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Manga/Anime You Read/Watch

Creator: Jebus McAzn February 20, 2011 6:30pm
3336 posts - page 200 of 334
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2014 9:03am | Report
Searz wrote:

Meh, I wasn't impressed.

The low animation framerate is really obvious.

Animation wise it's not as good as one would expect, but adaptations of my favourite games into anime always draw a smile on my face (even though they're usually **** adaptations, like Zone of the Enders for example)


Did you not learn the first time around?

Because I like the art/animation, and I tend to forgive but not forget :D To be honest I've read that this season is supposed to be good because in the light novel version, Gun Gale Online (the first arc of this season probably) is a good one, unless they screw it up during the adaptation, which is likely to happen lol
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2014 6:10pm | Report
Sooo, I've been reading some manga over the holiday season. (ranked in order of enjoyment from top to bottom)

OnePunch-Man: a shounen with focus on humor.
The art is really damn good. It's seriously impressive in some instances. It's drawn by the author of Eyeshield 21.
Even though I saw many things coming, including jokes, they never failed to entertain me. I had a lot of fun reading this one. I'd thoroughly recommend reading it if you're interested in shounen or humor.

Vinland Saga: a tale about a viking boy that tries to follow in his fathers footsteps. It's set around year 1000 in Europe(vikings, duh). The art is really, really good. Definitely one of the highlights of the manga.
The story is an adult one, with blood, gore and nudity, about many things surrounding one person. Not just the events that happen to him, but many that surround him too.
There are a few side-stories that connect to the main storyline that I was very impressed with.
I'm not sure how I would classify it, but the early parts of it are definitely shounen-ish in nature.
What really bugged me about it though, was the instances of ridiculous exaggeration. This was especially apparent in the Thorkell fight. For a series so grounded in reality I found the exaggerations especially jarring.
Still, it's a good manga. I'd definitely give it a recommendation.

Suicide Island: a story about a bunch of suicidal people on an island. The premise at first kind of threw me off, and the first chapter didn't help much, but then it really stated picking up speed. It turned into a semi-realistic survival story where people struggle with staying alive both physically through basic needs and mentally to avoid suicide.
The art is pretty bad, at least in terms of the characters, but strangely enough, it really fits the theme, and it has started to grow on me.
This manga doesn't shy away from any themes, so be warned.
Overall, it's pretty good. If you're interested in survival a la' Hunger Games or Battle Royale then this might be up your alley.

Uzumaki: a horror manga centered around a girl, her boyfriend and their struggles in a cursed town.
It's better than Gyo, which I've previously read from the same author. Gyo has a way better premise, but the characters and some of the plot twists were just horribly executed.
But just like Gyo, the characters are kind of a weak point. (not nearly as bad tho) Character motivation is sometimes lacking and the behavior is sometimes not what would seem reasonable considering the circumstances.
The art is nice. Very detailed and pretty disturbing at times.
Overall, it's a pretty decent read. Can't go wrong with it if you like horror.

OnePunch-Man: shounen, humor; read it.

Vinland Saga: shounen-ish, mature; read it.

Suicide Island: survival; give it a look.

Uzumaki: horror; give it a look.
"Gold can't buy you rape." - Mr Sark
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2014 5:00pm | Report
YayaFTW wrote:

Decided to post pone Mawaru as I forgot I had to re-watch the TO ARU series, it's been exactly a year and I still didn't watch Railgun S

Railgun - S is amazing... for the first 2/3rd's :3
Thanks to GrandmasterD for the sig!
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2014 8:54pm | Report

I have high expectations for this :3
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
Thatdudeinthecotton's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2014 7:04am | Report
I find this threads lack of Dandy.....disturbing.

Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2014 9:05am | Report
^ lol yes pls. will be watching this one fo sho.

Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2014 1:34pm | Report

"Yes, I am Haruu"
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Thalia Kael

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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2014 1:46pm | Report
dat hottie alert.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2014 1:49pm | Report
"Aaaw, yee, work them legs.."
I'm a strong independent black mage who don't need no mana.
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2014 11:42am | Report

Play titan Eren, it is absolutely brutal :O
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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