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Favorite video game top 10's

Creator: Ninja Trigger October 18, 2014 11:50pm
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Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 18, 2014 11:50pm | Report
I just got a new original Xbox that works so I have been able to play a lot of my old Xbox games, and some of them still hold up really well while others kinda aged worst then refrigerated poo. And it got me thinking about my other old and often un-played, collecting dust on the shelf video games. Which games still hold up, and which ones would I put on my all time favorite top 10 list for each individual console I grew up with.

Then I got to thinking which games do other people remember playing once they got out of school for the day and if they had to make a "nostalgic" list what games would make their list.

I have a ton of old consoles NES, SNES Nintendo 64, GameCube, almost every type of gameboy, PS1, PS2, Xbox ETC. and I was thinking of putting together my own personal list for each system. So I think I will start with the original Xbox since that's one that I have been playing the most of the past few days, and really the only one that I have time for right now :P

Ninja Trigger's Top 10 original Xbox Games
#10 Halo 2
#9 Destroy all Humans
#8 The Sims Busting out
#7 Whip-Lash
#6 Marvel Vs Capcom 2
#5 Red Dead Revolver
#4 my stack of Xbox Demo discs
#3 Halo Combat Evolved
#2 Dead Or Alive 3

Well not the best list out there here are some other games I played a lot for my Xbox Phantom Crash, SpiderMan 1 and 2, Simpsons Road Rage, Kung Fu Chaos, and a ton of others.

Now keep in mind this is my personal list and I don't own every great Xbox game out there like Ninja Gaiden, so all of the games listed are games that I personally own and still play from time to time.

I would love to see others people list for their old video game consoles, and it doesn't even need to be a for a console it could be a genera or even list of favorite Characters.

But lets make some top 10 list's yo
I stole this Sig idea from SoapSuds
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 1:07am | Report
So my top ten list is the following:
1.Skyrim(because mods)
2. League
3. dragon age origins
4. Arkham Asylum
5.Path of exile(I just downloaded it yesterday and so far it seems really awesome)
6.Mirror's edge
8.Simcity 4
9.Need for speed-most wanted(the old one)
10. osu(it is more like 3rd, but I forgot to add it and I am too lazy to exit al the numbers)


also check out my Ryze guide
Slappiz's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 2:01am | Report
1: The Walking Dead: Season 1
2: Final Fantasy VII
3: League of Legends
4: Mass Effect
5: Shadow of the Colossus
6: Chronicles of Rid****: Escape from Butcher Bay
8: Skyrim
9: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
10: World of Warcraft: WotLK (expansion)

Been playing so many great games so it's kinda hard to put them on a list but these are some of my favorites as well:

Sid Meier's: Colonization
Civilization V
Sid Meier's: Transport Tycoon
Resident Evil 4 (Wii edition)
Shadowrun Returns
Banjo Kazooie
North and South (NES)
Global Agenda
Pokémon Red/Blue
The Wolf Among Us

Could probably make a top 100 list.
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 2:07am | Report
My top 10 involves different games/series from a range of different consoles, including the PC (because there is one game on the computer that essentially changed my life.........and no, it isn't League).

#10: Blue Dragon (An odd game, and quite possibly the longest game I have ever played. But it's story was decent)
#9: Mechwarrior 4 (this was the first game that I really got into, and was the game that essentially made me a gamer)
#8: League of Legends (Im sorry, but I had to put it on here. Its just SO addicting, and watching worlds only makes it worse. :D)
#7: Assassin's Creed Series (It was difficult choosing a game from this series, but if I had to choose specifics, it would have to come from the Ezio series)
#6: Kirby and The Crystal Shards (Yes, a Kirby game. I have a Nintendo 64, and this was the game I played the most when using it. I couldn't leave it off this list)
#5: Destiny (I know. An EXTREMELY new game, but still a great one nonetheless)
#4: Dishonored (A beautiful game, beautiful story, and just beatiful nonetheless)
#3: Kingdom Hearts Series (Putting this third is almost a crime, and some people would consider it a crime after seeing what I have put in front of it. However, NOT putting this in my top 3 is a crime punishable by death. I can not count the number of times that this game has just left me speechless, and I cannot wait to continue the series)
#2: Halo series (Choosing which one comes out on top between this and Kingdom Hearts is really difficult. But, Halo tops KH just slightly due to consistentcy in titles, the expansive univerese it is set in that just never seems to stop growing, and, as last time, the number of times it has left me speechless)

And for my #1 pick, it has to go to EVE Online. This game is 12 years old and counting. It is considered the grandfather of space MMOs, facing very little to no competition at all over the years. Because of this, CCP (creators and owners of the game) has been left untouched to grow this game into the absolutely fricken gorgeous game it is! Not only in visuals, but how the game works. To put it all into one sentence to describe this game, its basically a second earth, with its own economy, own cultures, wars that break world records for the number of players in a given area at one time! I could go on for weeks about this game, and we would hardly scratch the surface. But the reason why it is such a complex game is due to the fact that its history is not crafted by the developers. Its made by the players, and this game has 12 years worth of stories to tell.

Welp, there you go. My top 10. :D
Thank you Toshabi for the advice!
TROLLing1999's Forum Avatar
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 2:16am | Report
1. League
2. All the NBA2K games
3. All the FIFA games
4. All the PES games
5. Warcraft 3
6. ?????
7. ?????
8. ?????
9. ?????
10. ?????

