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Ask A Scientist

Creator: Bioalchemist April 30, 2013 12:40pm
131 posts - page 6 of 14
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 12:55pm | Report
MyRepublic...different chemicals can burn with different colors depending on the amount of energy released and the temperature achieved as well as what elements are in the chemical you burn. essentially you are breaking bonds in the chemical that releases heat..this heat can be used to power other reactions as well. methanol in particular burns clear because you are consuming less carbon bonds than other alcohols like in the case of propanol or butanol.

that heat can be used to excite electrons and the electrons after excitation move back to their original state and release the energy in a color. typically the electrons in the outer shell are excited first so depending on the level that those electrons are at will determine what color that is produced. this is also what determines what color a 'neon light' is...essentially a neon light producing gas will be in a tube and it gets ignited with electricity and the electrons become excited than drop back down to the original state to produce a color. this is what makes all those cool bar signs hahaha. if you haven't done the classic chemistry experiment of burning different salt solutions yet you should.

cupric sulfate burns green
magnesium bright white
strontium burns red
cupric chloride burns blue
potassium burns purple

hope that makes sense.

Thanks to Hogopogo for my signature!

MrCuddowls's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 12:56pm | Report
I thought it was just a mixture of two parts hydrogen one part oxygen that you burn.

To make water that is.
<Altruistic Artist>
YayaFTW's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 1:06pm | Report
I just wanna know something for the luls :P Can we chemically produce a piece of ****, I mean with biochemistry? In other words, can we replicate the biochemical equations that happen in our stomach and intestines, and create them outside of the human body, so we manually "reproduce" a piece of ****?
MyRepublic's Forum Avatar
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Jan 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 1:21pm | Report
Yeah I knew why different things made different colors, I just didn't know specifically why methanol was clear when burned. That "clears" it up :D

Thank you Miss Maw, CasterMaster and Arcana3 for the sweet sigs. I'd definitely recommend you to anyone looking for a nice sig.

"But we are stronger creatures than babies, why cant we hunt them?"- Meiyjhe
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 1:45pm | Report
^ lol clever pun :)

yaya can we chemically produce ****? yeah I do it all the time just ask my supervisor lol.

purely from a chemical sense no we can not. I mean..if you really wanted to you could but really what makes **** isn't the breakdown of food with the acid of your stomach and the mashing of your is the continued breakdown of the remaining material after the majority of stuff that your body wants has been absorbed. this breakdown is actually performed by an insane amount of bacteria that live in your large and small intestine and essentially consume your waste converting it into useful things that you can absorb...all the material that is not useful to you or the bacteria comes out as ****.

so technically you could I would have to set up a system that first took food...mushed it...than put it through a system that would introduce it to the same bacteria that live in a healthy intestine...than let it come out the other side.... essentially you would have to recreate the human digestive tract.

maybe I am missing something but that is how I see it. lessen for the day though...bacteria do the most work in your digestive tract. ohhh microbiology how I miss you.

<Altruistic Artist>
YayaFTW's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 3:27pm | Report

^ lol clever pun :)

yaya can we chemically produce ****? yeah I do it all the time just ask my supervisor lol.

purely from a chemical sense no we can not. I mean..if you really wanted to you could but really what makes **** isn't the breakdown of food with the acid of your stomach and the mashing of your is the continued breakdown of the remaining material after the majority of stuff that your body wants has been absorbed. this breakdown is actually performed by an insane amount of bacteria that live in your large and small intestine and essentially consume your waste converting it into useful things that you can absorb...all the material that is not useful to you or the bacteria comes out as ****.

so technically you could I would have to set up a system that first took food...mushed it...than put it through a system that would introduce it to the same bacteria that live in a healthy intestine...than let it come out the other side.... essentially you would have to recreate the human digestive tract.

maybe I am missing something but that is how I see it. lessen for the day though...bacteria do the most work in your digestive tract. ohhh microbiology how I miss you.

It's possible lol.

NSFW: Care there are images of poop in this video

Technology 1 - Chemisty 0

Please disregard what is shown after the machine scene (especially the duck centipede, wtf humans, just wtf ._.)

Ah well, Some people enjoy making god regret creating them.
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 3:32pm | Report
^ lmao fantastic! i like the 'translating'

EDIT: don't tell bionicarm that technology beat chemistry either. he might get ideas.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 3:35am | Report

there is no way to disprove the existence of a god nor is their a way to prove the existence of a god currently...this is why religious people vs atheist people will always be circular argument.


ty for the answer :D
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 3:49am | Report

there is no way to disprove the existence of a god


"We've had a few gloomy years with bad console ports, and what do we get in the light at the end of the console-tunnel? A tablet OS ported to PC." - Atlas Tasume, on Windows 8
<Altruistic Artist>
YayaFTW's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 5:02am | Report

there is no way to disprove the existence of a god nor is their a way to prove the existence of a god currently...this is why religious people vs atheist people will always be circular argument.

The problem is that atheists can never realize that religion is more of a way of life than a god worshipping cult. A true religion practician sees God as a mentor in life, because what comes in the holy book in terms of 'human way of life' in general is correct, helpful, and has been scientifically approved. For example, In the Holy Coran, God says driking wine is forbidden because everything that is bad for human health is forbidden. Indeed, scientifically proven, Wine can get you addicted to it, and therefore damage your liver overtime.

Whether God exists or not depends on one's belief. The image of God changes from in individual to another. God can be seen as one's mentor in life, or one's absolute authority. These people who will do everything in the book to satisfy God and earn his blessing. Some people care to admit that it's an absolute entity that will be met in the afterlife if you didn't sin/ you repented in life.

But in the end, the only reason why atheists and religious people can never agree is because atheists are scared that Heaven exists and that they can't reach it, whereas religious people are scared that nothing comes after death, there's no afterlife, and that they could have had much more fun in earth if that was true. No one can admit he is wrong because it'll mean he admits that he ruined his life/afterlife.

As far as I'm concerned, I believe in God, because my parents raised me so, because science has failed so far to create a human without the fertilization of a sperm with an ovary (because how would you explain the creation of the first human? And don't tell me about Darwin, his theory has been proved wrong.), and because having God as a mentor helps you make judicious choices in life. So as long as I believe that I have been created out of nothing, I'll still believe and be thankful to God for life in general.

*******it, and I got a C- in philosophy in freshman year..

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