Items for Vladimir:
Not necessarily in that exact order (though WotA should be rushed).
Skill order:
R -> Q -> E -> W.
Level 1: Q
Level 2: W if facing unfavorable matchup, E if facing easy matchup
Level 3: not sure. You could rank Q again for lots of poke/sustain, or you could get whichever ability you didn't get at level 2. If you don't have W at level 3, however, you're a super easy target for ganks, which start happening at level 3.
Vlad is a tanky sustain mage who loves to be in the middle of everything. After the WotA rework, magi pen is not nearly as desirable if you're building him this way, because the spellvamp is calculated before resistances now. That's why I wouldn't recommend Void Staff unless you actually need to carry your team with your damage output, which is much harder to do because you'll be squishier. Basically, you win teamfights by virtue of simply not dying and wearing the enemy team down with your formidable sustained damage.
Vlad is extremely weak early on; he has no spellvamp and no bonus health from his passive (yet). Play very safe and passively farm until you get Hextech Revolver after your first or second back (If you're facing someone who can't really punish/trade with you, then feel free to poke away). Once you get Hextech, it gets much easier.
Idk much else about him since I don't play him much, but hopefully this was of some help for you :)
I don't know much about Lissandra.
Not necessarily in that exact order (though WotA should be rushed).
Skill order:
R -> Q -> E -> W.
Level 1: Q
Level 2: W if facing unfavorable matchup, E if facing easy matchup
Level 3: not sure. You could rank Q again for lots of poke/sustain, or you could get whichever ability you didn't get at level 2. If you don't have W at level 3, however, you're a super easy target for ganks, which start happening at level 3.
Vlad is a tanky sustain mage who loves to be in the middle of everything. After the WotA rework, magi pen is not nearly as desirable if you're building him this way, because the spellvamp is calculated before resistances now. That's why I wouldn't recommend Void Staff unless you actually need to carry your team with your damage output, which is much harder to do because you'll be squishier. Basically, you win teamfights by virtue of simply not dying and wearing the enemy team down with your formidable sustained damage.
Vlad is extremely weak early on; he has no spellvamp and no bonus health from his passive (yet). Play very safe and passively farm until you get Hextech Revolver after your first or second back (If you're facing someone who can't really punish/trade with you, then feel free to poke away). Once you get Hextech, it gets much easier.
Idk much else about him since I don't play him much, but hopefully this was of some help for you :)
I don't know much about Lissandra.
Check out my manly Xin Zhao guide for manly men!
Gonna agree with that build for Vlad, with the exception of Spirit Visage over Abyssal. The CDR and Healing increase is so good for Vlad.
Health Potions are absolutely crucial to Vlad's early laning too. Until about level 5-6 or so, it's really smart to bring a couple potions back to lane, just because Transfusion isn't on a super short cooldown then.
It's completely viable to not get Hemoplague at level 6 if you don't think that you can get a kill on someone, even with a dive. Maxing W vs E second is sort of a preference. I usually do E second and don't join teamfights until way later game, if at all. Vlad's super nice in fights, but he also pushes lanes extremely quickly. Harass with Q whenever it's up, unless you need it to last-hit. Free damage and healing is really good. :P
If you get lane dominance, start zoning. Ward deep so you can see a gank coming and put your blood-filled *** in their face. Any light trades, you can heal off, and any long trades, you'll come out even or ahead, thanks to the huge healing you do. Especially if you fight in minion waves once you have Hextech Revolver.
Vlad's actually is pretty decent with "half items" too. So just leaving a revolver at that and getting something else is a perfectly fine move if you really need the stasis, or the MR, or the health from something else.
That's all I really got now.
Health Potions are absolutely crucial to Vlad's early laning too. Until about level 5-6 or so, it's really smart to bring a couple potions back to lane, just because Transfusion isn't on a super short cooldown then.
It's completely viable to not get Hemoplague at level 6 if you don't think that you can get a kill on someone, even with a dive. Maxing W vs E second is sort of a preference. I usually do E second and don't join teamfights until way later game, if at all. Vlad's super nice in fights, but he also pushes lanes extremely quickly. Harass with Q whenever it's up, unless you need it to last-hit. Free damage and healing is really good. :P
If you get lane dominance, start zoning. Ward deep so you can see a gank coming and put your blood-filled *** in their face. Any light trades, you can heal off, and any long trades, you'll come out even or ahead, thanks to the huge healing you do. Especially if you fight in minion waves once you have Hextech Revolver.
Vlad's actually is pretty decent with "half items" too. So just leaving a revolver at that and getting something else is a perfectly fine move if you really need the stasis, or the MR, or the health from something else.
That's all I really got now.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Liss isn't super hard. R->Q->E->W is my skill order, since escaping is better in my book, and it does more damage, and it's longer range.
Fling Q's like there's no tomorrow. Watch your mana usage. Build tanky AP stuff like Vlad does. So basically the build Wellington had for Vlad. She's actually super simple.
Fling Q's like there's no tomorrow. Watch your mana usage. Build tanky AP stuff like Vlad does. So basically the build Wellington had for Vlad. She's actually super simple.
Like Lugi said, Lissandra is relatively straight forward. Even though you get free spell casts you still need to watch your mana usage since her mana regen is quite poor. You can poke the **** out of many with Q and take advantage of the extended shatter range.
Maxing W or E after Q is based on preference from my experience, I prefer W for stronger wave clear to enable roaming sooner and better counter engage. Athene's Unholy Grail or Morellonomicon should be your first item since Lissandra loves CDR but after that you can just build as a bulky mage.
During team fights you will be poking a lot and helping kite. If you build more bulky you can try to initiate though it can be pretty risky given your short range. Frozen Tomb doesn't just have to be used for locking down a target, sometimes it's better to freeze yourself and heal since you still do damage with the growing AoE.
A typical build for her is:
Zhonya's Hourglass
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Abyssal Mask
Void Staff can be swapped in place of Abyssal Mask.
Maxing W or E after Q is based on preference from my experience, I prefer W for stronger wave clear to enable roaming sooner and better counter engage. Athene's Unholy Grail or Morellonomicon should be your first item since Lissandra loves CDR but after that you can just build as a bulky mage.
During team fights you will be poking a lot and helping kite. If you build more bulky you can try to initiate though it can be pretty risky given your short range. Frozen Tomb doesn't just have to be used for locking down a target, sometimes it's better to freeze yourself and heal since you still do damage with the growing AoE.
A typical build for her is:
Zhonya's Hourglass
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Abyssal Mask
Void Staff can be swapped in place of Abyssal Mask.
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