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C9 Guides: MOBAFire Sponsors Cloud9

Creator: Mowen September 9, 2014 7:26pm
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:12am | Report
Let's be fair here. I know I've *****ed about pro guides in the past for being shallow, but the thing is, they really don't have time to be that in-depth. Even watch them in interviews; their answers are typically very short and vague, likely because they're mentally preparing for the next match and the current interview is a massive waste of time for them.

They at least give you their build, their setup and WHY they use it. They may not explain everything thoroughly, but they give you some insight at least. Plus, these are still professional players, so you can always trust that they aren't feeding you any bad information.

But why is every player writing like ten guides then instead of using the same time to write maybe one or two guides, pure math ...
Thanks to Emikadon for this sig!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:14am | Report
idfk, Cause they don't play one or two champions. They play quite a few champions for their respective roles.
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:16am | Report
idfk, Cause they don't play one or two champions. They play quite a few champions for their respective roles.

It's not about their champion pool, it's just about the float. There are some guides missing content on ability explanations and having one pro or con included, well that doesn't work at all ...
Thanks to Emikadon for this sig!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:18am | Report
Like I said, you can't expect much more from these guys. If you look in their guides they are actually quite in depth about core items and match ups. The whole... actually playing the champion thing, they don't have time for that.
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:23am | Report
But why there are unfinished things? Why wouldn't you dare writing just one guide - you actually can if you repeatedly writing detailed information about items on every single guide.
I don't care to be honest, they will get outdated and if the frontpage isn't as ****ed up as before the guides will disappear from the frontpage as well.
Thanks to Ubnoxius for this sig!
Latest Legend
Latest Legend's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:26am | Report
Isn't this a business relationship between MobaFire and C9? I thought this was work, not love. More guides means more views, they don't have to be perfect because they're on the top of the site anyway.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:26am | Report
emoriam wrote:
But why there are unfinished things? Why wouldn't you dare writing just one guide - you actually can if you repeatedly writing detailed information about items on every single guide.
I don't care to be honest, they will get outdated and if the frontpage isn't as ****ed up as before the guides will disappear from the frontpage as well.

Because every guide of them will get a truckload of views mostly from their fanbase, no matter how complete it is. 5 guides per member generate more views than one guide per member, meaning that mobafire gets more ad revenue.
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 9:27am | Report
ANother things regarding the changes: Why does the "recent post thingy" show guides published that don't count as full guides because they just include a cheat sheet? Me as a person using the "recent post whatever thing" cares about that :D
Thanks to Emikadon for this sig!
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 10:52am | Report
Isn't this a business relationship between MobaFire and C9? I thought this was work, not love. More guides means more views, they don't have to be perfect because they're on the top of the site anyway.

It is, but that doesn't make it a good thing.
FlashJ's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 11:45am | Report
Hey guys,

First off, sorry for the issues with this update. We did a lot of testing on development before going live, and clearly it wasn't enough. We are evaluating internally how this happened and how we can ensure it doesn't happen again. We have grown our dev team a lot over the last year so we are struggling with some growing pains. Things were a lot easier when it was just Matt and myself working on MF, interacting directly with you guys but by growing we hope to create some pretty amazing stuff over the coming years.

The blog was removed for a couple of reasons, mainly due to not being popular at all. Its one of the least viewed or used portions of the site. When trying to minimize the homepage clutter/distractions (biggest complaint about homepage) we thought it made sense to remove that when its clearly not viewed by many people. The same reason Esports Central was removed entirely. If you like to follow personal blogs, they are still there. If you want your personal blog exposed, it wasn't working on the homepage. It might feel good to see it there, but people are just not viewing them in any real amount.

The questions sorting is out of whack, its got issues that were not supposed to happen, you guys have pointed most of them out. They will be fixed. We felt (when working properly) there is a better chance to get more newer players using the questions system by exposing it a bit more, and that is useful to all new players if the community can help bring the good questions to the top. We are working to fix results, and are very open to your suggestions on how to improve it. We do feel it has potential to be useful for new players.

The activity log...
This was actually one of my favorite updates, but it is also having issues. When done it should not show any guests guides in the feed. The intent was to show you guys a bit more of "what is happening" by including what content people are posting. We had expected to see mostly comments with the odd content post sprinkled in between. This seems to be how its working, so the content isn't really pushing comments out of the way. Because of this we thought people might want to be able to see just content, since you will usually see mostly comments, so we added the toggle. This should allow a quick and easy way to see ALL new content only. If we need to add a separate toggle to show ONLY comments, we can def add that. I hope once this is working you guys like it as much as I like the concept.

With removing the tabs from the guides box, again it was about simplicity... an attempt to get people to focus more on the champ/search and go straight to the champion page for the champ they want. For users, this is a lot better than "new guides" only core users are looking at "new guides" overwhelmingly people are looking for a champion, and then guides for that champion. Having a list of 5 new guides on the homepage only works for those users if it happens to show a champion they are interested in. It then leaves them wondering how good that guide is since its new. We're trying to direct users to the champion pages so they can find their guide easier. For the core members who like to see "whats new" there is a tab on the browse page for all new guides. We'll add in a rising tab on browse, that was def an oversight.

Cloud9 Guides
We have sponsored Cloud9 officially, and both groups will be announcing that later today or tomorrow. (oh **** I just did!). Cloud9 updated all their guides from solomid and moved them here along with adding 10 new guides. This is why 30 guides, 20 existed already. The guys did all this while battling it out for first in the season, they are currently in Asia preparing for worlds, but they fit us in. Will they be here chatting with you guys on every guide? Probably not, but they will interact (a small bit) when they have time and we have plans for a couple of fun events (like play vs clg if anyone remembers) in the future. We really want to bring Cloud9 to you guys as best as reasonably possible, and that also includes SmiteFire, DOTAFire and other communities Cloud9 has teams for (future). The guides will be typical pro guides, as stated they don't have time to write super in-depth guides, and then try to keep those up. But they can share an overview of what they do. They are very very busy guys, traveling, training, appearances. the guys hustle, and they work time into their schedule to work with us. We're pretty happy about that. The shortness of guides also works to the favor of every other guide other. It means readers will still be looking for more. We thought special guests would ruin guide views and they didn't. Cloud9 will be the same. We're really happy they decided to call MF home for the guides and we hope you guys see the benefits to MOBAFire and the network having them here.

Like always this site is about those who use it. We are listening to everything you guys are saying, talking about it and will address all of it in the near future.

Again, i apologize for the errors in this update, its not like we don't ever have errors going up, just ask jhoi jhoi, we are still a shop grown up by two devs who made a fun site but we are working to come up with processes that make this experience smoother for everyone (including us).

Thank you guys so much, for your love of MF, all your support, for being an awesome community all of us can be proud of. After 5 years we still hear all the time that MF is the friendliest and most fun community. We are also still the largest guide site on the net. All of that is a testament to you guys. Thank you.

TL;DR - go read it


ps: sorry about the ****py grammar and run on sentences :P (so Canadian)
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