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Whats the deal with anime?

Creator: Electro522 November 10, 2014 8:08am
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 14, 2014 4:11pm | Report
Wow Mowen, that was really impressive, loving the way you are standing up for what you think.

I don't really like the question itself, "Whats the deal with Anime?" is a pretty broad topic in the first place, You could say something like "Whats the deal with British TV" or "Whats the deal with Movies" and you could probably end up with the same sort of discussions we are having here, with some variation of course.

I am disagreeing with the bad rep Anime kinda got in this thread, pardon me if it isn't that because I haven't read every single persons posts (Would take too long). From what I have seen some people think Anime is pointless and stupid (In a serious matter), while most of the points acknowledge the fact that everyone has opinions they still are biases with their own opinion, there is nothing wrong with that but it seems to have gone to a point where it has overshadowed the opinions others while giving of an aura that if you watch anime you are some sort of weirdo.

I watch House M.D., yet no one has a problem with that. However once I bring up anime people give me a strange look. Yes there is obvious cultural difference but should I be considered different for enjoying a creation another culture has made? The same idea can be made with food, is it now wrong to eat food that is not made by the nation you currently live in? Of course not, now why is anime any different?

I'm pretty new to anime, but it helps me out in high school where anime is huge atm. I've made a bunch of friends that watch anime, are they different too? Of course not.

This entire topic is pointless, I have no idea why it is still going
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 14, 2014 5:16pm | Report
Mowen wrote:
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I believe I once tried getting into Fullmetal Alchemist, but was turned away at the language in it (and I'm not talking about a different language, I'm talking about f-bombs being dropped everywhere), although, I was quite young when I tried. The music I listen to now is porbably on the same lines as FMA, so, I'll think about watching it.

IPodPulse wrote:
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Like OTG said earlier in this thread, the subject of anime is quite important to a large population of MOBAfire.
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 14, 2014 6:27pm | Report
Electro522 wrote:

Like OTG said earlier in this thread, the subject of anime is quite important to a large population of MOBAfire.

I apologize, the word "topic" was a bit too vague. I meant the topic of anime being the weird or different thing.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2014 7:10am | Report
IPodPulse wrote:
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I hate to disillusion you, but it is weird. That being said, there's nothing wrong with that.

The same way people often think I'm really strange for watching loads of documentaries just for the hell of it, it's weird. The same way people always thought/think I was/am very weird for my obsessions with various things including Ancient Egypt, Harry Potter, insects and arachnids (remember some of the reactions to Neith?), The Dragonriders of Pern, and Forgotten Realms, among other things, it's weird. And the fact that you maybe have never heard of some of those things does not, in fact, actually make them weird.

I'm somewhat of an oddity among my friends my age because I still read books even though I'm no longer in school, that's a much more normal thing than watching anime, even now (whether you'd admit that or not), and some of them still call me "weird".

Really, you can do one of two things: you can embrace your so-called "weirdness" and stop complaining/worrying that people think you're "strange" (because there will be people who do and it's unlikely you can change that) or you can be offended because someone said your hobby/that thing you like is "weird". It's your choice, but I'll tell you the former makes things a lot more fun.
TormentedTurnip's Forum Avatar
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Jan 23rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2014 10:12am | Report
Mowen wrote:
It seems like you're encouraging stereotyping a whole country's animation to one style? I mean if you say "when you think ford, you think of trucks" and "when you think of anime, you think of big eyes and speed lines." Well both are true, but is that something we should encourage and keep perpetuating? Writing off a whole country's animated film and series as a specific genre and style?

I get your issue. There isn't a great way to refer to what (I think) you're trying to refer to. In the end I think it's a genre you like, and not a style. Animated action shows for young adults (or something).

Hm, not precisely...I'll admit the summary in my previous comment was pretty poor. What I should've said is that it's okay to generalize a style while realizing that it's not always the case. Ford and Toyota have different images while still producing many of the same automobiles, and I think that's the same with cartoons and anime. While I realize it's unfair to categorize all Japanese animations into one genre or style, I do believe that if you do, there is, overall, a distinction between them and the average American animation. You mentioned earlier about "where to draw the line" on style because of the international influences that that inspire similarities among animation from different countries. But if you were to argue that these influences are so significant that no distinction can be made at all, why should there be a line at all? Why should Japanese animation be labeled anime and American animation be labeled cartoons if there are no differences between them? I therefore think it's justified to, as you said, stereotype (provided, as I mentioned, that you understand how varied animations can be).

Mowen wrote:
Honestly, to me, people shouldn't limit themselves to shows based on how the characters look, or should appreciate more different styles. As you can tell, I'm very passionate about animation. I love animated movies and shows, because you can tell any story you want, without being limited by available actors, settings, etc. I've grown to appreciate all different kinds of styles, and that's why I get so sad when people lump in animation that is beautiful and unique and say "it's anime style."

I think you could show people characters from Legend of Korra, The Boondocks, Black Dynamite, Thundercats (2011), Young Justice, all American shows, and many people would say they are anime, even though they are all different in their own rights. The art directors for all these shows spent a lot of blood and sweat coming up with the style they thought would fit their show best, and it seems a little degrading to their work to go "it's anime style." Really, they are all just high quality animated shows, and don't deserved to be lumped together except for saying "these are great shows."

