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Community Spotlight - OTGBionicArm

Creator: FalseoGod November 18, 2015 9:04am
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 9:04am | Report

Welcome to our very own Mobafire Community Spotlight! This month we're featuring OTG BionicArm, known for an overexpressive mech fetish, a desire to make the League's ****piest champions actually worth playing (often by making them broken) and an overenthusiastic response to members whose first post doesn't include forethought.

Without further ado, let us meet this cool person who has shown both a lot of desire to support and help improve our Community!


First of all, OTG, we welcome you to The Member, a wonderful Mobafire show that could be mistaken for an anatomy lesson! We'd like to start by having you tell us a bit more about the genius behind the avatar! What is your name and how old are you?


My name is Josh Hoffman by birth, but I prefer the name Jayce Hawthorne. Legally I'm 24, but I prefer to think I'm still like... 12. Being a kid was way cooler than being an adult.


Ah, so you're among the oldest Mobafire members then! Which is good, we can't all be jailbait. Is "Jayce" inspired by Piltover's finest Jayce or just a coincidence?


Jayce is a name I have used on my main character in Guild Wars 2 for awhile, and I used it even further back in WoW. I've always hated the sound of my name (the "sh") and when I decided that I would be happier as a female, I was lucky that I already had a unisex name to use because of that. Needless to say, you can imagine the convenience when a champion (one that I play quite a lot at that) came out having the same name.


So you consider yourself Transgender? I assume you feel like the Mobafire community is welcoming enough when it comes to different gender identities that you would be so straightforward?


I consider myself... well. Jayce. I'm just myself. I would prefer to be physically a female. But mentally, I'd say I still act like a guy. If I was born a female, I'd assume I'd act the same as I do currently (and be labelled a tomboy). I don't really like labelling myself like that I guess. I just am who I am, but there's a lot that I want to change. I don't want change for anyone's approval, or opinion. I simply don't like how I am and wish to be different. It's taken a long time to really come to that conclusion.

But to answer the second question, yes. Many people on the site are amazing friends to me such as Nameless Bard, MissMaw, and Meiyjhe. There are a few members, including yourself and Banana that are open about their own identities, and so it was easier for me to reveal my mental state about it on MOBAFire than to my family or friends at first. Since my initial blog about that, I've been able to tell about 5 friends about it with varying responses, non really negative. But I couldn't have gotten to a state where I could have said anything if I hadn't done it on MOBAfire first and had such supportive feedback.


That's great to know, that you've found a place where you could start understanding more about yourself and feel like you'll be able to share it with a community that isn't even about gender or sexual orientation. So how long have you been a Mobafire member, how did you decide to join and what convinced you to stay?


I joined MOBAFire almost 4 years ago when I started playing League of Legends. I had no idea what to build or do with my champions and I recall buying Morgana and her Exiled skin (I intended to main her, and mid lane only, with Brand and Vlad being my other first bought champions). I googled "Morgana guide" and Jhoi's guide for her was the first result. I had great success using it and to this day I am grateful to jhoi for writing it. I was still a lurker for a few months until I decided to join to show off my first champion concept, to little success in views. As I started playing League more, I started writing guides for fun, the most successful one being "Darius: Complete Guide to Separating Head from Neck" which kind of cemented me as kind of a regular writer. The success of that guide (which was actually terrible, reading it now makes me cringe) and the countless kind words on it from strangers is what made me stay.

"Darius Syndrome" is what happens when a player succumbs to the delightful glee of mashing the R key to take ALL the kills! This is a problem that leads to much criticism of Darius. His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, prompts you to get more kills to refresh it, it lusts for blood and kills and doesn't care who you stomp to get them, including your own team. League of legends is a game about destroying the enemy Nexus. Champions are merely an obstacle to that goal. Kills don't mean everything." Excerpt from my Darius guide.


