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Official hearthstone thread

Creator: Pølsemanden December 8, 2013 1:59pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 2:44am | Report
Check this for one time quests that should give you some fast cash

Do you know if you still can get the Beta Hero! achievement?
Meiyjhe wrote:

my two favorite decks atm

As you might see, I've bought a few packs, especially for my warlock deck. The Shaman "artillery" deck is really amazing. All those damage battle cries allow me to clear the board while still applying pressure in a lot of different situations.

The warlock deck is simply hilarious, because of the fact that when you get low on health you can basically summon 2 molten giants and you can feel the enemy ****ping his pants :D

You got the golden Mekkatorque from the quest, right? When did you get it? Do you know if it's still possible?

Now, for your decks:
Loot Hoarder > Novice Engineer. Sure, the Hoarder can be killed off easily by hero-powers against 33% of the classes, but they will spend just as much mana as you did putting it out killing it and that 2 attack damage can also kill off just a ton more 2 cost drops like Acidic Swamp Ooze and Knife Juggler than the Engineer can.
Your Shaman deck has no turn 1 drop. No, the Elf is not a turn 1 drop, because if you use it as such it's pretty much useless. That's a major weakness.
Shadow Bolt > Drain Life. 4damage > 2damage+2heal. Sure Drain Life has a little bit more lategame utility, but other than that it's just not as good.
Shadow Bolt makes the Reckless Rocketeer useless, seeing as it gives one less damage for half the cost with pretty much the same effect. You can also grab an Azure Drake to make the Shadow Bolt more powerful(which would also make your Mortal Coil more powerful), those drakes are just overpowered right now and I have no idea why you wouldn't.
You might also wanna grab some Taunt in your Warlock deck, otherwise cards like the Questing Adventurer and Summoning Portal become really hard to defend (and you will most likely fail at doing so). Fel Guard is an interesting choice, but I would personally just grab Sen'jin Shieldmasta because while the Fel Guard costs one less the turn you use it, it will cost one more EVERY turn until you're at 10 mana. That's just not worth the pain. And the Shieldmasta is just rock solid. It has a really awkward health number, which makes it really hard to kill without using removal or trading two units for it. It's the very same reason that the Yeti is good. Only the Shieldmasta can't be ignored and can be used to protect, so he's better imo.
Wayne3100 wrote:

Hmm, interesting, I didn't think of using Inner Fire like that yet, thanks :)

In other news, I just got my first legendary: Captain Greenskin! :D

Gz, I haven't gotten a single legendary yet --.--

And yeah, definitely get Inner Fire and attack buffs over HP buffs.
"Blizzard spoke thus; Thou shalt not BM. And the players replied Nay, I shall Play my hand with Lethal already on the board. And so Blizzard sent unto them this Brawl of Yogg, As a lesson for their sins of Pride and Greed, for he is the Prophet of Madness and RNG. On that day, the tavern descended into an era of chaos and darkness, until the weekend passed and everyone forgot all about it. Amen. Book of SMOrc, Verse 20, Chapter 4." - Feam T
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 2:52am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

I cringe whenever I see cards like Elven Archer and Ironforge Rifleman. Then again, I like using the Abusive Sergeant myself which I'm sure is also a not the best card, so maybe I shouldn't be talking :P

Edit: Just played a game of Mage against a Priest who I was beating pretty hard, suddenly he throws out Deathwing. God that was scary. I won because of Pyroblast though :3

Nono, the Abusive Sergeant is far better than the Archer. The Sergeant might not have that free 1 damage, but the utility of allowing great trades with the buff and the fact that he has 100% more attack damage than the Archer just makes him better in my opinion. He's not a great turn 1 drop though, but the Archer is even worse.

And MAAAAAN, I want Deathwing. It would make my Rogue deck complete. My current Rogue deck is all about quick damage and board control, but it has very little lategame power and I'm usually very low on cards when lategame rolls around. Having Deathwing would just be amazingly useful.
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Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 3:12am | Report
Searz wrote:

You got the golden Mekkatorque from the quest, right? When did you get it? Do you know if it's still possible?

Now, for your decks:
Loot Hoarder > Novice Engineer. Sure, the Hoarder can be killed off easily by hero-powers against 33% of the classes, but they will spend just as much mana as you did putting it out killing it and that 2 attack damage can also kill off just a ton more 2 cost drops like Acidic Swamp Ooze and Knife Juggler than the Engineer can.
Your Shaman deck has no turn 1 drop. No, the Elf is not a turn 1 drop, because if you use it as such it's pretty much useless. That's a major weakness.
Shadow Bolt > Drain Life. 4damage > 2damage+2heal. Sure Drain Life has a little bit more lategame utility, but other than that it's just not as good.
Shadow Bolt makes the Reckless Rocketeer useless, seeing as it gives one less damage for half the cost with pretty much the same effect. You can also grab an Azure Drake to make the Shadow Bolt more powerful(which would also make your Mortal Coil more powerful), those drakes are just overpowered right now and I have no idea why you wouldn't.
You might also wanna grab some Taunt in your Warlock deck, otherwise cards like the Questing Adventurer and Summoning Portal become really hard to defend (and you will most likely fail at doing so). Fel Guard is an interesting choice, but I would personally just grab Sen'jin Shieldmasta because while the Fel Guard costs one less the turn you use it, it will cost one more EVERY turn until you're at 10 mana. That's just not worth the pain. And the Shieldmasta is just rock solid. It has a really awkward health number, which makes it really hard to kill without using removal or trading two units for it. It's the very same reason that the Yeti is good. Only the Shieldmasta can't be ignored and can be used to protect, so he's better imo.

