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Whats the deal with anime?

Creator: Electro522 November 10, 2014 8:08am
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2014 3:45pm | Report
Electro522 wrote:
why is anime so popular?

Why is any piece of media popular?
Because it's entertaining.
But what makes a medium entertaining?
The real question is: what are the strengths of anime?
Probably the art-style. People like the art-style and thus like the medium.
Music according to some, but I personally don't see that as inherent to the medium.
Then there's stuff inherent to all animation: the ability to portray things that don't exist in the real world.
Shows like Attack on Titan just seem to show the same thing every episode. The shows with all the action get all the rage, but what about the calmer animes that are more like Game of Thrones, with so many plot twists that it makes your head spin?

Boy, oh boy are you writing about things you have no clue about.
Shingeki no Kyojin (let's use the original name here) has loads of plot twists and a pretty complex story, comparable to that of Game of Thrones in many ways.
It's a decent to good anime and a fantastic manga (the manga is far better, the anime made plenty of mistakes in its adaptation).
Electro522 wrote:
The original Pokemon was good, the original Yugioh was good, most of Digimon was decent, and the start of One Piece was really good. But its all gone downhill.

One Piece is a poor adaptation of the source material, like so many other anime.
The One Piece manga is actually pretty good, while the anime is mired with common problems in anime.
sirell wrote:
I very nearly got trapped in exactly that kind of lifestyle and I thank the heavens that I did not, that I spend a lot more time experiencing life as a whole package, rather than watching other people live their lives through a screen (seriously, when that clicked emotionally that I was wasting my time watching other people live their lives when I had mine - wasting mine - I felt so stupid and disgusted about myself).

I can't believe you wrote this in an otherwise so sensible commment.
I'm not okay with this attitude. What is wrong with people who do, nay, want that?
Is there something inherently wrong with doing that? Are they hurting anybody?
I think this is quite intolerant of you..
"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2014 3:56pm | Report
Vorcia wrote:
its easier display things such as emotion [...] in animation than it is live action

No, just no. Anime is clearly a less expressive medium when it comes to human emotion. That much should be blatantly obvious..
Reasons why I think most animes are bad;

1. Anime is a poor medium for portrayal of emotions.

2. Corners are often cut in animation to reduce costs.

3. Lots of rehashing and stereotypes.

(I rewrote the points to make them more succinct)

1. Agreed. Emotions are often very exaggerated in anime, possibly to get over the inherent difficulty of showing human emotion in something that isn't human(a drawing). There are shows that do it well obviously, but it's generally an inferior medium for that sort of thing when compared to live action.
Bad voice acting in dubs is the very reason I NEVER watch dubbed shows, no matter the language or medium.

2. Yup. This is almost universally bad. But after watching a bit of American animation on TV I can say that the same thing applies there too. This isn't something unique to Japanese animation.

3. Yes. Some people like the stereotypes, but I cannot for the life of me understand them. I get bored real easy when shows contain lots of them.

Overall I do agree that most anime is bad or mediocre, but it's important not to condemn them all because of that.
I simply don't watch a lot of anime myself because I know most aren't worth my time, but the good ones that are out there definitely warrant watching, because the medium definitely has some strengths too.

The rest of your points have already been covered pretty nicely by Lifebaka.
I could go on, but I've likely said enough to warrant a new status of hatred among the weeaboo masses of Mobafire.

You're a bit condemning of others in your comments. Try to tone that back, please.
I'm not part of that group, but I don't think it's right to make such assumptions about an entire group of people.
I'd disagree with that. Of course, no matter what, stuff like that will come off as "not being real" becuase it isn't real. But I still feel more connected to live action movies or shows portraying said types of powers than an anime or cartoon. Sure, the medium has more freedom with what actually can happen, but I generally feel like live action is more powerful. Take the recent marvel movies for example. The visuals in those are pretty astounding and a joy to watch.