Oh, it's actually quite funny how Jhoi, more than a Mother, is Mobafire's Mermaid, lulling unwary league members into our website. Would that be a way for you to describe her? And what about these other strangers and people you've met on Mobafire, can you give us a few names and your opinions on these people?


In a way, yes. I remember Jhoi having quite a few guides back in the day and they were often top results on google. She is also very welcoming to newcomers and quite the wicked artist too. We have had quarrels over guides before though (When we both had an active Nasus guide), but overall I consider her a great friend and she is the single reason I am a part of the greatest community I've ever been in. As for some other people that deserve recognition on the site:
Psiguard and Wayne: I respect Psiguard and Wayne the most out of all of our mods. They are always subtle but not afraid to lay down the law, which other mods seem more hesitant to do. Wayne being the more vocal one is nice. It's kind of like good cop/bad cop. :p

Lugi and Icecreamy: While I think Psi and Wayne do a better job at actually moderating the site, these guys still get some stuff done and are more of a visible presence in the community. I enjoy Lugi's talks of Maokai (He borders on Maokai obsession like I did with Viktor) and Icecreamy's awesome hair.

The Nameless Bard: One of my best friends on the site. We constantly argue over support stuff but it's k because we both understand that we have entirely different styles to the role. I think she's way too hard on herself and has a false perception of what people think of her.

GMD (GrandmistressD): This guy's hilarious. I wish every thread could just be a GMD reaction gif thread. He has helped a lot in the past with my champion rework and concept blogs. Sadly he was demoted, then stopped playing League and now we barely see him. :[

You (FalseoGod): We might not have talked much prior to this interview but your posts about champions always caught my eye. I always thought it was cool how you mained Swain and Syndra. They were lesser loved champs at the time I played Viktor, also lesser loved. Was nice to see someone with enthusiasm for the underplayed as well.

BananaBee (Meyjhe the Epic): We finally crashed the veteran party! This guy is one of the nicest people on mobafire and recently has helped me a lot with my issues and provided a lot of advice. I want to say right here and now; thank you so much.

MissMaw: She doesn't talk on MOBAfire much anymore but has always been helpful with my support guides and is fun to talk to about non League games such as one of my favorites, Mass Effect. Legion for life

Vynertje: Vyn is like my idol on the site. As a support/support top lane main, seeing a master tier support active on the site means a lot to me. I enjoy learning from him and often seek his wisdom on his support ama thread.

VaporaDark: While there is less to learn from him as I don't play mid, I enjoy the novelty of his "persona". It's kind of the same thing as how I described you. I enjoy seeing other people with a passion for a particular underloved champion. Also he's into death metal like me. Rock on, Vapora.

IpodPulse: A really great friend that often critiques my ideas and guides, and even played GW2 with me for a while. He's also my veteran graphic monkey, and for that he should be commended.

NicknameMy: I joke about this guy a lot, and you'll constantly see me bickering with him, but truth is, I envy the dude's resolve. Never wavering in the face of everyone disagreeing with him, he just keeps on keeping on with his deal. I wish I could be as confident.

Levask: A pretty cool dude who chronicles the metal songs on my Metal Thread into a playlist. He also made NA inhouses bearable. Good on you, Levask. :D


I think this just shows that you've got to share a lot with some of Mobafire's more usual members. Apart from guidewriting, you also seem to have a passion for theory crafting, in particular sharing your views on what could be changed in a few champions (here's an example). What are the ideas you're most proud of? What do you think of the feedback and what is it that you find so fascinating in this particular area?


I am most proud of recent idea to change [Yorick into a full support. It had a lot of fun ideas, broken or not. Most feedback noted the revive passive was broken, but the rest of the kit was fun. People tend to dislike when I suggest radical role changes for champions, such as turning Graves into a Bruiser or turning Jayce into an AP Mage/Bruiser. The Yorick idea was the first time people agreed that Yorick would be cooler as a support. I would agree to the last question, I write these posts to start conversation mostly. I like to talk to people about these ideas and hear their own ideas. Sadly I am one of the few who does.


