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Official hearthstone thread

Creator: Pølsemanden December 8, 2013 1:59pm
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LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2015 1:38pm | Report
tehAsian wrote:
I assume you don't have Thalnos so you're running Loot Hoarder? If so, it's better to run Kobold Geomancer for the spell damage, oil rogue doesn't really need the draw when you can prep -> sprint

Yes, I don't own most legendaries and I think that swap makes a lot of sense.

tehAsian wrote:
You might want to try a Shredder or two instead of teachers, teacher + oil doesn't really work sometimes.

I'll try this out, but Teachers seemed to be working quite well.

tehAsian wrote:
idk about Handlock, I think some people run two Siphon, two Chows? You might also want to put in BGH, Dr. Boom and take out Rag

Two Chows, might be worth trying out, however I've found that running two Siphons generally leads them to being dead draws. Once I get enough Dust for Dr.Boom I'll make that swap. (Added BGH, idk why I didn't add him sooner :/)

tehAsian wrote:
For Zoo I don't think anyone runs Soulfire, Harvest, or Cleric anymore. Instead, they run
Implosion and Imp Gang Boss. Mistress of Pain is pretty good too.

I'll have to try these out, once I progress through black rock mountain enough to unlock gang bosses and thanks for all the help.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2015 1:42pm | Report
LevasK wrote:
I'll try this out, but Teachers seemed to be working quite well.

Yeah, I wouldn't abandon them because of the sheer amount of board control they give you if you can get off a few spells.

Also, I commented just before you on the last page, in case you missed it.
Google has a job title called "Head of Black Community Engagement"..
I don't know whether to cry or laugh.. or both.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2015 7:29am | Report
Yes, I did miss it.

The Healbot swap for another Farseer has been paying off so far.

Sadly I don't have Boom/Gang Bosses, but those are on the top of my "to get" list, unless they get nerfed before I acquire them.

Well, thank you for helping me with my decks.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2015 7:01am | Report

TGT is coming out, inspire, joust, powercreeps, other unique concepts and new legendaries are introduced to HS. A lot of cardreviews are already made, but I am interested in discussing what kind of new decks would work.

For example with the inspire, would it be best on mage because of the coldarra drake? Would it be best on priest because of the new legendary? Would it be best on paladin because of the continuous synergy with the little 1/1 dudes? Shaman because of the new totem synergies? Or would it just be used for fun decks or just individual inspire cards are used rather than full inspire decks? To me it seems really interesting to combine the inspire effect with the fatigue mage as it allows a lot of survivability due to the great removal offered by the coldarra drake, maiden of the lake, fallen hero, tournament medic and justicar trueheart. I have been trying fatigue mage a bunch of times and seeing this cards might be enough to make it work.

And what about the joust effect? Would it be useful? They even attempted to make hunter joust, which is one of the classes that uses the most low cost minions. If joust would work, I think it would obviously work best with paladin because of the amazing tuskarr jouster plus the fact that they are capable of playing a more lategame deck. There aren't that many joust cards, but most of those that exist aren't even that great like armored warhorse. So would it just be tuskarr jouster and the healing wave that would be used or will there be more?

The powercreeps ice rager and evil heckler make no sense to me. Why would blizzard introduce cards that are strictly better than already existing cards? Why not just buff the old ones? I don't get it.

About taunt warrior, totem shaman, OTK priest and beast druid possibilities. Full taunt decks never seem to work that well and now they are boosting warriors, that didn't even use that much taunt in the first place, to go make a taunt deck. I get that they are trying to create this "protection warrior" kind of feel towards the class, but wouldn't the mechanic make more sense with a druid that has much more taunts?

The totem shaman seems alright. It didn't work at all before TGT (believe me I tried ;_;), I still doubt it'll work, but I guess it is a first step to an interesting concept.

The OTK priest seems really awesome to me. The fact that confuse could potentially act like a better form of bloodlust seems absolutely amazing. Throw some high health minions in there like the deathlord, snapjaw, tournament medic, maiden of the lake, bolf ramshield and so on. Confuse when the board is filled with those sticky minions and boom, gone enemy health. It seems really fun to me and I will definitely try dis **** (although to be fair I probs try everything).

Beast druid was bad before and the new cards will probably not change that. Although combining wildwalker with savage combatant does seem appealing to me.

Finally, there are a bunch of new legendaries. Most of them don't seem broken to me, so that is very nice. Although I must say Aviana, Confessor Paletress and Varian Wrynn in particular seem extremely strong. Íf Aviana would stay alive for one turn, it would mean that you literally could throw down all your ancients, dragons or whatever which would probably win you the game instantly. Confessor Paletress is like a 9 mana 5/4 sneeds old shredder, but then having the deathrattle work instantly which does seem quite appealing to me as Sneeds usually gets silenced or anything along those lines. Varian Wrynn is basically a more evil version of Aviana as he doesn't have to stay alive for a turn in order to be amazing. Although you are dependant on what you draw, even if you just draw spells it is already a nice card. The only thing you have to worry about when playing this guy is that you will pull battlecry minions.

Thats my take on the TGT. It would probably be different from my expectations as it usually is, but I am just excited to see what happens and I hope that the aggressive decks will see much less play.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo

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Vaan99's Forum Avatar
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Nov 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2015 8:59am | Report
"The powercreeps ice rager and evil heckler make no sense to me. Why would blizzard introduce cards that are strictly better than already existing cards? Why not just buff the old ones? I don't get it."

It's not power creep, those cards were never used and new cards will never be used. If they've made new card: Juiced Yeti - 4 cost 5/6 that would be power creep, not buffing those terrible minions.
Ben Brode has said that they won't buff those old cards. Bad cards have to exist, if every expansion introduced strictly better cards, then that would be power creep; also you have to have high pool of cards for drafting in arena.

I'm glad there are no must craft Legendary cards from TGT, before GVG got released everyone was hyped up about troggzor and some were about dr. boom, it ended up that dr. boom is simply must have card and that can't be desired effect.
Neutral legendaries look fun, I doubt I'll rush and craft something, although those 3 cost valkyrie look awesome.

I'm looking forward to all new decks that will emerge in first weeks and I hope there will be nerf for warsong commander.
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2015 4:16am | Report
"Nothing says I like you more than letting you drink my filtered urine." - deityignis


"There are boobs...LOTS OF BOOBS. And then Obama comes out of no where." - JEFFY40HANDS, on Air Gear
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 12:07pm | Report
I am so tired of facing secret paladin. Anyone any ideas on how to deal with it without making a specific deck just to counter them?
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 12:08pm | Report
face hunter counters everything
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 12:11pm | Report
I shall never go down face hunter level >:(
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 12:20pm | Report
Basically use cheap board control early and use some big wipe at turn 6/7 for the Mysterious challenger/battle mustard. I've found that Gallywix out of an unstable portal works really well. :^) Mage with really good AoE in it does pretty well I've found.

Facehunter does work pretty well too, just sayin. Finish the game before turn 6 is kinda OP.

Unrelated, but I yolobought the entirety of Naxx the other day and I have to say I regret not doing it way longer ago. The cards are too ****in good, augh. And then I saved gold for the first wing of BRM for... patronizing reasons... Not gonna lie I still like my mage deck that's gotten me to about 13-14 consistently though.

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