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Official hearthstone thread

Creator: Pølsemanden December 8, 2013 1:59pm
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 1:59pm | Report
So with 2 giveaway threads being done and me being pretty much the only guy without a key of his own, let's make an official hearthstone thread.

What decks are you using, what cards are you hoping for each pack, favorite classes so far, nice combos?

My best deck is a Spell power heavy removal rogue deck, it takes me to turn 10-15 every game but that's usually the point i win at.

0 Backstab(2)
1 Worgen infiltrator(1)
1 deadly poison(1)
2 Shiv(2)
2 Kobold geomancer(1)
2 Loot hoarder(1)
2 Novice engineer(1)
2 Betrayal(1)
2 Eviscerate(2)
2 Defias ringleader(1)
3 Fan of knives(2)
3 Demolisher(1)
3 SI:7 Agent(1)
3 Harvesting golem(1)
4 Master of disguise(1)
4 Spellbreaker (1) - would rather have an owl but i guess it's fine cuz i have loads of 2drops
4 Ogre Magi(1)
4 Chillwind yeti(1)
4 Senjin shieldmasta(1)
5 Azure drake(1)
5 Gadgetzan auctioneer(1)
5 Assasinate(2)
5 Spiteful smith
6 Argent commander
7 Sprint(1)

Post your decks, post critisism to mine if ya want to :)
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 2:15pm | Report
Spiteful smith has no synergy with your deck, gadgetzan auctioneer has no synergy either.
You would lose late game against any decent control deck also.

Your deck gets countered by high pressure rush decks which is the current meta.

Try getting some Sun Clerics and some Defender of Arguses to counter rush decks to slow down the pace, sunfury protector could also be considered. For spell power bloodmage thalmos is very powerful in a rogue deck as in general they lack card draw and thalmos is an exceptionally strong 2 mana minion.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 2:28pm | Report
I got the game on Thursday, been playing quite a bit since.

My favorite class so far is definitely Priest; I don't really know my list of cards (might post later) but I'm having the most success with it for sure. I had a game yesterday where I finished someone off with a 20-20 Lightspawn (using a Temple Enforcer + Power Word: Shield + Divine Spirit combo to boost the health), that felt pretty good :P

Most annoying to play against has been Paladin, I hate it when they have several Divine Shields and Blessing of Kings is just such a stupidly strong buff >.<

My plan for now is to get all classes to level 10, get a general grasp of them and unlock all basic cards. I'm not looking at ranked play yet and probably won't start doing that until I have some more experience. I currently have 6 classes on level 10 or higher, am working on my Shaman (which is level 8 now?) and then only Warlock and Paladin will be left. I don't plan on spending money yet either, so for non-basic cards I have to mostly rely on packs that I get from finishing daily quests or just winning a lot.

Speaking of packs, my best one so far was one that contained Silver Hand Knight, Acolyte of Pain, Ravenholdt Assassin, Slam (Warrior) and Pyroblast (Mage) all in one! :D

P.S. The non-basic Priest cards I mentioned were either crafted or from other earlier packs.

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 2:33pm | Report
inb4 HearthFire.
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 2:34pm | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

I got the game on Thursday, been playing quite a bit since.

My favorite class so far is definitely Priest; I don't really know my list of cards (might post later) but I'm having the most success with it for sure. I had a game yesterday where I finished someone off with a 20-20 Lightspawn (using a Temple Enforcer + Power Word: Shield + Divine Spirit combo to boost the health), that felt pretty good :P

Most annoying to play against has been Paladin, I hate it when they have several Divine Shields and Blessing of Kings is just such a stupidly strong buff >.<

My plan for now is to get all classes to level 10, get a general grasp of them and unlock all basic cards. I'm not looking at ranked play yet and probably won't start doing that until I have some more experience. I currently have 6 classes on level 10 or higher, am working on my Shaman (which is level 8 now?) and then only Warlock and Paladin will be left. I don't plan on spending money yet either, so for non-basic cards I have to mostly rely on packs that I get from finishing daily quests or just winning a lot.

