Unfortunately, Twisted Treeline is a sort of... forgotten map by Riot. They don't care about it, they won't upgrade it, they won't balance it. If you play it and feel frustrated playing against others who have mastered the map... that's just normal.
Basically champions who have a lot of mobility are prized on TT. For example,
Lee Sin,
Maokai. AD carries, like
Ashe and
Caitlyn take too long to farm up and so are really useless all game. Champions with a gap closer or displacement (and are really tanky), like
Singed and
Volibear do reasonably well.
Blitzcrank can just sit at the fountain and grab you when you're attacking their nexus tower. You die, they push, GG.
Champions with "natural" wards also do well if built correctly:
I would not recommend jungling straight away, as most likely when you are beginning, all three opponents are on the lanes, only taking the jungle sporadically. If you decide to jungle, that will leave one lane 2v1. When you start to get a few more wins in, and the lanes start to solo (solo top, solo bot, jungle), that's the best time to jungle, so that your lane doesn't get screwed over.
Of course grab the camps whenever you can safely do so. Dragon especially is a very important objective. Top lane should have that warded at all times. Bottom lane should have the Red Buff warded at all times. As such, you'll find that many champions buy a
Wriggle's Lantern.
What should I be trying to accomplish?
As you said, it just appears random. It's all about grabbing the jungle buffs, ganking pushed lanes and securing dragon. Towers are important, but with such a small map, they are easy to get to and stop a push.
Just keep trying and get a feel for what the enemy team and your friends are doing.
Problems with TT
- respawn times are the same as SR, despite how important it is to be back alive on such a small map (should have Dominion respawn times)
- high mobility champions just completely out-do more passive champions, rendering more than half the champions useless on TT
- ranged AD carries literally have no place on TT
- you're entering a field of play where the enemy is always more knowledgeable than you. Despite how many actual games you may have played there, the "hidden elo" is shared with SR, so you are put up against opponents who know what they are doing.
- the nexus tower is in front of the fountain instead of in front of the nexus. Kills are too easily gained by champions who can bully another into nexus fire.
- jungle camps are hard for "normal" champions and only champions with high sustain can survive a route. They don't respawn as quickly as SR and they don't return health or mana like SR's camps do.
Basically champions who have a lot of mobility are prized on TT. For example,

Champions with "natural" wards also do well if built correctly:

I would not recommend jungling straight away, as most likely when you are beginning, all three opponents are on the lanes, only taking the jungle sporadically. If you decide to jungle, that will leave one lane 2v1. When you start to get a few more wins in, and the lanes start to solo (solo top, solo bot, jungle), that's the best time to jungle, so that your lane doesn't get screwed over.
Of course grab the camps whenever you can safely do so. Dragon especially is a very important objective. Top lane should have that warded at all times. Bottom lane should have the Red Buff warded at all times. As such, you'll find that many champions buy a

What should I be trying to accomplish?
As you said, it just appears random. It's all about grabbing the jungle buffs, ganking pushed lanes and securing dragon. Towers are important, but with such a small map, they are easy to get to and stop a push.
Just keep trying and get a feel for what the enemy team and your friends are doing.
Problems with TT
- respawn times are the same as SR, despite how important it is to be back alive on such a small map (should have Dominion respawn times)
- high mobility champions just completely out-do more passive champions, rendering more than half the champions useless on TT
- ranged AD carries literally have no place on TT
- you're entering a field of play where the enemy is always more knowledgeable than you. Despite how many actual games you may have played there, the "hidden elo" is shared with SR, so you are put up against opponents who know what they are doing.
- the nexus tower is in front of the fountain instead of in front of the nexus. Kills are too easily gained by champions who can bully another into nexus fire.
- jungle camps are hard for "normal" champions and only champions with high sustain can survive a route. They don't respawn as quickly as SR and they don't return health or mana like SR's camps do.
The strongest champions are item-independent champs. The games last shorter, and there are less creeps/champions to farm, although minions and dragon give more gold than the SR counterparts.
Whenever I play TT, I ALWAYS get a snowball item, by the time you have full stacks it's GG because of the insane stats for the low price. Hell, you don't even need it because 3 people aren't enough to beat any fed champ, unless that champ is up in some way.
Whenever I play TT, I ALWAYS get a snowball item, by the time you have full stacks it's GG because of the insane stats for the low price. Hell, you don't even need it because 3 people aren't enough to beat any fed champ, unless that champ is up in some way.
Tanky champs that take more than 3 people to shut down are really great as well as champs with strong early games. The ramp up to late game is much, much longer in TT, if it even gets there that is. In TT, Kills > CS because of how short the lanes are. Never be afraid to go back. Again, the lanes are short. Boots2 should have you fast enough to get to lane before the minions die most of the time. Wards are more important here than ever. There's only 1 red buff, take it often.
Garen with full armor pen page and transitioning into an early brutalizer is amazing. there's very little they can do vs ~50 armor pen that early.
Garen with full armor pen page and transitioning into an early brutalizer is amazing. there's very little they can do vs ~50 armor pen that early.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Play Morde.
Also don't be afraid of the map, it takes some getting used to the very different style, but you'll get a feel for it after a while.
I probably played 600-700 total games on TT.
Also don't be afraid of the map, it takes some getting used to the very different style, but you'll get a feel for it after a while.
I probably played 600-700 total games on TT.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Dunno if I agree with any of those lol.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
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So I have only ever played Summoner's Rift, in all my time playing LoL. However, a couple of my friends are starting to play LoL now, and they play exclusively 3's, on the (what I feel is stupid) reasoning that one of my friends told them they can learn the basics of laning and last hitting etc on TT easier.
I have played 2 games on TT with them, and I gotta tell ya, it just seems like no fun. Turrets seem so close together, it's really your fault if you EVER get ganked to die. One ward in the middle of the map covers SO many routs. anyway, I have not enjoyed my games on TT.
So I am looking for strategy to improve my TT games. What champions work best, and what should I really be trying to accomplish on TT? Seems like everything is much more random n fluid than on SR. Should we have a jungler on TT? What are the best champs to play? And just any advice you can give me on how to dominate TT would be great. Thanks!