I really do not play/have not played many games...
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 2:26am | Report
1. The Walking Dead (s2 could be favourite)
2. Dragon Age Origins
3. Mass Effect (any of the games could be the favourite)
4. Elden Scrolls V Skyrim
5. Wolf Among Us
6. Final Fantasy VI
7. Tomb Raider games ('13 or anniversary could be favourite)
8. Fable The Last Chapters
9. Pokemon games (FireRed could be favourite)
10. To The Moon

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 8:26am | Report
1.Skyrim(because mods)

While I can see mods bringing up a game's value, it's still extremely hard for me to justify ranking Skyrim highly. For one, without mods the game just isn't that good. It's full of content, but so much of that content involves combat, and Skyrim's combat is really, really boring, especially after playing games in the same vein that are much better. Skyrim with mods can be a really interesting an unique experience. But Skyrim without mods overstays its welcome by some 70 hours of gameplay.

More generally, I have problems with Skyrim because it feels like a bad fantasy version of Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas, both of which have the same core engagement but are better--shooting things is more fun than flailing with a sword and pausing to heal sometimes. And because if I want fantasy melee, Dark Souls does it worlds away better than anything else released recently.

Actually, on that note, y'all should play Dark Souls. That game is ****ing great.

On topic, I've still got my Gamecube, but I don't own many games for it that I'd still play and enjoy these days. I guess I can put together a small (and unordered) list.
  • Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2 - Man, I love these games. I spent way too much time playing them when I was younger. They are pretty basic now, but the core gameplay still works. Also apparently it's a better version of Destiny.
  • Tales of Symphonia - I also love the hell out of this game. I've played through it at least a half dozen times. I've got the HD remake for my PS3 and am playing through that slowly. Still my favorite Tales game of all time, and still one of the strongest candidates for the best Tales game of all time.
  • Metroid Prime - Sure, it has wonky controls, but a good 3D Metroid game is still incredible. Metroid Prime 2 is also good, but just not as excellent as the first.
  • Soul Calibur II - Still my favorite Soul Calibur game. Later Soul Calibur games are just way too slow, and no amount of adding new systems is going to make them as much fun unless the game's speed is brought up again. Also the best version of Soul Calibur II, because Link is playable without being too annoying.
  • Super Smash Brothers Melee - Still the premier Super Smash Brothers title, since Brawl never appealed to SSB fans quite the same way as Melee did (and still does, see Project M). Maybe going to have the title usurped by the new WiiU title, but we'll have to see.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 9:24am | Report
lifebaka wrote:
Actually, on that note, y'all should play Dark Souls. That game is ****ing great.

Yeah, it is, but as much as I like the game it also has a couple of pretty huge design flaws. I haven't gotten to the second game yet, but from what I've seen they've done away with the AWFUL humanity system in favor of a health penalty system governed by deaths and effigies.
They seem to have taken steps toward balancing out stats, unlike DS1, which had one stat that was godlike and one that was completely useless.
They've also taken steps to avoid grinding in DS2, not only by the removal of the humanity system, but also by making enemies disappear after having killed them ~20 times.
Tales of Symphonia - I also love the hell out of this game. I've played through it at least a half dozen times.

Yup, there is a lot to like about that game. Bosses were occasionally a bit lackluster though, especially toward the end. And I honestly gotta say that Colette (I think her name was) was a reeeeally boring character.
There were parts where it was noticeable that they cut corners to keep the development costs down, but it didn't hamper the game too much.
Metroid Prime - Sure, it has wonky controls, but a good 3D Metroid game is still incredible
Metroid Prime 2 is also good, but just not as excellent as the first.

Never played the first one, but I did get a decent ways into the second. It was pretty good, but I got stuck somewhere around.. after the snake(s?) boss(es?) when the dark stuff infected the air n' stuff.
I'll probably get around to playing them on an emulator.
Soul Calibur II - Still my favorite Soul Calibur game. Later Soul Calibur games are just way too slow, and no amount of adding new systems is going to make them as much fun unless the game's speed is brought up again. Also the best version of Soul Calibur II, because Link is playable without being too annoying.

I have the special edition of that for my Xbox. It was a good game, but I'm not sure having 3D arenas actually benefited the game in any way.. That just seems like added complexity where there need not be any.
Super Smash Brothers Melee - Still the premier Super Smash Brothers title, since Brawl never appealed to SSB fans quite the same way as Melee did

Yup, I have mostly fun memories of that one, the rest are rage at stupid losses :)
I think I completed ALL the challenges for that game. Some where seriously hard. What about you?
"Well, basically you should treat me like a prostitute." - TotalBiscuit
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 10:25am | Report
OTG's all time favorite games:

1. Sonic Adventure 2
2. Marvel vs Capcom 3
3. Mass Effect 2
4. Yoshi's Island
5. Super Mario World
6. Guild Wars 2
7. Mario Kart 64
8. Super Smash Brothers (Any)
9. All Pokemon Games (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald are favorites)
10. I guess League of Legends.. Sigh.

Honorable Mentions: Soul Calibur 2-4, Mech Assault 1-2, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and the Windwaker

All of these games defined various portions of my life and have sentimental value.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 10:53am | Report
I've only been an PC gamer for 4-5 years, so my video game list is pretty short.

1. Dragon Age: Origins
2. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
3. Portal
4. Torchlight 2
5. Fallout 3
6. Minecraft
7. TESV: Skyrim

will add more after some thought.
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