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Morgana never allowed to be mid?

Creator: kmph June 29, 2016 4:31am

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Mar 18th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2016 4:31am | Report
To my best understanding, Morgana can work either as a support or as APC. It seems however that I might be the only one thinking so among the guys who queue in Summoner's Rift Blind Pick.

Whenever I try to go mid, I am told to go supp instead. "Morgana good for supp only", they scream, "she doesn't have abilities to kill!"

And this happens Every. Stinking. Time. Even if I scream "mid" from the very beginning of the champion select screen others always pick some kind of Yasuo instead and say their mid nevertheless - or even queue dodge just to prevent Morgana from being mid if I insist.

I acquired the habit of forcing myself mid. Yes I know it is kind of rude, but otherwise I'd never be able to be mid. Look, I'd be perfectly fine with going supp if my team wants it, actually I want to try Morgana mid myself, but for sake, not if this happens every single time! And sometimes this works and after some squabbling I finally can go mid.

But quite often I am forced myself outta mid nevertheless. If some kind of Yasuo persists mid even though I kept screaming "mid" from the very beginning and even though I already bought Doran's Ring (with other guys pinging me to go away) I have no choice but really go away, because Yasuo or other champs of this type can easily deny Morgana farm. So I buy Spellthief's Edge and go supp as they wanted me to do from the beginning. It is me who wastes much gold with this idiocy (and actually also XP), but ofc it is me who is the noob that is to be reported.

Although, I must admit, this Yasuo who forced me outta mid this time (and kept insulting me and asking enemy team to report me - although rightfully perhaps, cuz I got so cranky at him that I refused to help him when he needed it :( ) was good. The best of us. He scored Penta.

This makes me wonder if there is any sense for me to even try to go mid with Morgana?

After a few matches like this I came with an idea that if I ever want to try Morgana APC I should start with Spellthief's Edge, but choose APC-like masteries nevertheless. Then, as soon as I buy Sightstone to do my chores as a supp and Frostfang for gold I'd start buying typical APC items. This makes me start as a supp to keep teammates happy, then silently switch to a pretty aggressive, damage dealing support, and then, finally, to APC. I tried it two times when I was forced outta mid, and this seemed to work. Is this a good idea?
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Jul 24th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2016 5:06am | Report
What you're describing here is the very essence of what's wrong with blind-pick. There's no coordination and the only way to make sure you play the position and champion you want to (especially when we're talking about mid-lane), is to shout and be more rude than the rest of your team. Is Morgana mid a pick that is out of the meta? yes. Is she bad i the mid lane? absolutely not. This Yasuo probably just wanted to go mid and was looking for any argument available to get his way. In fact, Morgana is quite a big counter to, for example, Yasuo.

If you want to play Morgana mid, I would suggest that you leave blind-pick and start to use team-builder. There will be a decently big chance of you getting mid-lane and the people there are generally a lot nicer.

I know how you feel, exceptionally well actually, because I'm a Xerath main. Another champion that is out of the meta. I would suggest trying to pick up a second champion that is quite similar to your primary champion (in your case morgana). When the meta shifts, there is quite a big possibility that your champion falls out of the meta, which is when you have your back-up plan. For you I would suggest Karma, as she's a good poker too.

I hope I'v ehelped you enough.

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Mar 18th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2016 11:27am | Report
Yes, thank you for your answer.

Actually, Iā€™m not ā€œmainingā€ Morgana as my OneAndOnlyā„¢ champion. I wanna try different champions and playstyles, so first I chose Miss Fortune, but now I need essence to bring her up to mastery level 6, so I thought Iā€™d choose Morgana to try to hunt for an S and a chest. Iā€™m choosing champs according to growing official difficulty ratings, and both MF and Morgana have a difficulty rating of 1 ;)

I gotta admit that thanks to my noobishness (still lv. 29 + the above) Iā€™m kinda afraid of Draft Pick, thinking that Iā€™m more likely to meet more experienced players there that will have their game screwed just because of meā€¦ Two recent games in Draft Pick have confirmed this fear, but these are just two games.

Althoughā€¦ Iā€™m surprised that I recently played THREE games in a row in Blind Pick and had no problems in getting with Morgana mid! (I even scored A-, A, A+, but thatā€™s still not Sā€¦ sigh)
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2016 12:53am | Report
Morgana is kind of a situational pick for mid lane (the way I see it), but it's fine.

It's not very nice towards your teammates and not beneficial to your team composition, but you can also just call mid, select a more common mid laner and swap to Morgana in the last few seconds.

The more games you play, the more you get matched against people on your (current) skill level. Just keep playing.
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Aug 16th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 22, 2016 11:23am | Report
Morg is definitely a viable pick for mid. Not high KO potential early game, but soon as you hit lvl 6 you can all in any1 mid and destroy them. Morg is one of the safest choices and difficult to gank as well. Just Q the jungler, use E then flash, etc... I almost never get ganked as morg mid unless im not paying much attention & i over extend. I've even had double kills off of attempted ganks. Q, E, W, R + Zhonya/Ignite is a deadly combo and morg is amazing for team fights. Just coordinate with your team, dive in with your ULT & activate Zhonyas. Not meta, but that's why i like her so much. Even if your opponent is playing aggresive and poking hard, your W makes it so easy to farm at a safe distance. Build mostly tanky with Zhonyas being your 1st rushed. Don't let people talk **** because you don't play meta champs.
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 22, 2016 1:39pm | Report
Necro, locking.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!

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