To a point, I agree with you about judging something based on how it looks. I try not to let a show's animation style affect my enjoyment of it, and I definitely give anything a shot provided its premise intrigues me. But sometimes an art style can just be so off-putting that it makes the show difficult to watch. When I mentioned stylistic differences earlier, though, I did not mean how things are drawn, but rather cultural differences that affect the show in any (usually subtle) way. For example, people interact with others differently in America in and Japan, and that shows in quite a few anime, such as using surnames and honorifics differently, how people treat peers, upperclassmen, etc, and even how people eat.

Mowen wrote:
What is so important about them being "anime" or not anyways? Well, that's about all I have to say about that. I appreciate you guys seeing the point for the most part.

I agree. Personally, I'd rather just call everything animation, categorize it by genre, and watch it based on plot.

Mowen wrote:

Of these, I've only seen FullMetal Alchemist, but I definitely would recommend it as well. ^_^

I'm currently watching Parasyte -the Maxim- and if it continues to play out how it has been, it's likely going to end up as one of my top three.
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2014 11:14am | Report
I hate to disillusion you, but it is weird. That being said, there's nothing wrong with that.

The same way people often think I'm really strange for watching loads of documentaries just for the hell of it, it's weird. The same way people always thought/think I was/am very weird for my obsessions with various things including Ancient Egypt, Harry Potter, insects and arachnids (remember some of the reactions to Neith?), The Dragonriders of Pern, and Forgotten Realms, among other things, it's weird. And the fact that you maybe have never heard of some of those things does not, in fact, actually make them weird.

I'm somewhat of an oddity among my friends my age because I still read books even though I'm no longer in school, that's a much more normal thing than watching anime, even now (whether you'd admit that or not), and some of them still call me "weird".

Really, you can do one of two things: you can embrace your so-called "weirdness" and stop complaining/worrying that people think you're "strange" (because there will be people who do and it's unlikely you can change that) or you can be offended because someone said your hobby/that thing you like is "weird". It's your choice, but I'll tell you the former makes things a lot more fun.

I understand that weird is okay, I guess I just don't like to look people give others for liking it. For example, I watch anime, I like watching it, it's a nice entertainment at times and I can talk to some of my friends about it, however if I were to talk to my others friends about it they would insist that i'm sort of weirdo or call me gay. I have embraced things that are odd about me and like you said it makes things a lot more fun, It just annoys me that liking something somehow tells someone everything about you, the instant assumption that you are a stereotypical person because you enjoy something of that particular interest. I guess that's my problem, I don't like people jumping to conclusions about people, especially with them not knowing anything else about them or there reason to do so.

I should probably stop posting before I make myself look like an idiot
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2014 11:28am | Report
Yes, and people regularly assume I'm a stereotypical "gamer chick" who can't even figure out which way is up in Skyrim and can't possibly actually know anything about any of the games I play.

Stereotypes suck, but they usually exist because more than a small portion of the group in question behaves a certain way, whether people will admit it or not. The answer is to just not care what stereotypes people label you with and just do what makes you happy because it makes you happy. In the long run, you will be much happier if you do.

EDIT: I do apologize for getting somewhat off-topic, but I find this general attitude of "omg you guys are stereotyping us" really annoying when it's not like you wouldn't do the exact same thing to other people in another situation.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 5:38am | Report
But if you were to argue that these influences are so significant that no distinction can be made at all, why should there be a line at all?

Precisely this. This is where Mowen's logic falters. I do not think there is a need for the label of "anime" to exist at all.
Anime is a wide enough label to make it essentially useless for defining the characteristics of a piece of media in the animation category.
Just call it freaking animation.
Even the label "cartoons" has the connotation that it is for younger audiences, so why not just stick to the core label "animation" here?
people regularly assume I'm a stereotypical "gamer chick" who can't even figure out which way is up in Skyrim and can't possibly actually know anything about any of the games I play.

Wait, I thought all gamer chicks went to medieval conventions and kept spiders in their pants.
I find this general attitude of "omg you guys are stereotyping us" really annoying when it's not like you wouldn't do the exact same thing to other people in another situation.

Well said. The realization that you have in fact been stereotyping others even when you dislike being stereotyped yourself is an important one to come to.

Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 6:16am | Report
Stereotypical gamer girls aren't girls who play video games but don't know how to play them and don't understand the complicated controls (such as the ones in skyrim) or don't know what's going on the game because they're too stupid to understand video game plots; they're girls who play video games so that they get attention (from guys) - because playing games as a girl is very cool. Or at least that's what I thought.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 7:41am | Report
Stereotypical gamer girls aren't girls who play video games but don't know how to play them and don't understand the complicated controls (such as the ones in skyrim) or don't know what's going on the game because they're too stupid to understand video game plots; they're girls who play video games so that they get attention (from guys) - because playing games as a girl is very cool. Or at least that's what I thought.
The way people have acted towards me, in the past, is that "gamer chicks" (gamer girls/girl gamers have different connotations) are girls who not only play games to get attention but also have no idea how to actually play them and are doing it purely for the attention. I mean, people ask stupid things like "did you get elo boosted to be in Silver? girls are too bad at league to get there on their own" without having played with me (or any other girl, I would assume). Who in their right mind would pay to get elo boosted to Silver? come on. And this isn't based on things I say, because I don't sit and talk theory crafting on, say, my twitter account. At nearly 500 followers, dealing with that on Twitter anymore is a rare occurrence though.

I rarely post screenshots of questionable things, because I rarely play them anymore

EDIT: It should be noted the same people talk to me about league and other games and usually feel like they've judged me unfairly afterwards.
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