Speaking of packs, my best one so far was one that contained Silver Hand Knight, Acolyte of Pain, Ravenholdt Assassin, Slam (Warrior) and Pyroblast (Mage) all in one! :D

P.S. The non-basic Priest cards I mentioned were either crafted or from other earlier packs.

Awesome, silverhand knight is really good value, so is pain and pyroblast.

Make sure you get that mind control asap in priest it's a fun card.

I have an old priest deck that I used to run that provides a ton of card draw and some great synergy for example

Circle of Healing (restore 4 health to all minions) and injured blademaster a 4/7 thats battle cry is deal 4 damage to itself.
or circle of healing and auchenai soul priest

What is your battle tag?

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 2:49pm | Report
[deleted] wrote:

Spiteful smith has no synergy with your deck, gadgetzan auctioneer has no synergy either.
You would lose late game against any decent control deck also.

Your deck gets countered by high pressure rush decks which is the current meta.

Try getting some Sun Clerics and some Defender of Arguses to counter rush decks to slow down the pace, sunfury protector could also be considered. For spell power bloodmage thalmos is very powerful in a rogue deck as in general they lack card draw and thalmos is an exceptionally strong 2 mana minion.

Oxide's a god at HS too?

Can't say i'm surprised. He's like... a buffalo, at everything.

I have 13 spells and Auctioneer doesn't synergize with my deck? Am i missing something?

I'm aware that the smith isn't too synergising but i generally get 2-4 value weapon damage onto my opponent and he kinda works as a taunt once enraged.

Don't have the blodmage guy, but he truely seems awesome, got argus in a pack might consider putting him into the deck again but back when i used him i just didn't feel like i got any value from him back then.

So to be exact: you'd switch smith for argus and?

Oh and i just found an ancient mage, would he be>ogre?
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 3:09pm | Report
@ Oxide

Prophet Velen, I'm jealous. My current card draw is basically all Northshire Cleric / Power Word: Shield and probably some general minions with a card draw battlecry (Novice Engineer / Gnomish Inventor) :P
in case anyone's wondering why I link everything: just cuz I'm not lazy maaaaaaybe someone will find it useful if they forget about a card :3

You need both name and number, right? Wayne3100, #2708. Not sure if that works since Pølse tried adding me that way but couldn't, so if it doesn't then just use my email (hint: it's a hotmail account and the name is identical to the one I use everywhere else :P).

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 3:11pm | Report
ogre is ok, azure drake is an upgrade for ogre in my opinion. Haven't seen a ogre in constructed play for ages.

Your Auctioneer is naked the whole time you have only one taunt.

Ancient mage is only good if you already have 2 minions so it's up to you. I think i would prefer ogre over ancient mage.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 3:14pm | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

@ Oxide

Prophet Velen, I'm jealous. My current card draw is basically all Northshire Cleric / Power Word: Shield and probably some general minions with a card draw battlecry (Novice Engineer / Gnomish Inventor) :P
in case anyone's wondering why I link everything: just cuz I'm not lazy maaaaaaybe someone will find it useful if they forget about a card :3

You need both name and number, right? Wayne3100, #2708. Not sure if that works since Pølse tried adding me that way but couldn't, so if it doesn't then just use my email (hint: it's a hotmail account and the name is identical to the one I use everywhere else :P).

Yeah Battle Tag is just your NickName#yournumber

I'll add you now.

Mine is Teleport#2340

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 3:16pm | Report
[deleted] wrote:

ogre is ok, azure drake is an upgrade for ogre in my opinion. Haven't seen a ogre in constructed play for ages.

Your Auctioneer is naked the whole time you have only one taunt.

Ancient mage is only good if you already have 2 minions so it's up to you. I think i would prefer ogre over ancient mage.

^i also have master of disguise :p

Switched the smith for Argus.

i don't have 2 drakes so i think i'll play ancient mage.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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