How old are you?
emoriam wrote:
I'd say that everyone being older than at least thirteen/fourteen"is allowed" to play League.
Well, I do agree that the majority of players my age do act immature, but not all of them. In my opinion it all depends on the player, as previously stated 18 year olds can act immature and 12 year old kids can act mature, but honestly I would like a 12-14+ rule because kids who are 8-10 years old shouldn't even browse the Internet without their parents supervision.
GrandmasterD wrote:
Let's be honest, so do 90% of the adults (10% of League's playerbase is female).
Oh the generalizations <3
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
My youngest brother is 12
For some REALLY weird reason I thought you were an only child.
jhoijhoi wrote:
For some REALLY weird reason I thought you were an only child.
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Let's be honest, so do 90% of the adults (10% of League's playerbase is female).