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Whats the deal with anime?

Creator: Electro522 November 10, 2014 8:08am
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Slappiz's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 11:53am | Report

The same way people often think I'm really strange for watching loads of documentaries just for the hell of it, it's weird. The same way people always thought/think I was/am very weird for my obsessions with various things including Ancient Egypt, Harry Potter, insects and arachnids (remember some of the reactions to Neith?), The Dragonriders of Pern, and Forgotten Realms, among other things, it's weird. And the fact that you maybe have never heard of some of those things does not, in fact, actually make them weird.

I'm somewhat of an oddity among my friends my age because I still read books even though I'm no longer in school, that's a much more normal thing than watching anime, even now (whether you'd admit that or not), and some of them still call me "weird".

I donno what is strange or weird about this, seems like normal stuff to me.

Really, you can do one of two things: you can embrace your so-called "weirdness" and stop complaining/worrying that people think you're "strange" (because there will be people who do and it's unlikely you can change that) or you can be offended because someone said your hobby/that thing you like is "weird". It's your choice, but I'll tell you the former makes things a lot more fun.

Pretty much what I did in the good old days on this forum, but it eventually got me banned so I guess it's wrong to embrace your weirdness.
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Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2014 12:14pm | Report
I think "anime" should just mean EITHER Japanese animation or just animation. I mean in Japanese it just is short for "animation." When you define it by style it's too hard to define or makes weird implications. I'm cool with just calling everything animation, but in that case I would just call it animation instead of "anime" to avoid confusion.

Also, I think you misunderstand me a bit about different cultures mixing and animation differences. I don't really thing we should single out animation by countries. I think it's weird to be like "this is American cartoon style" and "this is Japanese cartoon style" or "this is French cartoon style," as if to imply that if any country ever does anything similar it is now them stealing from the other or something. I think animators and art directors can be creative, and since they've been influenced by other animation styles their whole life their preferences will show in their work, but in the end it is still their work. It's like saying that all current musicians are hacks because they're copying Tchaikovsky.

Honestly, I'm not gonna say I'm an expert on every country's animation styles. I think it often comes down to prevalent creators in each country that are popular and become associated with that country's animation. I think that's different than "Japanese animation is like this because it's a cultural thing." Not really, it's more like history of pop culture and technology. Like, you could say for America there is old disney style, disney renaissance style, new disney style, cartoon network style, adventure time style (I keep seeing this a lot now), etc etc.

IPodPulse wrote:

if I were to talk to my others friends about it they would insist that i'm sort of weirdo or call me gay

Sounds like you need new friends.
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TormentedTurnip's Forum Avatar
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Jan 23rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2014 12:49pm | Report
I think our views don't diverge on a fundamental level, we just have different opinions on which is truly a more reliable category: country of origin or style. I think we can both agree that labeling any Japanese animation as anime fails to narrow down to its intended audience and labeling a specific style of animation as anime fails to include variety. I don't think there can be an argument that objectively proves one way to categorize better than the other. ^_^
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2014 1:24pm | Report
Mowen wrote:
I think "anime" should just mean EITHER Japanese animation or just animation. I mean in Japanese it just is short for "animation." When you define it by style it's too hard to define or makes weird implications. I'm cool with just calling everything animation, but in that case I would just call it animation instead of "anime" to avoid confusion.

Yes, let's just call it animation. And then categorize with better categories. Like the general action, romance, comedy and shizzle.
I don't think there can be an argument that objectively proves one way to categorize better than the other. ^_^

With an experiment one could with reasonable objectivity determine the best way of categorizing things.
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2014 1:35pm | Report
I think our views don't diverge on a fundamental level, we just have different opinions on which is truly a more reliable category: country of origin or style. I think we can both agree that labeling any Japanese animation as anime fails to narrow down to its intended audience and labeling a specific style of animation as anime fails to include variety. I don't think there can be an argument that objectively proves one way to categorize better than the other. ^_^

Sounds good. :P

Searz wrote:
Yes, let's just call it animation. And then categorize with better categories. Like the general action, romance, comedy and shizzle.

Agree. The shizzle category is much needed.
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2014 4:36pm | Report
Mowen wrote:

Sounds like you need new friends.

Nah it wasn't intentional or anything. We recently came from a junior high where anime didn't exist but was replaced by basketball, when we went to high school anime was the biggest thing there and since we have never watched it we never understood it. Later on though I watched Death Note and started to get into anime more, when I told my friends they said that was pretty gay and I was weird but after a while they learned it was pretty normal to watch anime and was okay with me watching it. I used the word "would" in the previous statements to make it sound past tense but I failed at that :P

Still my best friends though.
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2014 2:20pm | Report
As an Anime fan of 18 years I should put my 10 cents into this somehow and I do apologize if I seem to ramble but I will give this a shot.

Personally I find what I love about anime is there is always something within that anyone could enjoy because we all have our preferences in the genres that we like to watch and how we like our stuff in the genre so if you like your Drama series but you prefer it with alot of Mature content you can find an anime that has that.

Also what I do love alot is the fact that Anime seems to break the boundaries of what some people may seem acceptable but manages to do it in a way alot of the time where you are not put off by it but instead you feel like watching on just to see how far they are prepared to take it...similar to when you used to go into those haunted houses at fairs but no matter how scared you got you moved forward rather than run back to the entrance.

But what I love the most is just how it looks and the stories that the movies and series tell you so beautifully and the scripts and dialogue within them can produce moments of great comedy or impactful and deep words that you can turn to someone in the future and use to help them in their day to day life.

As Kano Miyazawa (From His and Her Circumstances) says when she is asked how she has become so wise despite her age "Its the wisedom that I got from Comic Books" - Both funny and yet for an anime fan it couldn't be more true :)
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2014 2:59pm | Report
Have a rep, even though you could say all of those arguments also apply to other media.
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