It would be smarter to compare two pieces of media with equal budgets and runtimes.
If money just keeps being thrown at something until it looks good then it's obviously gonna look better than something made with a budget hundreds of times smaller. And if something meant to go on for 90minutes gets the same budget as something meant to go on for 300-600minutes then it's obviously gonna have more polish.
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Sep 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 12:32am | Report
Watching anime is no different than watching a Korean Drama, you do it for something you want to watch. (SnK sucks. So badly.). Anyways, look Anime is popular because people like it, why is any modern show like Modern Family popular? People like it and enjoy it. It makes them laugh, feel, and entertained. There's really no other reason people watch anime.
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... Man I used to say that stuff. It's been years.
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Jul 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 8:43am | Report
Searz wrote:

No, just no. Anime is clearly a less expressive medium when it comes to human emotion. That much should be blatantly obvious..

I said easier, not better.
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 9:35am | Report
Most of them are really childish has awkward romance in them and using weird "camera" angels on girls with tiny clothes that makes you wonder what kind of creep was making this. Been trying a to watch a lot of them but I guess I'm to "old" for the majority of the animes out there but I've enjoyed a few of them so far:

Fullmetal Alchemist: (both+movies) First anime I watched and the only reason why I started to find other animes to watch. It's childish, mature, funny, dark and just a great adventure.

Death Note: Good character development, good story with some interesting and well planned plot twists.

Steins;Gate: Great story, likeable characters. It's like Butterfly Effect with a mad scientist.

Sword Art Online: Season 1 was good mostly because of the mmorpg theme world, second season was kinda lame and had some awkward drama in it.

Attack on Titan: Haven't seen it? watch it! even if you're not a fan of anime. Good story, good voice acting, awesome animations and it's enjoyable even if you're not a anime fan.

Code Ge***: Good ending, some unexpected twists and decent characters. The voice acting in the Japanese version is really good.

Watched Another as well and it had a good mystique in the start of the season then it just went ham and it was blood everywhere which kinda ruined the whole atmosphere they built up in the early episodes.

Too lazy to write anything "in-depth" about them when it's much faster to just google it and read about them :P
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 10:04am | Report
Honestly, it's seriously difficult for an anime to keep my focus for more than a few episodes. I try really hard to want to watch them, but I end up watching 3 or 4, maybe 10-15 at the most, episodes and just totally losing interest.
Zylmoc's Forum Avatar
Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 10:08am | Report
I watched Leend of Korra with my little brother and found it entertaining. Anime is just like any piece of media some like it, some don't. I personally don't know how I feel seeing as LoK does not determine whether I will like anime as a genre, but I can seee why others would find it appealing.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 10:11am | Report
LoK lost me after the first season. It was already pushing it with all the personal drama (I have an innate dislike of personal drama as filler) in the first season and when that only got worse I got tired of it.

I watched AtlA entirely (and loved it) when I was younger, but the nostalgia from that did NOT carry over into LoK at all.
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Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 10:26am | Report
I gave AtlA a go a while ago but couldn't get into it. There is a degree of realism that must exist in any piece of media if it is to be popular. AtlA had some but sometimes I was bothered by how unrealistic at some points it got. Nonetheless I watched them while I was babysitting so that LoK could become clearer. Both were relatively childish in their own right so as a result i'm sure if korra was there in place of it Avatar you probably would have liked it just as much. Either way, that is just about as far as my anime venture has taken me.
Slappiz's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2014 10:31am | Report
Honestly, it's seriously difficult for an anime to keep my focus for more than a few episodes. I try really hard to want to watch them, but I end up watching 3 or 4, maybe 10-15 at the most, episodes and just totally losing interest.

I'm pretty much the same and it's pretty much how everything works for me. Games, Movies, Tv-shows, girls etc. if the first 30-60 min doesn't catch my attention I will probably just loose interest immediately. But sometimes I force myself to spend some more time on it and in 9 out of 10 times I realize how fkn right I was those first 30-60 min :P
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