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Maybe give Nasus a try. Some of my friends who like playing slow games have gotten attached to him. He has a mechanic where his main ability gets stronger the more you farm over the course of the game, so you can often just chill and farm for a while before playing aggressive.
As others have said, if you're new to the game and looking for a main champion, just play as many champs as possible until you find one that you really like.
As others have said, if you're new to the game and looking for a main champion, just play as many champs as possible until you find one that you really like.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
MendicantMonk wrote:
I am trying to get into League, but I have not found a champion that I really enjoy playing, so far. What makes this difficult is that I haven't played any MOBAs before, so I don't have a "playstyle" that can guide me on which one I might like. Any advice for this?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the bother,
I am trying to get into League, but I have not found a champion that I really enjoy playing, so far. What makes this difficult is that I haven't played any MOBAs before, so I don't have a "playstyle" that can guide me on which one I might like. Any advice for this?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the bother,
The most important thing in finding your main champion is to find out what your preferred playstyle is.
Do you like to be calculating and think a few steps ahead? Do you like to be someone who flanks their most important carries? Do you want to help your team out by healing them?
All of this ties in how you can find your main champion.
Always take your chances before its too late~
Despite it being a REALLY tedious process, this is how I found my main. I played through all the champions in any order, 5 games for each one. I kept a piece of paper with me and wrote down my experience with each one, then at the end I decided which one felt the best. If you know what playstyle you like by now, better search up champions that fall under it. A faster way to do this? Well, you could always look at the full roster in the official site and choose a handful of which look appealing to you.
Don't forget to have fun!
Don't forget to have fun!