for the review, I am still learning how to properly play Teemo, but I am finding that it is incredibly easy to freeze waves with him (which most of the time I do intentionally) and get cheesy kills.
Definitely will start buying some pink wards for the early game, since my playstyle is quite risky xD Sometimes, I am like "Oh hey look, it's their jungler, easy double!", but other times I am like "Ah, ***, should've backed...". Need to work on that. Sometimes the enemy is so low, that tunnelvision takes over.
Also, regarding vision, most of the times I see people coming my way (or near me), I just choose to stay with all the risks it implies. Sometimes it pays off, other times it does not and I should work on that too.
Sometimes I am fearful of placing mushrooms because they cost a ****ton of mana, mana that I may need for an enemy engage. I guess it just takes a bit of experience with the champ to know when it is okay to place them.
Thanks again for the review, really helpful ^^
Definitely will start buying some pink wards for the early game, since my playstyle is quite risky xD Sometimes, I am like "Oh hey look, it's their jungler, easy double!", but other times I am like "Ah, ***, should've backed...". Need to work on that. Sometimes the enemy is so low, that tunnelvision takes over.
Also, regarding vision, most of the times I see people coming my way (or near me), I just choose to stay with all the risks it implies. Sometimes it pays off, other times it does not and I should work on that too.
Sometimes I am fearful of placing mushrooms because they cost a ****ton of mana, mana that I may need for an enemy engage. I guess it just takes a bit of experience with the champ to know when it is okay to place them.
Thanks again for the review, really helpful ^^
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