Perhaps people see it more as balance suggestions instead of new ideas?


People have joked that I just wish every champion was a bruiser. :p That isn't true, I just think certain champions fit that archetype better then their actual role. I usually make these ideas due to lack of thematic ties to their role ( Graves, for instance is a total badass, and I don't feel like he should be part of the squishiest role in the game). Yorick and my recent Quinn idea were both created out of Riot's lack of love for the champions. So in a way, they are a suggested balance changes. I often make larger posts of various actual balance change suggestions.


Do you find a lot of these thematic inconsistencies in League?


Yes. A few champions are out of sync with their lore or theme when translated into game mechanics. Aatrox is probably the worst offender; his lore describes him as some kind of savior of the losing side in a war, empowering them to fight impossible odds in a bloody frenzy. One would think this would make him a pseudo support, but when you see him in game he is a selfish melee carry with no actual utility to offer. Similar disconnects with theme have existed before, such as Fiora not being a technical duelist, and actually just beating you over the head with her stat stick that have since been fixed. I think it's a problem with the medium of the game, and the fact that the game designers are separated from the lore team.


A lot of people would say League's lore is just about as interesting as fantasy females with realistic armor. Do you also feel that way, or do you actually see the potential or enjoy it, in spite of how it's applied ingame?


Lately, I feel their lore has been convoluted. They have been trying too hard to make things interesting that the characters coming out lose a lot of soul, I feel. Kindred for example has heavy texts of lore but their dialogue comes off as campy because it's all tied to the theme. They have no personalities outside their lore. Some older champions did this better ( Draven comes to mind), likely because the theme was more simple and easy to connect with. Draven's entire lore is just being a showboat, and his personality reflects that without being dull, despite all of his lines being related to this. I guess my point here is that League lore has always been more on the thin side of depth, but now they're just BS'ing more text for their champion lore. It's like when you start adding a bunch of adjectives to your essay in hope that it will add on another page of content.


What about League itself? Why did you join it, what makes you stay and how do you feel about it's evolution as a moba?


I joined because all of my friends were playing it, and I was in a pretty ****ty place and needed something to focus on to forget about that. Looking back I honestly wish that hadn't happened. League in itself has caused me nothing but stress and grief. But, I did get to join MOBAfire because of that, so I can't say I regret that I did. I don't play as much anymore, I mostly play GW2. But, I feel that overall, League has evolved into an esports monster. Great for the professional scene, too much effort for the average player to keep up with.


A lot of us are familiar with your interest in robotic bodily parts, does this translate into your favorite champions?


To a point. They are my favorite theme wise; Jayce, Viktor, Vi, etc. Rarely does the translate to my favorite champions to play, except in the instance of Jayce and Vi. My actual favorite champions to play are the likes of Shen, Braum, Alistar, etc. I like fat beefy tanky champions.


What about League art and skins? Is there a theme you particularly love? Is there anything you'd like to see?


I love the Project line of skins (obvious), and I like some of the splash arts from midway through the game's history. You know, after they stopped looking like disconfigured blobs with vaguely humanoid features, and before they started reaching the uncanny valley in terms of realism (New Shyvana art). I generally don't play favorites with skins though on my main champs. I own every skin for the champs I play a lot, like Shen and Ezreal and simply cycle through them every game.


If you could be the lead of character design on League of Legends for a month (or a reasonable time to get things done) what would you like to do?


I would halt any work on new champions and focus entirely on fixing older champions. We have too many, and leaving certain champions in the dust isn't fair to new players who might think they seem cool ( Warwick, Yorick for example). Additionally I'd probably nerf Dragon buffs. I feel like the game runs on a timer because of Dragon, 5th drag = gg period. I'm not a fan of it's increased importance over Baron these days.

