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Super new to League..could use some advice

Creator: draastik August 20, 2014 10:42am
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draastik's Forum Avatar
Aug 20th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2014 10:42am | Report
Well, I'll admit that I never played League or any other MOBA. Might have played DOTA back int the WC3 days, but being 10 years old, I didn't understand the objective..

I caught a bit of LCS this past weekend and got a spark to play. I signed up for an account yesterday morning and played ALL day. I just have a few questions

1. As stupid as this one sounds, should I be following the guides here at my level/skill? I'm terrible. I mean, think bad, and go even worse and that's where I am. Are these guides suited for new players like myself?

2. Is there any players/videos I can watch on YouTube that will teach you things like "Don't do X in this situation because X". I know it seems advanced, but it'd help me later on.

3. Other than getting the basics down, what should I focus on learning the most?

4. Which is easier to learn, AD builds or AP builds?

Sorry if these seem like stupid and basic questions.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2014 10:54am | Report
1. well make sure that those guides have been commented by someone who knows about stuff (Vynertje, Joxuu). That way you can make sure you learn the right way.

2. There are probably plenty. I'd just search the official lol forums for them and youtube of course.

3. Farming is the most important basic imo. If you want to learn more advanced stuff you should learn decision making. When to take objective X and when to take objective Y etc.

4. There is more versatility to bruiser and ap mid builds. ADC builds are often pretty much the same.

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 20, 2014 4:18pm | Report
To add to the above:
It's good you're looking for advise, but I would recommend to not forget about experimenting yourself. You're new to the game, the people you play with are new to the game, it's a great environment to just try stuff out and see what happens.

I wouldn't worry too much about "roles" and stuff, just do what works best for you and you'll improve as you go.

About the guides, I think you're the one who can check that best. Don't hesitate to ask questions in the discussion section or here on the forums.

Have fun!
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Demolibium's Forum Avatar
Jun 25th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2014 10:24pm | Report
To add to the above:
the people you play with are new to the game, it's a great environment to just try stuff out and see what happens.

Have fun!

*Cough* Smurfs *Cough*
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2014 1:34am | Report
Demolibium wrote:

*Cough* Smurfs *Cough*

have to agree lol
"No way - Never - Can't cut it off before I've even had a chance to use it once!"
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2014 1:50am | Report
Dyrus's top tips to new players at the game (edited for the purpose of this thread):

1. Hit level 30.
2. Ask for a guide for your favorite champion for runes, masteries, and items build.
3. Look up a video of someone playing that champion and watch streamers or higher level players play them.
4. Learn the win condition of your champion (what your champions need in order to be in the best position to win the game).
5. Have fun, because the better you get, the more stressful it gets.

I think these are pretty solid. Find a champion you like, find a guide to the champion, verify the guide is good and then just play the game.

draastik wrote:

1. As stupid as this one sounds, should I be following the guides here at my level/skill? I'm terrible. I mean, think bad, and go even worse and that's where I am. Are these guides suited for new players like myself?

2. Is there any players/videos I can watch on YouTube that will teach you things like "Don't do X in this situation because X". I know it seems advanced, but it'd help me later on.

3. Other than getting the basics down, what should I focus on learning the most?

4. Which is easier to learn, AD builds or AP builds?

To directly answer your questions:

1. Guides should be good enough for anyone to use - all you'll be missing is runes and masteries, but these aren't a huge issue until you start playing ranked. Just verify that the guide is of decent quality. Don't worry about being bad at the game. LoL has a steep learning curve, so you will learn through hours and days of experience.

2. There are plenty of good streamers on who also teach - Oddone, Nightblue3, Trick2g (if you can stand his personality). One of my personal favourites is imls on Twitch or lastshadow9 who does quite exceptional coaching. It might be a bit advanced for you, but putting it out there for you for future reference.

For newbie-oriented streamers, I would recommend Trick2g. He usually does these things on his streams called 'Trick Spectates', where he'll spectate a particular tier of game whilst giving commentary. The OddOne usually explains everything he's doing whilst streaming, so he's really good as well.

3. As Janitsu said, farming creeps and learning minion control is probably one of the most fundamental parts of the game and one of the easiest to improve in.

4. There isn't any particularly easier choice between the two; they simply fulfill different roles. Again, as Janitsu said, the most diverse is within bruiser-type champions who can go both damage or tanky itemization. ADCs in general will build similar type items, but even then there's a bit of diversity in those (examples: Trinity Force users and Blade of the Ruined King+ Youmuu's Ghostblade rush). Don't worry too much about roles at a low level and just learn the champion you like.
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2014 6:07am | Report

have to agree lol
AFAIK they'll get matched against other smurfs. It's just like normal Elo matchmaking. At least there were no smurfs at the time I was playing AD Katarina because I thought she should have AD since she had blades(and this was after the changes). xD
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KatariFIRE's Forum Avatar
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2014 11:56pm | Report

1. Don't buy Runes, wait until you hit level 25 or above, because Greater Runes will unlock at that level, So you will not waste your money buying a lesser runes that will not improve your game much.

2. This is a "Starter" Rune Page for AD and AP that should go well with many champions.


Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage X 3
Greater Mark of Attack Damage x 9
Greater Seal of Armor x 9
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x 3
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist x 6

This do well both Jungler, Assassin , Marksman and Bruiser.


Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x 3
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
Greater Seal of Health x 9
Greater Glyph of Ability Power x 9

This will do well with all AP champ, very basic.
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"
Vorcia's Forum Avatar
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Jul 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2014 8:35am | Report
1. Hit level 10-ish, by then you should have a good grasp on how to play the game and have a good idea on what the guides are talking about. Also, don't buy runes until level 20 when you can buy the "Greater" runes.

2. Wingsofdeathx comes to mind as being a really helpful streamer, and Trick2g's spectates/subwars to a lesser extent. These streamers tend to have commentary focused around level 30s though, since they often mention how to play against certain matchups and a new player might not know all the champions in the game and what their skills do.

3. Farming and Warding. Focus on getting yourself strong first before worrying about how to beat the other player. This applied across all skill levels, not just new players.

4. AD builds tend to be rather similar across the board. AP builds tend to vary a lot between champions but usually don't change very much for those champions. The hardest to learn would probably be a jungler or tank, since they have to build based on their situation and what's happening around them (e.g. How fed am I? How fed are my teammates? Who do I need to worry about protecting? Who do I need to worry about killing us? When I finish this item, will it still be useful? etc.)
draastik's Forum Avatar
Aug 20th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 31, 2014 8:31am | Report
Few more questions for you guys.

1. Are top-lane champs supposed to be "AD only", or are there some tanky AP champions? Not worried about skill level at the moment.

2. Where should I be walking? Sounds like a stupid question but I feel like I'm too exposed in my lane. I'm talking about when the game first starts, before minions spawn.

3. When should I stop buying health potions? I assume they become useless after a certain level or amount of HP?

I'm level 9 now. I've learned little things like what items work for certain champions. I've really grown to love Darius so far.
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