Mekkatorque can be obtained from spending money on HS, I did the buys yesterday :3

Ma opinatos on criticos:
* I know Elven archer is not a turn 1 drop, I use it in combination with other damage battlecries to clear the board later in the game. In combination with the high amount of totem use, it allows me to clear the board before using my Bloodlust and finish off the enemy.
* Shieldmaster is a great card indeed. I just wanted to make a deck going yoloswag without taunts n stuff. Might add it anyway cuz ytf not :3
* Shadowbolt is probably indeed a better pick.

Soon, I will have the most epic deck ever *shades*
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 4:53am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:

* I know Elven archer is not a turn 1 drop, I use it in combination with other damage battlecries to clear the board later in the game. In combination with the high amount of totem use, it allows me to clear the board before using my Bloodlust and finish off the enemy.

Not having that turn 1 drop can put you in a bad position. Get something like the Worgen Infitrator or the Leper Gnome for something that is guaranteed to have an effect(the Infiltrator almost always gets at least 1 attack off while the Gnome always deals at least 2 damage to the enemy hero).
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 5:27am | Report
True, but I usually can counter enemy 1 drops by using rockbiter weapon, disallowing them to get out of hand. Around turn 3~4 I will catch up to that HP anyway :3
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 5:29am | Report
Searz wrote:

Do you know if you still can get the Beta Hero! achievement?

You got the golden Mekkatorque from the quest, right? When did you get it? Do you know if it's still possible?

Now, for your decks:
Loot Hoarder > Novice Engineer. Sure, the Hoarder can be killed off easily by hero-powers against 33% of the classes, but they will spend just as much mana as you did putting it out killing it and that 2 attack damage can also kill off just a ton more 2 cost drops like Acidic Swamp Ooze and Knife Juggler than the Engineer can.
Your Shaman deck has no turn 1 drop. No, the Elf is not a turn 1 drop, because if you use it as such it's pretty much useless. That's a major weakness.
Shadow Bolt > Drain Life. 4damage > 2damage+2heal. Sure Drain Life has a little bit more lategame utility, but other than that it's just not as good.
Shadow Bolt makes the Reckless Rocketeer useless, seeing as it gives one less damage for half the cost with pretty much the same effect. You can also grab an Azure Drake to make the Shadow Bolt more powerful(which would also make your Mortal Coil more powerful), those drakes are just overpowered right now and I have no idea why you wouldn't.
You might also wanna grab some Taunt in your Warlock deck, otherwise cards like the Questing Adventurer and Summoning Portal become really hard to defend (and you will most likely fail at doing so). Fel Guard is an interesting choice, but I would personally just grab Sen'jin Shieldmasta because while the Fel Guard costs one less the turn you use it, it will cost one more EVERY turn until you're at 10 mana. That's just not worth the pain. And the Shieldmasta is just rock solid. It has a really awkward health number, which makes it really hard to kill without using removal or trading two units for it. It's the very same reason that the Yeti is good. Only the Shieldmasta can't be ignored and can be used to protect, so he's better imo.

Gz, I haven't gotten a single legendary yet --.--

And yeah, definitely get Inner Fire and attack buffs over HP buffs.

Loot hoarder isn't necessarily better than novice engineer, engi gives an instant draw for a late game ludicrous draw whereas loot hoarder needs to be killed while unsilenced.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 5:36am | Report
how should your mana curve(how many 1/2/3/... mana cards) look when you create a deck?
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 5:45am | Report

how should your mana curve(how many 1/2/3/... mana cards) look when you create a deck?

Depends. A warlock or a shaman might want a lot of low drops while a druid might want to have a lot of high drops.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Thalia Kael

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<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 5:46am | Report

Loot hoarder isn't necessarily better than novice engineer, engi gives an instant draw for a late game ludicrous draw whereas loot hoarder needs to be killed while unsilenced.

Think about it this way:
Both give cards the great majority of the time.
So would you rather have a bad unit for free or a decent unit for free?
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 5:46am | Report
how should your mana curve(how many 1/2/3/... mana cards) look when you create a deck?

Not sure whether it's optimal since I've only just started playing, but most of my decks have ~4 cards with a mana cost of 1 or lower, 5 to 7 cards each for the 2 and 3 mana cost categories, then going back down to 1-4 cards for every category higher than that (6 and 7+ usually being the lowest categories with 2 or 3 cards each).

You definitely want to avoid having too many high cost cards because that can really screw you over if you're unlucky with your hand (or when facing a rush deck with a lot of low cost cards).

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!

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