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The issue of asylum seekers in Germany (and...

Creator: emoriam December 15, 2014 10:20am
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 5:13am | Report
Please elaborate, or I fear this will be a very short discussion.

Seems like brought up a discussion on their own ... :p
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 6:31am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:
Immigration is a point of discussion, anti-Islam marches are not.

I disagree. It's fine to march against a religion. It is however not fine to march against a people. And while this one seems mainly focused on the religion I'm pretty sure large parts of the movement are varying degrees of racist, just like our little Caucheka here. He constantly tries to hide his racist thoughts and messages in straw-men to divert attention and lend more credibility to his arguments than would otherwise be possible if he just came out being racist out of the gate. He also ignores rebuttals whenever he's cornered, which makes discussing with him kind of a pain.
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TROLLing1999's Forum Avatar
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 6:53am | Report
caucheka wrote:

1.its racist to not want immigrants to your country?

2.its racist to care about the future of your countrymen?

3.its racist to care about the future of your race?

In all 3, yes, it can be racism or even nationalism. It depends on what circumstances you are reffering to because in certain cases it can also be just patriotism, which is just fine.

You're totally prejudiced and missinformed about imigration, or you choose to be missinformed and cannot accept the general truth that immigration is not bad and actually neccessary for some countries. Most likely the people who are refugees are not those ISIS members but the ones who are afraid of ISIS and were forced to leave their homes because of it.

I want to ask you a question. Does your god, your color or your ethnicity makes you feel proud or more naturally blessed than someone in Africa or Syria? Because the only blessing you have compared to them is that you happened to have been born in a delevoped country. Does that one thing give you the right to exclude them from equal opportunity to a good future?
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 7:03am | Report
To be honest, so much ******** has been done in the name of religion it has come to the point where I think that not only are anti - Islam marches okay, but there should be a MASSIVE anti - religion march in general :>

About immigration in general, I'm not sure. I personally am not very fond of large amounts of people moving in to a place with a completely different culture, as differences will make sure of certain clashes (for lack of a better word, my English 2 gud) and uncomfortable situations. Of course, the people who are moving to Germany probably wouldn't mind those small clashes when compared to all the ISIS ******** going on right now, but the people from Germany aren't really obligated to deal with said clashes since they're in no way at fault for those events? Seems like a problem stemming from a moral standpoint to me (and also some hidden xenophobic undertones)
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 8:21am | Report
XeresAce wrote:
To be honest, so much ******** has been done in the name of religion it has come to the point where I think that not only are anti - Islam marches okay, but there should be a MASSIVE anti - religion march in general :>

About immigration in general, I'm not sure. I personally am not very fond of large amounts of people moving in to a place with a completely different culture, as differences will make sure of certain clashes (for lack of a better word, my English 2 gud) and uncomfortable situations. Of course, the people who are moving to Germany probably wouldn't mind those small clashes when compared to all the ISIS ******** going on right now, but the people from Germany aren't really obligated to deal with said clashes since they're in no way at fault for those events? Seems like a problem stemming from a moral standpoint to me (and also some hidden xenophobic undertones)

Great comment. Agree wholly. We need less religion in the world.
Less nationalism would be great too while at it, but baby steps I guess.
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 8:28am | Report
Searz wrote:

Great comment. Agree wholly. We need less religion in the world.
Less nationalism would be great too while at it, but baby steps I guess.

We thought that big steps were made after the end of the second world war, the foundation of the E.U. etc but half a centery later, there we are. It's just how quickly people forget. Take Greece for example; got invaded by Hitler in World War II, whole villages slaughtered and then 70 years later a nazi party is in the parliament, tragic isn't it?

This issue really comes down to education.
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 4:45pm | Report


there is literally nothing wrong with nationalism.

Does ... your ethnicity makes you feel proud

hell yes. i'm proud of my ancestors and their accomplishments in all fields, why is that a bad thing?

Because the only blessing you have compared to them is that you happened to have been born in a developed country.

i'm not even going to argue why that is wrong.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 6:58pm | Report
caucheka wrote:
i'm not even going to argue why that is wrong.

Of course you're not. Why are you even in a forum if you can't engage in discussion properly?
You just post ****loads of straw men, label people and ignore most serious rebuttals, sometimes coming back to pick out small parts of others' statements that you feel like you can **** on.

I was gonna respond to your first claim in this comment, but no, you're not ****ing worth it. You haven't responded to my first rebuttal so why the **** would I spend any time writing more of them? Stop acting like an idiot and people might start to think you're worth their time.
I'm a strong independent black mage who don't need no mana.
Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2014 11:41am | Report
Everyone who thinks: "Germans protesting against foreigners? DEFINITELY has something to do with Nazis!" is ******ed to no end...

Of course, racists are also attending these demonstrations, guess what? They are everywhere.
And even while this demo is abused by some right-wing groups, the whole Ferguson-incident had to suffer from way more racist BS for example.

Because we are talking about germans, all the uneducated numbskulls going ape**** over this "WW2 all over again, emarghed!!!"

Is there a reason for non-racist germans to protest against asylum seekers?
Yep, THEY have to pay for them!

I don't say Germany should stop immigration, but it should definitely stop picking up anyone because of some overzealous 60 years old guilt trip.

In 2011, the turkish prime minister Erdogan talked down on the german goverment for demanding that the turkish immigrants need to learn the german language.
He even demanded grade/high schools for turkish language only to be built on german ground...
Talking about islamisation.
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2014 11:55am | Report
Germany has got a great deal of immigrants from after WW2, alot of temporary workers were called over to help build up germany again.

Alot of these worksers, tho, stayed in Germany. Which was fine as they did the job no one wanted to do or jobs for which the Germans did not have enough people anymore.

Moving forward to the present, families of those workers are still living here but a part of them strictly refuse to embrace the german culture/language, while still 'abusing' the german social system.

And here comes what Dacurse implied, the Germans have to pay for those who are not working. It's not the government only. The social system in Germany collects taxed to support those who do not work / can't work / have children etc.

You get money for having children, 184€ per child until the 3rd one and then it decreases. And guess what, those immigrant families are pretty big.
Then you get HartzIV which pays people who have worked and are now workless while showing the will to look for more work.

Obviously, cause of those reasons Germany seems like a great country to search for asylum, but most people here would prefer to cherrish their culture (which is not Brezel/Weißwurst/Beer only).

I am an immigrant myself, (vietnamese tho) and just moved into a bigger town.
My hometown has 7k inhabitants and was one of the cities that labled themself 'officially Jewfree' first, and just recently they had a debate about building a moshee or not, which caused a huge uproar.

Here in the bigger city (100k inhabitants) I see more immigrants than german on the street. It is kinda scary how many people here aren't even german and additionaly are pretty anti-german, even tho they are living in Germany...

Ofcourse, I am not someone who is interested in politics alot, so I cannot discuss much about this as I also did not research any further than what I see daily.

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