Additionally, I'd remove Devourer. Because it creates a toxic game environment for junglers, and none of them actually need it to farm the jungle fast or murder enemies. Shyvana, Udyr, Master Yi, these champs can do all over those things without the item, but the need to stack it generally causes people that play them to act like *******s. The "other" devo junglers, like Xin Zhao or Warwick simply need QoL changes in Xin's case, and as mentioned, a rework for Warwick.


You mentioned League being very stressful for you. Does this have anything to do with the playerbase or is it something else entirely?


If anyone's read my recent blogs, they detail my issues with League stem from my personal life. To reiterate them here, I have an almost obsessive need to succeed in what ever I'm doing. Losing even one game tends to make me feel like a total failure. I've tried hard lately to control this attitude, but it hasn't mattered much because I'm now playing GW2 full time. I don't seem to have these issues in other games.


Would you have any advice for someone with the same issues as you?


Take a break. If the game is upsetting you, take some time to cool off. if it seems like every game upsets you like it does for me, then just play something else. That kind of stress is only unhealthy, and what are you really getting out of it? Not much but more stress.


Aside from League and GW2, what other hobbies and interests do you have?


In my spare time I also like to write stories. I've written a few short stories lately as I wean myself from League, and even posted one on my blog for MOBAfire. I also enjoy me some death vocals and practice them daily. I was once in a band, and hope to join one again in the future.


Well that's pretty badass and slightly arousing. What about the OTG on your nickname, what does it stand for?


OTG stands for "Off The Ground", a fighting game term to combo somebody, as the phrase implies, off a grounded state of the enemy. My Favorite fighting game is Marvel Vs Capcom 3, and the character Spencer (Bionic Commando) is the inspiration. A professional match between marn and combofiend made the casters start screaming "COMBO FIEND. OTG! BIONIC AAAARRMMMMMM!" repeatedly. On a semi related note, people often type to me in all chat about my name, sometimes inplying the memetic "Bionic AAAAARRRMMMM!" cannot actually OTG. But it does combo off his air QCF, which is an OTG. ****ing tryhards not knowing their ****.


This is a bit more on the personal side, but how has life changed for you ever since you acknowledged your gender issues?


Not much outside of my online life. I often just go to work, come home (where I get to be "myself") and then I sleep. I've been seeing someone recently though, and I'm unsure when would be a good time to bring this up would be. Time will tell I suppose.


Jayce, thanks for being a great sport and bearing with my terrible innuendos! We'll all be seeing you around Mobafire, reading through your cool ideas and sharing yourself with the rest of us!


Of course. And to all my friends on MOBAfire. You guys are awesome and I'm proud to be a part of this community, and even if I don't play League, I'll always be around.


Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 12:25pm | Report
Thanks for the ego boost brah <3

I am sure we can still crash many parties.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Janitsudude

Want to advertise your guide, but don't know where? Click here for an opportunity of a lifetime!
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 12:49pm | Report
We need to crash the admin party next. Wink wink nudge nudge.
<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 1:28pm | Report
Wayne and I already had interviews though (and Mowen did too I think? Can't remember).
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 1:37pm | Report
Not what I meant. The old joke before me and meijhe were vets was to crash the vet hall (become vets). Now we must crash your secret admin room.
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Sep 26th, 2011
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 3:14pm | Report
Wow. Not sure what to say, in a good way. It rhymes so it's k. I totally agree on the splash art by the way.

I like your insights on the current state of the lore. Very interesting, thanks for the analysis. How do you feel about the lore shift removing the whole concept of summoners from the story?

Also, False, you did a damn good job. Great questions. Still reporting you for shattering the November spotlight dream of course.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 4:25pm | Report
I made it pretty, where's my "good job"?
TheRealCefor's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 4:35pm | Report
I wonder who's next in line? I vote The Kha God.

Maybe it can be a duel interview with The Jax God :D
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2015 5:07pm | Report
I made it pretty, where's my "good job"?

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