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Getting closer to ranked

Creator: grrg March 16, 2013 9:35pm
boythinks's Forum Avatar
Dec 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 5:41pm | Report

ZED can top, jungle and mid .. but his skill set really shines vs squishy ap mids.... .. he has insane damage - and deceptively huge range as well as the ability to just destroy carries post 6, is really hard to gank..i can go on and on

i would really suggest you give zed a try in mid

he only has a few natural counter mid such as Morde and kayle
<Inhouse Addict>
EXDKain212's Forum Avatar
Jul 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 3:26am | Report
I'll try and give my opinions on the characters that I've played...
grrg wrote:

Top Jarvan IV Good tanky Brusier, ULT is great in the right comp
Pretty great champ right now IMO, though he's getting a nerf :( Proper warding and map awareness will make this guy ungankable due to his EQ escape and W slow.

Jungle Jarvan IV Similar to above

Warwick I started jungling warwick at lvl 7, I have a fairly decent feel for him
The only two advantages for WW jungling is that he pretty much never loses health and his ult. The downsides of him, however, pretty much rule him out for a jungler suitable for ranked. His pre-6 ganks suck, because he doesn't have any CC. With good positioning you might leave a dent in the enemy, but the lack of CC usually means a successful escape for the enemy. His ult is quite decent, but it's so easy to interrupt if someone else with a stun/knockup etc is around.

Mid Morgana hard to counter, I can play her well
Never played her ranked, but I would say that she WOULD work depending on player skill.

A tip for ranked would be take it easy. I won 6 out of my 10 provisional and somehow got put in Silver IV (dropped down to V fml). My friend, who is better than me, is placed in Bronze II, so I'd expect something like Bronze V. Don't stress too much about it, it's just a game after all.

For jungling I'd recommend Xin Zhao. Though the nerf hit him quite hard, he is still a decent jungler with amaXin ganks. Max his E first for extra burst damage and lower cooldown, his Q second for extra damage and W last as it's good at rand 1, but it only gives 10% more attack speed at later ranks. Oh yes, build him FULL TANK UNLESS YOU'RE FED. Sunfire+Locket is a strong combo. If your support doesn't pick up a Bulwark you can also work towards it. The only damage item I'd build is a Brutaliser, if you manage to get early kills.

Support, you might want to get Taric. Target stun sets up ganks, bonus armour and armour reduction helps in lane, can heal and his ult make the ADC even deadlier. Though he is getting a nerf soon I'd still say he will remain one of the strongest supports.

Sometimes you might get a aggressive ADC that goes well with aggressive supports. At my ELO, Blitzcrank is almost always banned so a good substitute would be Leona. Unlike Taric, she doesn't offer any kind of buffs to the ADC, but she can easily secure the ADC gold. She has no natural escape, however, so warding is important in the case of enemy ganks. Her teamfight presence is also amazing, her Ult can stun/slow their whole team if placed properly. Though it is delayed but when you use it on a crowd people would be too distracted to see the target circle on the ground. She works quite well with Vayne and Draven, IMO.
Scott Azrael
Scott Azrael's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 4:35am | Report
If you want someone to counter Lux, try Diana. Just survive until 6 then dodge her snare and kill with your combo.

I agree that WW jungle isn't the best. I would work on Amumu for when he isn't banned and Hecarim for when he is to go with J4 and Skarner. Those are the ones i am working on. I may also work on Xin Zhao.

Also, I think you should consider not having exactly the same mid and supports. There are so many mids better than Morgan and Zyra IMO. And much better supports than Morgan and Lux. I would replace them with Akali, Diana, or Katarina mid and Sona, Taric, Blitzcrank support.

With ADC, I would say practice up Draven and replace Ashe with him. Otherwise, you are good. Agian, these are just my opinions, but I do think you need to diversify a little bit and have less of the same champs in more than one role.
ShortyHUN's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 4:59am | Report
You can give a shot to Jax he's pretty OP and can go to jungle and solo top too.

For mid i hear Orianna is pretty good, also i like Vladimir and Akali.

I'm not good with supports so i can't really say anything about those. For ADC i think Ashe is pretty good becouse of the utility she has for the team. The new stuff Quinn seems pretty good too.

For solo top i usually play champs with a gap closing ability.

Feel free to +rep me if i helped any way!
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 8:17am | Report
No one mentions Vi jungle? She has amazing ganks, tankiness, and teamfighting. Q is enormous range for ganking, and R is literally the best CC ability for almost any purpose in the game.

If I helped you, click that +rep!
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 10:46am | Report
ShortyHUN wrote:

I'm not good with supports so i can't really say anything about those. For ADC i think Ashe is pretty good becouse of the utility she has for the team. The new stuff Quinn seems pretty good too.

Quinn is the worst AD carry in the game. Ashe is fine but team-reliant. I wouldn't recommend her if you're trying to carry solo queue.
Xylarboden's Forum Avatar
Sep 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 1:59pm | Report
grrg wrote:

@ eddie/xylarboden I chose my supports specifically because of the way they play and that they can be used as mid champs too. I don't want to be stuck in a game with a troll trying to be support. I would rather have the ability to build into a carry to help finish the game.

Who said you can't carry as a Taric or Sona? I have a 60+% win rate on both of those champs (hopefully, getting higher as I improve!). I like to think I'm carrying with them :)

But seriously, the key to carrying as support isn't necessarily the champion you choose, but your decision making throughout the game. Know when to engage, disengage, keeping timers, warding properly...

So don't eliminate Taric and Sona, as they can have just as great an effect on the game as a Morgana or Zyra.
lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 2:40pm | Report
Honestly, don't Morgana or Lux support. Sure, they can dominate lane. But if they don't dominate lane, they both end up being liabilities to the team, because they don't really have passive gameplay options. Also, supports simply do not have enough income to have a major damage presence late game, period. If you do have enough money from assists to do real damage, your team is so incredibly far ahead that you already should have won; after winning fights, you need to be trying to get your team to turn those victories into major objectives like towers and inhibitors.

Taric is a great solo queue support pick up right now. He works well with pretty much every ADC. His main downside, right now, is that he's too strong and is probably going to get nerfed one or two more times soon. (He was also just nerfed, but it won't hit support Taric too badly.)

Sona is good for poke bottom lanes. She works well with poke-heavy ADCs, such as Cait, Ezreal, or Graves. She is very squishy, though, so you need to be careful against high-burst enemy lanes, such as Graves/Leona.

Lulu is also a very strong support right now. She can peel very well, can poke well, is excellent at baiting enemies with her shield and ult, has good CC with her ult and polymorph, and is generally powerful. She works at least passably well with all ADCs.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.

My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2013 2:51pm | Report
No one mentions Thresh for support? Quite possibly the best "jack of all trades" support ever to be created besides Lulu? :p
Xylarboden's Forum Avatar
Sep 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 20, 2013 1:13pm | Report

No one mentions Thresh for support? Quite possibly the best "jack of all trades" support ever to be created besides Lulu? :p

quite true, although I would recommend a lot of practice before playing ranked with either of them. Especially for Lulu, I feel like you really need really good decision making and exact mouse precision to make her work effectively.

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