Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Svadilfari wrote:
Does Ironman, Spidey or Wolverine have capes ?
A hero truly needs a costume.
No wai.
A hero just needs a skintight costume and a hawt body.
Mmm... Dat metal/spider/wolf ***.
"Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends." - Albert Bandura
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
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<Ancient Member>
I.e: Mike Rogers doesn't think it's rape unless the victim knows (s)he has been raped. Sounds legit.